blob: dfed4e283b63f19c46203c18681f2ac3c269a022 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import org.codehaus.jackson.type.JavaType;
import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference;
* Class used for creating concrete {@link JavaType} instances,
* given various inputs.
* As of Jackson 1.8, usage should be done using instance configured
* via {@link} (and exposed through
* {@link} and
* {@link}).
* However, old static-singleton access methods are supported as well; however,
* using those may cause issues with extension modules that register
* "type enchancers".
* Typical usage pattern before Jackson 1.8 was to statically import factory methods
* of this class, to allow convenient instantiation of structured
* types, especially {@link Collection} and {@link Map} types
* to represent generic types. For example
* mapType(String.class, Integer.class)
* to represent
* Map&lt;String,Integer>
* This is an alternative to using {@link TypeReference} that would
* be something like
* new TypeReference&lt;Map&lt;String,Integer>>() { }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public final class TypeFactory
* Globally shared singleton. Should never be accessed directly; non-core
* code should use per-ObjectMapper instance (via configuration objects).
* Core Jackson code uses {@link #defaultInstance} for accessing it.
* @deprecated As of 1.8, should use a per-ObjectMapper instance instead
* of global singleton
public final static TypeFactory instance = new TypeFactory();
private final static JavaType[] NO_TYPES = new JavaType[0];
* Registered {@link TypeModifier}s: objects that can change details
* of {@link JavaType} instances factory constructs.
* @since 1.8
protected final TypeModifier[] _modifiers;
protected final TypeParser _parser;
* Looks like construction of {@link JavaType} instances can be
* a bottleneck, esp. for root-level Maps, so we better do bit
* of low-level component caching here...
* Lazily constructed copy of type hierarchy from {@link java.util.HashMap}
* to its supertypes.
* @since 1.9
protected HierarchicType _cachedHashMapType;
* Lazily constructed copy of type hierarchy from {@link java.util.ArrayList}
* to its supertypes.
* @since 1.9
protected HierarchicType _cachedArrayListType;
/* Life-cycle
private TypeFactory() {
_parser = new TypeParser(this);
_modifiers = null;
protected TypeFactory(TypeParser p, TypeModifier[] mods) {
_parser = p;
_modifiers = mods;
public TypeFactory withModifier(TypeModifier mod)
if (_modifiers == null) {
return new TypeFactory(_parser, new TypeModifier[] { mod });
return new TypeFactory(_parser, ArrayBuilders.insertInListNoDup(_modifiers, mod));
* Method used to access the globally shared instance, which has
* no custom configuration. Used by <code>ObjectMapper</code> to
* get the default factory when constructed.
* @since 1.8
public static TypeFactory defaultInstance() { return instance; }
/* Static methods for non-instance-specific functionality
* Method for constructing a marker type that indicates missing generic
* type information, which is handled same as simple type for
* <code>java.lang.Object</code>.
* @since 1.8
public static JavaType unknownType() {
return defaultInstance()._unknownType();
public static Class<?> rawClass(Type t) {
if (t instanceof Class<?>) {
return (Class<?>) t;
// Can optimize bit more in future...
