blob: c6e04c3ae4e852ed4c78ece5ff89ca62051b7c51 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.*;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.*;
* Unit tests for verifying that it is possible to annotate
* various kinds of things with {@link JsonCreator} annotation.
public class TestCreators
extends BaseMapTest
/* Annotated helper classes, simple
* Simple(st) possible demonstration of using annotated
* constructors
static class ConstructorBean {
int x;
@JsonCreator protected ConstructorBean(@JsonProperty("x") int x) {
this.x = x;
* Another simple constructor, but with bit more unusual argument
* type
static class BooleanConstructorBean {
Boolean b;
@JsonCreator protected BooleanConstructorBean(Boolean b) {
this.b = b;
private static class BooleanConstructorBean2 {
boolean b;
@JsonCreator protected BooleanConstructorBean2(boolean b) {
this.b = b;
static class DoubleConstructorBean {
Double d; // cup?
@JsonCreator protected DoubleConstructorBean(Double d) {
this.d = d;
static class FactoryBean {
double d; // teehee
private FactoryBean(double value, boolean dummy) { d = value; }
@JsonCreator protected static FactoryBean createIt(@JsonProperty("f") double value) {
return new FactoryBean(value, true);
static class LongFactoryBean {
long value;
private LongFactoryBean(long v) { value = v; }
@JsonCreator static protected LongFactoryBean valueOf(long v) {
return new LongFactoryBean(v);
static class StringFactoryBean {
String value;
private StringFactoryBean(String v, boolean dummy) { value = v; }
@JsonCreator static protected StringFactoryBean valueOf(String v) {
return new StringFactoryBean(v, true);
static class FactoryBeanMixIn { // static just to be able to use static methods
* Note: signature (name and parameter types) must match; but
* only annotations will be used, not code or such. And use
* is by augmentation, so we only need to add things to add
* or override.
static FactoryBean createIt(@JsonProperty("mixed") double xyz) {
return null;
* Simple demonstration of INVALID construtor annotation (only
* defining name for first arg)
static class BrokenBean {
@JsonCreator protected BrokenBean(@JsonProperty("a") int a,
int b) {
* Bean that defines both creator and factory methor as
* creators. Constructors have priority; but it is possible
* to hide it using mix-in annotations.
static class CreatorBean
String a;
int x;
protected CreatorBean(@JsonProperty("a") String paramA,
@JsonProperty("x") int paramX)
a = "ctor:"+paramA;
x = 1+paramX;
private CreatorBean(String a, int x, boolean dummy) {
this.a = a;
this.x = x;
public static CreatorBean buildMeUpButterCup(@JsonProperty("a") String paramA,
@JsonProperty("x") int paramX)
return new CreatorBean("factory:"+paramA, paramX-1, false);
* Class for sole purpose of hosting mix-in annotations.
* Couple of things to note: (a) MUST be static class (non-static
* get implicit pseudo-arg, 'this';
* (b) for factory methods, must have static to match (part of signature)
abstract static class MixIn {
@JsonIgnore private MixIn(String a, int x) { }
static class MultiBean {
Object value;
@JsonCreator public MultiBean(int v) { value = v; }
@JsonCreator public MultiBean(double v) { value = v; }
@JsonCreator public MultiBean(String v) { value = v; }
@JsonCreator public MultiBean(boolean v) { value = v; }
/* Annotated helper classes, mixed (creator and props)
* Test bean for ensuring that constructors can be mixed with setters
static class ConstructorAndPropsBean
final int a, b;
boolean c;
@JsonCreator protected ConstructorAndPropsBean(@JsonProperty("a") int a,
@JsonProperty("b") int b)
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public void setC(boolean value) { c = value; }
* Test bean for ensuring that factory methods can be mixed with setters
static class FactoryAndPropsBean
boolean[] arg1;
int arg2, arg3;
@JsonCreator protected FactoryAndPropsBean(@JsonProperty("a") boolean[] arg)
arg1 = arg;
public void setB(int value) { arg2 = value; }
public void setC(int value) { arg3 = value; }
static class DeferredConstructorAndPropsBean
final int[] createA;
String propA = "xyz";
String propB;
public DeferredConstructorAndPropsBean(@JsonProperty("createA") int[] a)
createA = a;
public void setPropA(String a) { propA = a; }
public void setPropB(String b) { propB = b; }
static class DeferredFactoryAndPropsBean
String prop, ctor;
@JsonCreator DeferredFactoryAndPropsBean(@JsonProperty("ctor") String str)
ctor = str;
public void setProp(String str) { prop = str; }
// Annotated helper classes for Maps
static class MapWithCtor extends HashMap<Object,Object>
final int _number;
String _text = "initial";
MapWithCtor() { this(-1, "default"); }
public MapWithCtor(@JsonProperty("number") int nr,
@JsonProperty("text") String t)
_number = nr;
_text = t;
static class MapWithFactory extends TreeMap<Object,Object>
Boolean _b;
private MapWithFactory(Boolean b) {
_b = b;
static MapWithFactory createIt(@JsonProperty("b") Boolean b)
return new MapWithFactory(b);
// Test methods, valid cases, non-deferred, no-mixins
public void testSimpleConstructor() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
