blob: b48a62f8888a38575d2d36c49108cb31e33ded35 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.codehaus.jackson.*;
import org.codehaus.jackson.format.InputAccessor;
import org.codehaus.jackson.format.MatchStrength;
* Factory used for constructing {@link SmileParser} and {@link SmileGenerator}
* instances; both of which handle
* <a href="">Smile</a> encoded data.
* Extends {@link JsonFactory} mostly so that users can actually use it in place
* of regular non-Smile factory instances.
* Note on using non-byte-based sources/targets (char based, like
* {@link} and {@link}): these can not be
* used for Smile-format documents, and thus will either downgrade to
* textual JSON (when parsing), or throw exception (when trying to create
* generator).
* @author tatu
* @since 1.6
public class SmileFactory extends JsonFactory
* Name used to identify Smile format.
* (and returned by {@link #getFormatName()}
public final static String FORMAT_NAME_SMILE = "Smile";
* Bitfield (set of flags) of all parser features that are enabled
* by default.
final static int DEFAULT_SMILE_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAGS = SmileParser.Feature.collectDefaults();
* Bitfield (set of flags) of all generator features that are enabled
* by default.
final static int DEFAULT_SMILE_GENERATOR_FEATURE_FLAGS = SmileGenerator.Feature.collectDefaults();
/* Configuration
* Whether non-supported methods (ones trying to output using
* char-based targets like {@link}, for example)
* should be delegated to regular Jackson JSON processing
* (if set to true); or throw {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
* (if set to false)
protected boolean _cfgDelegateToTextual;
protected int _smileParserFeatures = DEFAULT_SMILE_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAGS;
protected int _smileGeneratorFeatures = DEFAULT_SMILE_GENERATOR_FEATURE_FLAGS;
/* Factory construction, configuration
* Default constructor used to create factory instances.
* Creation of a factory instance is a light-weight operation,
* but it is still a good idea to reuse limited number of
* factory instances (and quite often just a single instance):
* factories are used as context for storing some reused
* processing objects (such as symbol tables parsers use)
* and this reuse only works within context of a single
* factory instance.
public SmileFactory() { this(null); }
public SmileFactory(ObjectCodec oc) { super(oc); }
public void delegateToTextual(boolean state) {
_cfgDelegateToTextual = state;
/* Format detection functionality (since 1.8)
public String getFormatName()
* Sub-classes need to override this method (as of 1.8)
public MatchStrength hasFormat(InputAccessor acc) throws IOException
return SmileParserBootstrapper.hasSmileFormat(acc);
/* Configuration, parser settings
* Method for enabling or disabling specified parser feature
* (check {@link SmileParser.Feature} for list of features)
public final SmileFactory configure(SmileParser.Feature f, boolean state)
if (state) {
} else {
return this;
* Method for enabling specified parser feature
* (check {@link SmileParser.Feature} for list of features)
public SmileFactory enable(SmileParser.Feature f) {
_smileParserFeatures |= f.getMask();
return this;
* Method for disabling specified parser features
* (check {@link SmileParser.Feature} for list of features)
public SmileFactory disable(SmileParser.Feature f) {
_smileParserFeatures &= ~f.getMask();
return this;
* Checked whether specified parser feature is enabled.
public final boolean isEnabled(SmileParser.Feature f) {
return (_smileParserFeatures & f.getMask()) != 0;
/* Configuration, generator settings
* Method for enabling or disabling specified generator feature
* (check {@link org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator.Feature} for list of features)
* @since 1.2
public final SmileFactory configure(SmileGenerator.Feature f, boolean state) {
if (state) {
} else {
return this;
* Method for enabling specified generator features
* (check {@link org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator.Feature} for list of features)
public SmileFactory enable(SmileGenerator.Feature f) {
_smileGeneratorFeatures |= f.getMask();
return this;
* Method for disabling specified generator feature
* (check {@link org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator.Feature} for list of features)
public SmileFactory disable(SmileGenerator.Feature f) {
_smileGeneratorFeatures &= ~f.getMask();
return this;
* Check whether specified generator feature is enabled.