return defaultInstance().constructType(t).getRawClass();
/* Legacy factory methods (pre-1.8)
public static JavaType type(Type t) {
return instance._constructType(t, null);
public static JavaType type(Type type, Class<?> context) {
return instance.constructType(type, context);
public static JavaType type(Type type, JavaType context) {
return instance.constructType(type, context);
public static JavaType type(Type type, TypeBindings bindings) {
return instance._constructType(type, bindings);
public static JavaType type(TypeReference<?> ref) {
return instance.constructType(ref.getType());
public static JavaType arrayType(Class<?> elementType) {
return instance.constructArrayType(instance.constructType(elementType));
public static JavaType arrayType(JavaType elementType) {
return instance.constructArrayType(elementType);
public static JavaType collectionType(Class<? extends Collection> collectionType, Class<?> elementType) {
return instance.constructCollectionType(collectionType, instance.constructType(elementType));
public static JavaType collectionType(Class<? extends Collection> collectionType, JavaType elementType) {
return instance.constructCollectionType(collectionType, elementType);
public static JavaType mapType(Class<? extends Map> mapClass, Class<?> keyType, Class<?> valueType)
return instance.constructMapType(mapClass, type(keyType), instance.constructType(valueType));
public static JavaType mapType(Class<? extends Map> mapType, JavaType keyType, JavaType valueType) {
return instance.constructMapType(mapType, keyType, valueType);
public static JavaType parametricType(Class<?> parametrized, Class<?>... parameterClasses) {
return instance.constructParametricType(parametrized, parameterClasses);
public static JavaType parametricType(Class<?> parametrized, JavaType... parameterTypes) {
return instance.constructParametricType(parametrized, parameterTypes);
public static JavaType fromCanonical(String canonical) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return instance.constructFromCanonical(canonical);
public static JavaType specialize(JavaType baseType, Class<?> subclass) {
return instance.constructSpecializedType(baseType, subclass);
public static JavaType fastSimpleType(Class<?> cls) {
return instance.uncheckedSimpleType(cls);
public static JavaType[] findParameterTypes(Class<?> clz, Class<?> expType) {
return instance.findTypeParameters(clz, expType);
public static JavaType[] findParameterTypes(Class<?> clz, Class<?> expType, TypeBindings bindings) {
return instance.findTypeParameters(clz, expType, bindings);
public static JavaType[] findParameterTypes(JavaType type, Class<?> expType) {
return instance.findTypeParameters(type, expType);
/* Legacy methods
* Factory method that can be used if only type information
* available is of type {@link Class}. This means that there
* will not be generic type information due to type erasure,
* but at least it will be possible to recognize array
* types and non-typed container types.
* And for other types (primitives/wrappers, beans), this
* is all that is needed.
* @deprecated Use {@link #type(Type)} instead
public static JavaType fromClass(Class<?> clz)
return instance._fromClass(clz, null);
* Factory method that can be used if the full generic type has
* been passed using {@link TypeReference}. This only needs to be
* done if the root type to bind to is generic; but if so,
* it must be done to get proper typing.
* @deprecated Use {@link #type(Type)} instead
public static JavaType fromTypeReference(TypeReference<?> ref)
return type(ref.getType());
* Factory method that can be used if type information is passed
* as Java typing returned from <code>getGenericXxx</code> methods
* (usually for a return or argument type).
* @deprecated Use {@link #type(Type)} instead
public static JavaType fromType(Type type)
return instance._constructType(type, null);
/* Type conversion, parameterization resolution methods
* Factory method for creating a subtype of given base type, as defined
* by specified subclass; but retaining generic type information if any.
* Can be used, for example, to get equivalent of "HashMap&lt;String,Integer>"
* from "Map&ltString,Integer>" by giving <code>HashMap.class</code>
* as subclass.
public JavaType constructSpecializedType(JavaType baseType, Class<?> subclass)
// Currently only SimpleType instances can become something else
if (baseType instanceof SimpleType) {
// and only if subclass is an array, Collection or Map
if (subclass.isArray()
|| Map.class.isAssignableFrom(subclass)
|| Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(subclass)) {
// need to assert type compatibility...
if (!baseType.getRawClass().isAssignableFrom(subclass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class "+subclass.getClass().getName()+" not subtype of "+baseType);
// this _should_ work, right?
JavaType subtype = _fromClass(subclass, new TypeBindings(this, baseType.getRawClass()));
// one more thing: handlers to copy?
Object h = baseType.getValueHandler();
if (h != null) {
// subtype.setValueHandler(h);
subtype = subtype.withValueHandler(h);
h = baseType.getTypeHandler();
if (h != null) {
subtype = subtype.withTypeHandler(h);
return subtype;
// otherwise regular narrowing should work just fine
return baseType.narrowBy(subclass);
* Factory method for constructing a {@link JavaType} out of its canonical
* representation (see {@link JavaType#toCanonical()}).
* @param canonical Canonical string representation of a type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If canonical representation is malformed,
* or class that type represents (including its generic parameters) is
* not found
* @since 1.8
public JavaType constructFromCanonical(String canonical) throws IllegalArgumentException
return _parser.parse(canonical);
* Method that is to figure out actual type parameters that given
* class binds to generic types defined by given (generic)
* interface or class.
* This could mean, for example, trying to figure out
* key and value types for Map implementations.
* @param type Sub-type (leaf type) that implements <code>expType</code>
* @since 1.6
public JavaType[] findTypeParameters(JavaType type, Class<?> expType)
/* Tricky part here is that some JavaType instances have been constructed
* from generic type (usually via TypeReference); and in those case
* types have been resolved. Alternative is that the leaf type is type-erased
* class, in which case this has not been done.
