blob: 8b8b4e54a61a2ca9d824a134e8bd1e7d02e328f4 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.codehaus.jackson.sym;
public class TestSymbolTables extends main.BaseTest
// 11 3-char snippets that hash to 0xFFFF (with default JDK hashCode() calc),
// and which can be combined as
// sequences, like, say, 11x11x11 (1331) 9-character thingies
final static String[] CHAR_COLLISION_SNIPPETS = {
// with MULT of 31, seed 0, we'd get:
"@~}", "@^", "A_}", "A`^",
"Aa?", "B@}", "BA^", "BB?",
"C!}", "C\"^", "C#?"
"*!\u0804", "*\"\u07E3", "*#\u07C2", "*$\u07A1", "*%\u0780", "*&\u075F",
"*'\u073E", "*(\u071D", "*)\u06FC", "**\u06DB"
// With MULT of 33, seed of 0:
final static String[] CHAR_COLLISIONS;
static {
final int len = CHAR_COLLISION_SNIPPETS.length;
CHAR_COLLISIONS = new String[len*len*len];
int ix = 0;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < len; ++i1) {
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < len; ++i2) {
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < len; ++i3) {
* Test to see what happens with pre-computed collisions; should
* get an exception.
public void testCharBasedCollisions()
CharsToNameCanonicalizer sym = CharsToNameCanonicalizer.createRoot();
// first, verify that we'd get a few collisions...
try {
int firstHash = 0;
for (String str : CHAR_COLLISIONS) {
int hash = sym.calcHash(str);
if (firstHash == 0) {
firstHash = hash;
} else {
assertEquals(firstHash, hash);
sym.findSymbol(str.toCharArray(), 0, str.length(), hash);
fail("Should have thrown exception");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
verifyException(e, "exceeds maximum");
// should fail right after addition:
assertEquals(CharsToNameCanonicalizer.MAX_COLL_CHAIN_LENGTH+1, sym.maxCollisionLength());
assertEquals(CharsToNameCanonicalizer.MAX_COLL_CHAIN_LENGTH+1, sym.collisionCount());
// one "non-colliding" entry (head of collision chain), thus:
assertEquals(CharsToNameCanonicalizer.MAX_COLL_CHAIN_LENGTH+2, sym.size());
// Test for verifying stability of hashCode, wrt collisions, using
// synthetic field name generation and character-based input
public void testSyntheticWithChars()
// pass seed, to keep results consistent:
CharsToNameCanonicalizer symbols = CharsToNameCanonicalizer.createRoot(1);
final int COUNT = 6000;
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
String id = fieldNameFor(i);
char[] ch = id.toCharArray();
symbols.findSymbol(ch, 0, ch.length, symbols.calcHash(id));
assertEquals(8192, symbols.bucketCount());
assertEquals(COUNT, symbols.size());
//System.out.printf("Char stuff: collisions %d, max-coll %d\n", symbols.collisionCount(), symbols.maxCollisionLength());
// original hashCode calc gave very high rate (3567), but with shuffling comes down a bit
assertEquals(1401, symbols.collisionCount());
// esp. with collisions; first got about 30
assertEquals(4, symbols.maxCollisionLength());
// Test for verifying stability of hashCode, wrt collisions, using
// synthetic field name generation and byte-based input (UTF-8)
public void testSyntheticWithBytes() throws IOException
// pass seed, to keep results consistent:
BytesToNameCanonicalizer symbols = BytesToNameCanonicalizer.createRoot(1)
.makeChild(true, true);
final int COUNT = 6000;
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
String id = fieldNameFor(i);
int[] quads = BytesToNameCanonicalizer.calcQuads(id.getBytes("UTF-8"));
symbols.addName(id, quads, quads.length);
assertEquals(COUNT, symbols.size());
assertEquals(8192, symbols.bucketCount());
//System.out.printf("Byte stuff: collisions %d, max-coll %d\n", symbols.collisionCount(), symbols.maxCollisionLength());
// Fewer collisions than with chars, but still quite a few
assertEquals(1700, symbols.collisionCount());
// but not super long collision chains:
assertEquals(10, symbols.maxCollisionLength());
protected void fieldNameFor(StringBuilder sb, int index)
/* let's do something like "f1.1" to exercise different
* field names (important for byte-based codec)
* Other name shuffling done mostly just for fun... :)
if (index > 50) {
if (index > 200) {
if (index > 4000) { // and some even longer symbols...
} else {
sb.append(index >> 3); // divide by 8
protected String fieldNameFor(int index)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16);
fieldNameFor(sb, index);
return sb.toString();