blob: 764d0c2f5c9441153286a136cb7218f2a8da066d [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.*;
import org.codehaus.jackson.type.TypeReference;
public class TestMapConversions
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
enum AB { A, B; }
static class Bean {
public Integer A;
public String B;
* Test that verifies that we can go between couple of types of Maps...
public void testMapToMap()
Map<String,Integer> input = new LinkedHashMap<String,Integer>();
input.put("A", Integer.valueOf(3));
input.put("B", Integer.valueOf(-4));
Map<AB,String> output = mapper.convertValue(input,
new TypeReference<Map<AB,String>>() { });
assertEquals(2, output.size());
assertEquals("3", output.get(AB.A));
assertEquals("-4", output.get(AB.B));
// Let's try the other way too... and mix up types a bit
Map<String,Integer> roundtrip = mapper.convertValue(input,
new TypeReference<TreeMap<String,Integer>>() { });
assertEquals(2, roundtrip.size());
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3), roundtrip.get("A"));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(-4), roundtrip.get("B"));
public void testMapToBean()
EnumMap<AB,String> map = new EnumMap<AB,String>(AB.class);
map.put(AB.A, " 17");
map.put(AB.B, " -1");
Bean bean = mapper.convertValue(map, Bean.class);
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(17), bean.A);
assertEquals(" -1", bean.B);
public void testBeanToMap()
Bean bean = new Bean();
bean.A = 129;
bean.B = "13";
EnumMap<AB,String> result = mapper.convertValue(bean,
new TypeReference<EnumMap<AB,String>>() { });
assertEquals("129", result.get(AB.A));
assertEquals("13", result.get(AB.B));