* For now simplest way to handle this is to split processing in two: latter
* case actually fully works; and former mostly works. In future may need to
* rewrite former part, which requires changes to JavaType as well.
Class<?> raw = type.getRawClass();
if (raw == expType) {
// Direct type info; good since we can return it as is
int count = type.containedTypeCount();
if (count == 0) return null;
JavaType[] result = new JavaType[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
result[i] = type.containedType(i);
return result;
/* Otherwise need to go through type-erased class. This may miss cases where
* we get generic type; ideally JavaType/SimpleType would retain information
* about generic declaration at main level... but let's worry about that
* if/when there are problems; current handling is an improvement over earlier
* code.
return findTypeParameters(raw, expType, new TypeBindings(this, type));
public JavaType[] findTypeParameters(Class<?> clz, Class<?> expType) {
return findTypeParameters(clz, expType, new TypeBindings(this, clz));
public JavaType[] findTypeParameters(Class<?> clz, Class<?> expType, TypeBindings bindings)
// First: find full inheritance chain
HierarchicType subType = _findSuperTypeChain(clz, expType);
// Caller is supposed to ensure this never happens, so:
if (subType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class "+clz.getName()+" is not a subtype of "+expType.getName());
// Ok and then go to the ultimate super-type:
HierarchicType superType = subType;
while (superType.getSuperType() != null) {
superType = superType.getSuperType();
Class<?> raw = superType.getRawClass();
TypeBindings newBindings = new TypeBindings(this, raw);
if (superType.isGeneric()) { // got bindings, need to resolve
ParameterizedType pt = superType.asGeneric();
Type[] actualTypes = pt.getActualTypeArguments();
TypeVariable<?>[] vars = raw.getTypeParameters();
int len = actualTypes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
String name = vars[i].getName();
JavaType type = instance._constructType(actualTypes[i], bindings);
newBindings.addBinding(name, type);
bindings = newBindings;
// which ought to be generic (if not, it's raw type)
if (!superType.isGeneric()) {
return null;
return bindings.typesAsArray();
/* Public factory methods
public JavaType constructType(Type type) {
return _constructType(type, null);
public JavaType constructType(Type type, TypeBindings bindings) {
return _constructType(type, bindings);
public JavaType constructType(TypeReference<?> typeRef) {
return _constructType(typeRef.getType(), null);
public JavaType constructType(Type type, Class<?> context) {
TypeBindings b = (context == null) ? null : new TypeBindings(this, context);
return _constructType(type, b);
public JavaType constructType(Type type, JavaType context) {
TypeBindings b = (context == null) ? null : new TypeBindings(this, context);
return _constructType(type, b);
* Factory method that can be used if type information is passed
* as Java typing returned from <code>getGenericXxx</code> methods
* (usually for a return or argument type).
public JavaType _constructType(Type type, TypeBindings context)
JavaType resultType;
// simple class?
if (type instanceof Class<?>) {
Class<?> cls = (Class<?>) type;
/* 24-Mar-2010, tatu: Better create context if one was not passed;
* mostly matters for root serialization types
if (context == null) {
context = new TypeBindings(this, cls);
resultType = _fromClass(cls, context);
// But if not, need to start resolving.
else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
resultType = _fromParamType((ParameterizedType) type, context);
else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
resultType = _fromArrayType((GenericArrayType) type, context);
else if (type instanceof TypeVariable<?>) {
resultType = _fromVariable((TypeVariable<?>) type, context);
else if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
resultType = _fromWildcard((WildcardType) type, context);
} else {
// sanity check
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized Type: "+type.toString());
/* [JACKSON-521]: Need to allow TypeModifiers to alter actual type; however,
* for now only call for simple types (i.e. not for arrays, map or collections).
* Can be changed in future it necessary
if (_modifiers != null && !resultType.isContainerType()) {
for (TypeModifier mod : _modifiers) {
resultType = mod.modifyType(resultType, type, context, this);
return resultType;
/* Direct factory methods
* Method for constructing an {@link ArrayType}.
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on array type itself; but are called
* for element type (and other contained types)
public ArrayType constructArrayType(Class<?> elementType) {
return ArrayType.construct(_constructType(elementType, null), null, null);
* Method for constructing an {@link ArrayType}.
