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<!DOCTYPE book [
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<section version="5.0" xml:id="other-miscellaneous-topics-compiling-dtd"
xml:lang="en" xmlns=""
<title>Compiling DTD</title>
<para>The &; is shipped with an "experimental" DTD support, which
let's you compile XML DTDs. It is marked "experimental" not because the
feature is unstable nor unreliable, but rather because it's not a part of
the JAXB specification and therefore the level of commitment to
compatibility is lower.</para>
<title>To compile a DTD, run the XJC binding compiler as
<programlisting language=""><![CDATA[$ -dtd test.dtd]]></programlisting>
<para>All the other command-line options of the XJC binding compiler can
be applied. Similarly, the XJC ant task supports DTD. The generated code
will be no different from what is generated from W3C XML Schema. You'll
use the same JAXB API to access the generated code, and it is portable in
the sense that it will run on any JAXB 2.0 implementation.</para>
<para>DTD long predates XML namespace, although people since then
developed various techniques to use XML namespaces in conjunction with
DTD. Because of this, XJC is currently unable to reverse-engineer the use
of XML namespace from DTD. If you compile DTDs that use those techniques,
you'd either manuallly modify the generated code, or you can try a tool
like <link
that can convert DTD into XML Schema in ways that better preserves XML
<section xml:id="Customizations">
<para>The customization syntax for DTD is roughly based on the
ver.0.21 working draft of the JAXB specification, which is available
at <link
The deviations from this document are:</para>
<para>The <literal>whitespace</literal> attribute of the
<literal>conversion</literal> element takes "
<literal>preserve</literal>", " <literal>replace</literal>", and "
<literal>collapse</literal>" instead of " <literal>preserve</literal>", "
<literal>normalize</literal>", and " <literal>collapse</literal>" as
specified in the document.</para>
<para>The <literal>interface</literal> customization just generates
marker interfaces with no method.</para>
<section xml:id="Compiling_DTD_from_Maven2">
<title>Compiling DTD from Maven2</title>
<title>The following POM snippest describes how to invoke XJC to
compile DTD from a Maven 2 project:</title>
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<plugin>
<!-- if you want to put DTD somewhere else
<title>The dependencies section inside the plugin element can be
used to specify additional XJC plugins. If you'd like to use more
recent version of the &;, you can specify a dependency to XJC
here to do so, like this:</title>
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<dependency>