public final boolean isEnabled(SmileGenerator.Feature f) {
return (_smileGeneratorFeatures & f.getMask()) != 0;
/* Overridden parser factory methods
public SmileParser createJsonParser(File f)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
return _createJsonParser(new FileInputStream(f), _createContext(f, true));
public SmileParser createJsonParser(URL url)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
return _createJsonParser(_optimizedStreamFromURL(url), _createContext(url, true));
public SmileParser createJsonParser(InputStream in)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
return _createJsonParser(in, _createContext(in, false));
//public JsonParser createJsonParser(Reader r)
public SmileParser createJsonParser(byte[] data)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
IOContext ctxt = _createContext(data, true);
return _createJsonParser(data, 0, data.length, ctxt);
public SmileParser createJsonParser(byte[] data, int offset, int len)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
return _createJsonParser(data, offset, len, _createContext(data, true));
/* Overridden generator factory methods
* note: co-variant return type
public SmileGenerator createJsonGenerator(OutputStream out, JsonEncoding enc)
throws IOException
return createJsonGenerator(out);
* Since Smile format always uses UTF-8 internally, no encoding need
* to be passed to this method.
public SmileGenerator createJsonGenerator(OutputStream out) throws IOException
// false -> we won't manage the stream unless explicitly directed to
IOContext ctxt = _createContext(out, false);
return _createJsonGenerator(out, ctxt);
/* Overridden internal factory methods
//protected IOContext _createContext(Object srcRef, boolean resourceManaged)
* Overridable factory method that actually instantiates desired
* parser.
protected SmileParser _createJsonParser(InputStream in, IOContext ctxt)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
return new SmileParserBootstrapper(ctxt, in).constructParser(_parserFeatures,
_smileParserFeatures, _objectCodec, _rootByteSymbols);
* Overridable factory method that actually instantiates desired
* parser.
protected JsonParser _createJsonParser(Reader r, IOContext ctxt)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
if (_cfgDelegateToTextual) {
return super._createJsonParser(r, ctxt);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not create generator for non-byte-based target");
* Overridable factory method that actually instantiates desired
* parser.
protected SmileParser _createJsonParser(byte[] data, int offset, int len, IOContext ctxt)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
return new SmileParserBootstrapper(ctxt, data, offset, len).constructParser(_parserFeatures,
_smileParserFeatures, _objectCodec, _rootByteSymbols);
* Overridable factory method that actually instantiates desired
* generator.
protected JsonGenerator _createJsonGenerator(Writer out, IOContext ctxt)
throws IOException
if (_cfgDelegateToTextual) {
return super._createJsonGenerator(out, ctxt);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not create generator for non-byte-based target");
//public BufferRecycler _getBufferRecycler()
protected Writer _createWriter(OutputStream out, JsonEncoding enc, IOContext ctxt) throws IOException
if (_cfgDelegateToTextual) {
return super._createWriter(out, enc, ctxt);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not create generator for non-byte-based target");
/* Internal methods
protected SmileGenerator _createJsonGenerator(OutputStream out, IOContext ctxt)
throws IOException
int feats = _smileGeneratorFeatures;
/* One sanity check: MUST write header if shared string values setting is enabled,
* or quoting of binary data disabled.
* But should we force writing, or throw exception, if settings are in conflict?
* For now, let's error out...
SmileGenerator gen = new SmileGenerator(ctxt, _generatorFeatures, feats, _objectCodec, out);
if ((feats & SmileGenerator.Feature.WRITE_HEADER.getMask()) != 0) {
} else {
if ((feats & SmileGenerator.Feature.CHECK_SHARED_STRING_VALUES.getMask()) != 0) {
throw new JsonGenerationException(
"Inconsistent settings: WRITE_HEADER disabled, but CHECK_SHARED_STRING_VALUES enabled; can not construct generator"
+" due to possible data loss (either enable WRITE_HEADER, or disable CHECK_SHARED_STRING_VALUES to resolve)");
if ((feats & SmileGenerator.Feature.ENCODE_BINARY_AS_7BIT.getMask()) == 0) {
throw new JsonGenerationException(
"Inconsistent settings: WRITE_HEADER disabled, but ENCODE_BINARY_AS_7BIT disabled; can not construct generator"
+" due to possible data loss (either enable WRITE_HEADER, or ENCODE_BINARY_AS_7BIT to resolve)");
return gen;