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on array type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
public ArrayType constructArrayType(JavaType elementType) {
return ArrayType.construct(elementType, null, null);
* Method for constructing a {@link CollectionType}.
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on Collection type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
public CollectionType constructCollectionType(Class<? extends Collection> collectionClass, Class<?> elementClass) {
return CollectionType.construct(collectionClass, constructType(elementClass));
* Method for constructing a {@link CollectionType}.
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on Collection type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
public CollectionType constructCollectionType(Class<? extends Collection> collectionClass, JavaType elementType) {
return CollectionType.construct(collectionClass, elementType);
* Method for constructing a {@link CollectionLikeType}.
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
* @since 1.8
public CollectionLikeType constructCollectionLikeType(Class<?> collectionClass, Class<?> elementClass) {
return CollectionLikeType.construct(collectionClass, constructType(elementClass));
* Method for constructing a {@link CollectionLikeType}.
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
* @since 1.8
public CollectionLikeType constructCollectionLikeType(Class<?> collectionClass, JavaType elementType) {
return CollectionLikeType.construct(collectionClass, elementType);
* Method for constructing a {@link MapType} instance
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
* @since 1.8
public MapType constructMapType(Class<? extends Map> mapClass, JavaType keyType, JavaType valueType) {
return MapType.construct(mapClass, keyType, valueType);
* Method for constructing a {@link MapType} instance
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
* @since 1.8
public MapType constructMapType(Class<? extends Map> mapClass, Class<?> keyClass, Class<?> valueClass) {
return MapType.construct(mapClass, constructType(keyClass), constructType(valueClass));
* Method for constructing a {@link MapLikeType} instance
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
* @since 1.8
public MapLikeType constructMapLikeType(Class<?> mapClass, JavaType keyType, JavaType valueType) {
return MapLikeType.construct(mapClass, keyType, valueType);
* Method for constructing a {@link MapLikeType} instance
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
* @since 1.8
public MapLikeType constructMapLikeType(Class<?> mapClass, Class<?> keyClass, Class<?> valueClass) {
return MapType.construct(mapClass, constructType(keyClass), constructType(valueClass));
* Method for constructing a type instance with specified parameterization.
* @since 1.8
public JavaType constructSimpleType(Class<?> rawType, JavaType[] parameterTypes)
// Quick sanity check: must match numbers of types with expected...
TypeVariable<?>[] typeVars = rawType.getTypeParameters();
if (typeVars.length != parameterTypes.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter type mismatch for "+rawType.getName()
+": expected "+typeVars.length+" parameters, was given "+parameterTypes.length);
String[] names = new String[typeVars.length];
for (int i = 0, len = typeVars.length; i < len; ++i) {
names[i] = typeVars[i].getName();
JavaType resultType = new SimpleType(rawType, names, parameterTypes, null, null);
return resultType;
* Method that will force construction of a simple type, without trying to
* check for more specialized types.
* NOTE: no type modifiers are called on type either, so calling this method
* should only be used if caller really knows what it's doing...
* @since 1.8
public JavaType uncheckedSimpleType(Class<?> cls) {
return new SimpleType(cls);
* Factory method for constructing {@link JavaType} that
* represents a parameterized type. For example, to represent
* type <code>List&lt;Set&lt;Integer>></code>, you could
* call
* TypeFactory.parametricType(List.class, Integer.class);
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
* @since 1.5
public JavaType constructParametricType(Class<?> parametrized, Class<?>... parameterClasses)
int len = parameterClasses.length;
JavaType[] pt = new JavaType[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
pt[i] = _fromClass(parameterClasses[i], null);
return constructParametricType(parametrized, pt);
* Factory method for constructing {@link JavaType} that
* represents a parameterized type. For example, to represent
* type <code>List&lt;Set&lt;Integer>></code>, you could
* call
* JavaType inner = TypeFactory.parametricType(Set.class, Integer.class);
* TypeFactory.parametricType(List.class, inner);
* NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called
* for contained types.