ConstructorBean bean = m.readValue("{ \"x\" : 42 }", ConstructorBean.class);
assertEquals(42, bean.x);
public void testSimpleDoubleConstructor() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
Double exp = new Double("0.25");
DoubleConstructorBean bean = m.readValue(exp.toString(), DoubleConstructorBean.class);
assertEquals(exp, bean.d);
public void testSimpleBooleanConstructor() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
BooleanConstructorBean bean = m.readValue(" true ", BooleanConstructorBean.class);
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, bean.b);
BooleanConstructorBean2 bean2 = m.readValue(" true ", BooleanConstructorBean2.class);
public void testSimpleFactory() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
FactoryBean bean = m.readValue("{ \"f\" : 0.25 }", FactoryBean.class);
assertEquals(0.25, bean.d);
public void testLongFactory() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
long VALUE = 123456789000L;
LongFactoryBean bean = m.readValue(String.valueOf(VALUE), LongFactoryBean.class);
assertEquals(VALUE, bean.value);
public void testStringFactory() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
String str = "abc";
StringFactoryBean bean = m.readValue(quote(str), StringFactoryBean.class);
assertEquals(str, bean.value);
public void testConstructorCreator() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
CreatorBean bean = m.readValue
("{ \"a\" : \"xyz\", \"x\" : 12 }", CreatorBean.class);
assertEquals(13, bean.x);
assertEquals("ctor:xyz", bean.a);
public void testConstructorAndProps() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
ConstructorAndPropsBean bean = m.readValue
("{ \"a\" : \"1\", \"b\": 2, \"c\" : true }", ConstructorAndPropsBean.class);
assertEquals(1, bean.a);
assertEquals(2, bean.b);
assertEquals(true, bean.c);
public void testFactoryAndProps() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
FactoryAndPropsBean bean = m.readValue
("{ \"a\" : [ false, true, false ], \"b\": 2, \"c\" : -1 }", FactoryAndPropsBean.class);
assertEquals(2, bean.arg2);
assertEquals(-1, bean.arg3);
boolean[] arg1 = bean.arg1;
assertEquals(3, arg1.length);
* Test to verify that multiple creators may co-exist, iff
* they use different JSON type as input
public void testMultipleCreators() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
MultiBean bean = m.readValue("123", MultiBean.class);
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(123), bean.value);
bean = m.readValue(quote("abc"), MultiBean.class);
assertEquals("abc", bean.value);
bean = m.readValue("0.25", MultiBean.class);
assertEquals(Double.valueOf(0.25), bean.value);
/* Test methods, valid cases, deferred, no mixins
public void testDeferredConstructorAndProps() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
DeferredConstructorAndPropsBean bean = m.readValue
("{ \"propB\" : \"...\", \"createA\" : [ 1 ], \"propA\" : null }",
assertEquals("...", bean.propB);
assertEquals(1, bean.createA.length);
assertEquals(1, bean.createA[0]);
public void testDeferredFactoryAndProps() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
DeferredFactoryAndPropsBean bean = m.readValue
("{ \"prop\" : \"1\", \"ctor\" : \"2\" }", DeferredFactoryAndPropsBean.class);
assertEquals("1", bean.prop);
assertEquals("2", bean.ctor);
// Test methods, valid cases, mixins
public void testFactoryCreatorWithMixin() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
m.getDeserializationConfig().addMixInAnnotations(CreatorBean.class, MixIn.class);
CreatorBean bean = m.readValue
("{ \"a\" : \"xyz\", \"x\" : 12 }", CreatorBean.class);
assertEquals(11, bean.x);
assertEquals("factory:xyz", bean.a);
public void testFactoryCreatorWithRenamingMixin() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
m.getDeserializationConfig().addMixInAnnotations(FactoryBean.class, FactoryBeanMixIn.class);
// override changes property name from "f" to "mixed"
FactoryBean bean = m.readValue("{ \"mixed\" : 20.5 }", FactoryBean.class);
assertEquals(20.5, bean.d);
// Test methods, valid cases, Map with creator
// (to test [JACKSON-153])
public void testMapWithConstructor() throws Exception
MapWithCtor result = new ObjectMapper().readValue
("{\"text\":\"abc\", \"entry\":true, \"number\":123, \"xy\":\"yx\"}",
// regular Map entries:
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, result.get("entry"));
assertEquals("yx", result.get("xy"));
assertEquals(2, result.size());
// then ones passed via constructor
assertEquals("abc", result._text);
assertEquals(123, result._number);
public void testMapWithFactory() throws Exception
MapWithFactory result = new ObjectMapper().readValue
("{\"x\":\"...\",\"b\":true }",
assertEquals("...", result.get("x"));
assertEquals(1, result.size());
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, result._b);
// Test methods, invalid/broken cases
public void testBrokenConstructor() throws Exception
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
try {
/*BrokenBean bean =*/ m.readValue("{ \"x\" : 42 }", BrokenBean.class);
} catch (JsonMappingException je) {
verifyException(je, "has no property name");