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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<!DOCTYPE book [
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<section version="5.0" xml:id="unmarshalling-xmlrootelement-and-unmarshalling"
xml:lang="en" xmlns=""
<title><literal>@XmlRootElement</literal> and unmarshalling</title>
<para>Classes with <literal>XmlRootElement</literal> can be unmarshalled from XML elements
simply by invoking the unmarshal method that takes one parameter. This is
the simplest mode of unmarshalling.</para>
<para>Unmarshalling with <literal>@XmlRootElement</literal></para>
<programlisting language="java"><![CDATA[@XmlRootElement
class Foo {
String name;
String content;
Unmarshaller u = ...;
Foo foo = (Foo)u.unmarshal(new File("foo.xml"));]]></programlisting>
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<foo name="something">
<para>However, sometimes you may need to unmarshal an instance of a type
that does not have an <literal>XmlRootElement</literal>. For example, you might dynamically
find out at the runtime that a certain element has a certain type. For
example, the following document illustrates an XML instance where the
content of <literal>&lt;someOtherTagName&gt;</literal> element is represented by the
<literal>Foo</literal> class.</para>
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<someOtherTagName name="something">
<para>To unmarshal this into a <literal>Foo</literal> class, use the version of
the <literal>unmarshal</literal> method that takes the 'expectedType' argument,
as follows:</para>
<title>Unmarshalling into a known type</title>
<programlisting language="java"><![CDATA[Unmarshaller u = ...;
JAXBElement<Foo> root = u.unmarshal(new StreamSource(new File("foo.xml")),Foo.class);
Foo foo = root.getValue();]]></programlisting>
<para>To reduce the number of the <literal>unmarshal</literal> methods, this
two-argument version is not defined for every single-argument version. So
as in this example, you might need to perform additional wrapping of the
input parameter.</para>
<para>This instructs &; that the caller is expecting to unmarshal
<literal>Foo</literal> instance. &; returns a <literal>JAXBElement</literal> of
<literal>Foo</literal>, and this <literal>JAXBElement</literal> captures the tag name
of the root element.</para>