* @since 1.5
public JavaType constructParametricType(Class<?> parametrized, JavaType... parameterTypes)
JavaType resultType;
// Need to check kind of class we are dealing with...
if (parametrized.isArray()) {
// 19-Jan-2010, tatus: should we support multi-dimensional arrays directly?
if (parameterTypes.length != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need exactly 1 parameter type for arrays ("+parametrized.getName()+")");
resultType = constructArrayType(parameterTypes[0]);
else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(parametrized)) {
if (parameterTypes.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need exactly 2 parameter types for Map types ("+parametrized.getName()+")");
resultType = constructMapType((Class<Map<?,?>>)parametrized, parameterTypes[0], parameterTypes[1]);
else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(parametrized)) {
if (parameterTypes.length != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need exactly 1 parameter type for Collection types ("+parametrized.getName()+")");
resultType = constructCollectionType((Class<Collection<?>>)parametrized, parameterTypes[0]);
} else {
resultType = constructSimpleType(parametrized, parameterTypes);
return resultType;
/* Direct factory methods for "raw" variants, used when
/* parameterization is unknown
* Method that can be used to construct "raw" Collection type; meaning that its
* parameterization is unknown.
* This is similar to using <code>Object.class</code> parameterization,
* and is equivalent to calling:
* typeFactory.constructCollectionType(collectionClass, typeFactory.unknownType());
* This method should only be used if parameterization is completely unavailable.
* @since 1.9
public CollectionType constructRawCollectionType(Class<? extends Collection> collectionClass) {
return CollectionType.construct(collectionClass, unknownType());
* Method that can be used to construct "raw" Collection-like type; meaning that its
* parameterization is unknown.
* This is similar to using <code>Object.class</code> parameterization,
* and is equivalent to calling:
* typeFactory.constructCollectionLikeType(collectionClass, typeFactory.unknownType());
* This method should only be used if parameterization is completely unavailable.
* @since 1.9
public CollectionLikeType constructRawCollectionLikeType(Class<?> collectionClass) {
return CollectionLikeType.construct(collectionClass, unknownType());
* Method that can be used to construct "raw" Map type; meaning that its
* parameterization is unknown.
* This is similar to using <code>Object.class</code> parameterization,
* and is equivalent to calling:
* typeFactory.constructMapType(collectionClass, typeFactory.unknownType(), typeFactory.unknownType());
* This method should only be used if parameterization is completely unavailable.
* @since 1.9
public MapType constructRawMapType(Class<? extends Map> mapClass) {
return MapType.construct(mapClass, unknownType(), unknownType());
* Method that can be used to construct "raw" Map-like type; meaning that its
* parameterization is unknown.
* This is similar to using <code>Object.class</code> parameterization,
* and is equivalent to calling:
* typeFactory.constructMapLikeType(collectionClass, typeFactory.unknownType(), typeFactory.unknownType());
* This method should only be used if parameterization is completely unavailable.
* @since 1.9
public MapLikeType constructRawMapLikeType(Class<?> mapClass) {
return MapLikeType.construct(mapClass, unknownType(), unknownType());
/* Actual factory methods
* @param context Mapping of formal parameter declarations (for generic
* types) into actual types
protected JavaType _fromClass(Class<?> clz, TypeBindings context)
// First: do we have an array type?
if (clz.isArray()) {
return ArrayType.construct(_constructType(clz.getComponentType(), null), null, null);
/* Also: although enums can also be fully resolved, there's little
* point in doing so (T extends Enum<T>) etc.
if (clz.isEnum()) {
return new SimpleType(clz);
/* Maps and Collections aren't quite as hot; problem is, due
* to type erasure we often do not know typing and can only assume
* base Object.
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) {
return _mapType(clz);
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) {
return _collectionType(clz);
return new SimpleType(clz);
* Method used by {@link TypeParser} when generics-aware version
* is constructed.
protected JavaType _fromParameterizedClass(Class<?> clz, List<JavaType> paramTypes)
if (clz.isArray()) { // ignore generics (should never have any)
return ArrayType.construct(_constructType(clz.getComponentType(), null), null, null);
if (clz.isEnum()) { // ditto for enums
return new SimpleType(clz);
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) {
// First: if we do have param types, use them
JavaType keyType, contentType;
if (paramTypes.size() > 0) {
keyType = paramTypes.get(0);
contentType = (paramTypes.size() >= 2) ?
paramTypes.get(1) : _unknownType();
return MapType.construct(clz, keyType, contentType);
return _mapType(clz);
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) {
if (paramTypes.size() >= 1) {
return CollectionType.construct(clz, paramTypes.get(0));
return _collectionType(clz);
if (paramTypes.size() == 0) {
return new SimpleType(clz);
JavaType[] pt = paramTypes.toArray(new JavaType[paramTypes.size()]);
return constructSimpleType(clz, pt);
* This method deals with parameterized types, that is,
* first class generic classes.
* Since version 1.2, this resolves all parameterized types, not just
* Maps or Collections.
protected JavaType _fromParamType(ParameterizedType type, TypeBindings context)
/* First: what is the actual base type? One odd thing
* is that 'getRawType' returns Type, not Class<?> as
* one might expect. But let's assume it is always of
* type Class: if not, need to add more code to resolve
* it to Class.
Class<?> rawType = (Class<?>) type.getRawType();
Type[] args = type.getActualTypeArguments();
int paramCount = (args == null) ? 0 : args.length;
JavaType[] pt;
if (paramCount == 0) {
pt = NO_TYPES;
} else {
pt = new JavaType[paramCount];
for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; ++i) {
pt[i] = _constructType(args[i], context);
// Ok: Map or Collection?
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
JavaType subtype = constructSimpleType(rawType, pt);
JavaType[] mapParams = findTypeParameters(subtype, Map.class);
if (mapParams.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find 2 type parameters for Map class "+rawType.getName()+" (found "+mapParams.length+")");
return MapType.construct(rawType, mapParams[0], mapParams[1]);
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
JavaType subtype = constructSimpleType(rawType, pt);
JavaType[] collectionParams = findTypeParameters(subtype, Collection.class);
if (collectionParams.length != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find 1 type parameter for Collection class "+rawType.getName()+" (found "+collectionParams.length+")");
return CollectionType.construct(rawType, collectionParams[0]);
if (paramCount == 0) { // no generics
return new SimpleType(rawType);
return constructSimpleType(rawType, pt);
protected JavaType _fromArrayType(GenericArrayType type, TypeBindings context)
JavaType compType = _constructType(type.getGenericComponentType(), context);
return ArrayType.construct(compType, null, null);
protected JavaType _fromVariable(TypeVariable<?> type, TypeBindings context)
/* 26-Sep-2009, tatus: It should be possible to try "partial"
* resolution; meaning that it is ok not to find bindings.
* For now this is indicated by passing null context.
if (context == null) {
return _unknownType();
// Ok: here's where context might come in handy!
String name = type.getName();
JavaType actualType = context.findType(name);
if (actualType != null) {
return actualType;
/* 29-Jan-2010, tatu: We used to throw exception here, if type was
* bound: but the problem is that this can occur for generic "base"
* method, overridden by sub-class. If so, we will want to ignore
* current type (for method) since it will be masked.
Type[] bounds = type.getBounds();
// With type variables we must use bound information.
// Theoretically this gets tricky, as there may be multiple
// bounds ("... extends A & B"); and optimally we might
// want to choose the best match. Also, bounds are optional;
// but here we are lucky in that implicit "Object" is
// added as bounds if so.
// Either way let's just use the first bound, for now, and
// worry about better match later on if there is need.
/* 29-Jan-2010, tatu: One more problem are recursive types
* (T extends Comparable<T>). Need to add "placeholder"
* for resolution to catch those.
return _constructType(bounds[0], context);
protected JavaType _fromWildcard(WildcardType type, TypeBindings context)
/* Similar to challenges with TypeVariable, we may have
* multiple upper bounds. But it is also possible that if
* upper bound defaults to Object, we might want to consider
* lower bounds instead.
* For now, we won't try anything more advanced; above is
* just for future reference.
return _constructType(type.getUpperBounds()[0], context);
private JavaType _mapType(Class<?> rawClass)
JavaType[] typeParams = findTypeParameters(rawClass, Map.class);
// ok to have no types ("raw")
if (typeParams == null) {
return MapType.construct(rawClass, _unknownType(), _unknownType());
// but exactly 2 types if any found
if (typeParams.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strange Map type "+rawClass.getName()+": can not determine type parameters");
return MapType.construct(rawClass, typeParams[0], typeParams[1]);
private JavaType _collectionType(Class<?> rawClass)
JavaType[] typeParams = findTypeParameters(rawClass, Collection.class);
// ok to have no types ("raw")
if (typeParams == null) {
return CollectionType.construct(rawClass, _unknownType());
// but exactly 2 types if any found
if (typeParams.length != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strange Collection type "+rawClass.getName()+": can not determine type parameters");
return CollectionType.construct(rawClass, typeParams[0]);
protected JavaType _resolveVariableViaSubTypes(HierarchicType leafType, String variableName, TypeBindings bindings)
// can't resolve raw types; possible to have as-of-yet-unbound types too:
if (leafType != null && leafType.isGeneric()) {
TypeVariable<?>[] typeVariables = leafType.getRawClass().getTypeParameters();
for (int i = 0, len = typeVariables.length; i < len; ++i) {
TypeVariable<?> tv = typeVariables[i];
if (variableName.equals(tv.getName())) {
// further resolution needed?
Type type = leafType.asGeneric().getActualTypeArguments()[i];
if (type instanceof TypeVariable<?>) {
return _resolveVariableViaSubTypes(leafType.getSubType(), ((TypeVariable<?>) type).getName(), bindings);
// no we're good for the variable (but it may have parameterization of its own)
return _constructType(type, bindings);
return _unknownType();
protected JavaType _unknownType() {
return new SimpleType(Object.class);
/* Helper methods
* Helper method used to find inheritance (implements, extends) path
* between given types, if one exists (caller generally checks before
* calling this method). Returned type represents given <b>subtype</b>,
* with supertype linkage extending to <b>supertype</b>.
protected HierarchicType _findSuperTypeChain(Class<?> subtype, Class<?> supertype)
// If super-type is a class (not interface), bit simpler
if (supertype.isInterface()) {
return _findSuperInterfaceChain(subtype, supertype);
return _findSuperClassChain(subtype, supertype);
protected HierarchicType _findSuperClassChain(Type currentType, Class<?> target)
HierarchicType current = new HierarchicType(currentType);
Class<?> raw = current.getRawClass();
if (raw == target) {
return current;
// Otherwise, keep on going down the rat hole...
Type parent = raw.getGenericSuperclass();
if (parent != null) {
HierarchicType sup = _findSuperClassChain(parent, target);
if (sup != null) {
return current;
return null;
protected HierarchicType _findSuperInterfaceChain(Type currentType, Class<?> target)
HierarchicType current = new HierarchicType(currentType);
Class<?> raw = current.getRawClass();
if (raw == target) {
return new HierarchicType(currentType);
// Otherwise, keep on going down the rat hole; first implemented interfaces
/* 16-Aug-2011, tatu: Minor optimization based on profiled hot spot; let's
* try caching certain commonly needed cases
if (raw == HashMap.class) {
if (target == Map.class) {
return _hashMapSuperInterfaceChain(current);
if (raw == ArrayList.class) {
if (target == List.class) {
return _arrayListSuperInterfaceChain(current);
return _doFindSuperInterfaceChain(current, target);
protected HierarchicType _doFindSuperInterfaceChain(HierarchicType current, Class<?> target)
Class<?> raw = current.getRawClass();
Type[] parents = raw.getGenericInterfaces();
// as long as there are superclasses
// and unless we have already seen the type (<T extends X<T>>)
if (parents != null) {
for (Type parent : parents) {
HierarchicType sup = _findSuperInterfaceChain(parent, target);
if (sup != null) {
return current;
// and then super-class if any
Type parent = raw.getGenericSuperclass();
if (parent != null) {
HierarchicType sup = _findSuperInterfaceChain(parent, target);
if (sup != null) {
return current;
return null;
protected synchronized HierarchicType _hashMapSuperInterfaceChain(HierarchicType current)
if (_cachedHashMapType == null) {
HierarchicType base = current.deepCloneWithoutSubtype();
_doFindSuperInterfaceChain(base, Map.class);
_cachedHashMapType = base.getSuperType();
HierarchicType t = _cachedHashMapType.deepCloneWithoutSubtype();
return current;
protected synchronized HierarchicType _arrayListSuperInterfaceChain(HierarchicType current)
if (_cachedArrayListType == null) {
HierarchicType base = current.deepCloneWithoutSubtype();
_doFindSuperInterfaceChain(base, List.class);
_cachedArrayListType = base.getSuperType();
HierarchicType t = _cachedArrayListType.deepCloneWithoutSubtype();
return current;