blob: 553a42656e070f369369c2e98e115f4298a47ded [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect;
import com.sun.istack.SAXException2;
import org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.api.AccessorException;
import org.glassfish.jaxb.core.v2.ClassFactory;
import org.glassfish.jaxb.core.v2.TODO;
import org.glassfish.jaxb.core.v2.model.core.Adapter;
import org.glassfish.jaxb.core.v2.model.core.ID;
import org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer;
import org.glassfish.jaxb.core.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.LocatorEx;
import org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.Patcher;
import org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallingContext;
import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* Used to list individual values of a multi-value property, and
* to pack individual values into a multi-value property.
* @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi (
public abstract class Lister<BeanT,PropT,ItemT,PackT> {
protected Lister() {}
* Iterates values of a multi-value property.
* @param context
* This parameter is used to support ID/IDREF handling.
public abstract org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator<ItemT> iterator(PropT multiValueProp, XMLSerializer context);
* Setting values to a multi-value property starts by creating
* a transient object called "pack" from the current field.
public abstract PackT startPacking(BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT, PropT> acc) throws AccessorException;
* Once the {@link #startPacking} is called, you can
* add values to the pack by using this method.
public abstract void addToPack( PackT pack, ItemT newValue ) throws AccessorException;
* Finally, call this method to
* wraps up the {@code pack}. This method may update the field of
* the given bean.
public abstract void endPacking( PackT pack, BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT,PropT> acc ) throws AccessorException;
* Clears the values of the property.
public abstract void reset(BeanT o,Accessor<BeanT,PropT> acc) throws AccessorException;
* Gets a reference to the appropriate object
* if the field is a multi-value field. Otherwise null.
* @param fieldType
* the type of the field that stores the collection
* @param idness
* ID-ness of the property.
* @param adapter
* adapter to be used for individual items. can be null.
public static <BeanT,PropT,ItemT,PackT>
Lister<BeanT,PropT,ItemT,PackT> create(Type fieldType,ID idness, Adapter<Type,Class> adapter) {
Class rawType = (Class) Utils.REFLECTION_NAVIGATOR.erasure(fieldType);
Class itemType;
Lister l;
if( rawType.isArray() ) {
itemType = rawType.getComponentType();
l = getArrayLister(itemType);
} else
if( Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType) ) {
Type bt = Utils.REFLECTION_NAVIGATOR.getBaseClass(fieldType,Collection.class);
if(bt instanceof ParameterizedType)
itemType = (Class) Utils.REFLECTION_NAVIGATOR.erasure(((ParameterizedType)bt).getActualTypeArguments()[0]);
itemType = Object.class;
l = new CollectionLister(getImplClass(rawType));
} else
return null;
l = new IDREFS(l,itemType);
l = new AdaptedLister(l,adapter.adapterType);
return l;
private static Class getImplClass(Class<?> fieldType) {
return ClassFactory.inferImplClass(fieldType,COLLECTION_IMPL_CLASSES);
* Cache instances of {@link ArrayLister}s.
private static final Map<Class,WeakReference<Lister>> arrayListerCache =
Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<>());
* Creates a lister for array type.
private static Lister getArrayLister( Class componentType ) {
Lister l=null;
l = primitiveArrayListers.get(componentType);
else {
WeakReference<Lister> wr = arrayListerCache.get(componentType);
l = wr.get();
if(l==null) {
l = new ArrayLister(componentType);
arrayListerCache.put(componentType,new WeakReference<>(l));
assert l!=null;
return l;
* {@link Lister} for an array.
* <p>
* Array packing is slower, but we expect this to be used less frequently than
* the {@link CollectionLister}.
private static final class ArrayLister<BeanT,ItemT> extends Lister<BeanT,ItemT[],ItemT,Pack<ItemT>> {
private final Class<ItemT> itemType;
public ArrayLister(Class<ItemT> itemType) {
this.itemType = itemType;
public org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator<ItemT> iterator(final ItemT[] objects, XMLSerializer context) {
return new org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator<>() {
int idx = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return idx < objects.length;
public ItemT next() {
return objects[idx++];
public Pack<ItemT> startPacking(BeanT current, Accessor<BeanT, ItemT[]> acc) {
return new Pack<>(itemType);
public void addToPack(Pack<ItemT> objects, ItemT o) {
public void endPacking( Pack<ItemT> pack, BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT,ItemT[]> acc ) throws AccessorException {
public void reset(BeanT o,Accessor<BeanT,ItemT[]> acc) throws AccessorException {
public static final class Pack<ItemT> extends ArrayList<ItemT> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8543908122652908717L;
private final Class<ItemT> itemType;
public Pack(Class<ItemT> itemType) {
this.itemType = itemType;
public ItemT[] build() {
return super.toArray( (ItemT[])Array.newInstance(itemType,size()) );
* Listers for the primitive type arrays, keyed by their primitive Class object.
/*package*/ static final Map<Class,Lister> primitiveArrayListers = new HashMap<>();
static {
// register primitive array listers
* {@link Lister} for a collection
public static final class CollectionLister<BeanT,T extends Collection> extends Lister<BeanT,T,Object,T> {
* Sometimes we need to create a new instance of a collection.
* This is such an implementation class.
private final Class<? extends T> implClass;
public CollectionLister(Class<? extends T> implClass) {
this.implClass = implClass;
public org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator<Object> iterator(T collection, XMLSerializer context) {
final Iterator<?> itr = collection.iterator();
return new org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator<Object>() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return itr.hasNext();
public Object next() {
public T startPacking(BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT, T> acc) throws AccessorException {
T collection = acc.get(bean);
if(collection==null) {
collection = ClassFactory.create(implClass);
return collection;
public void addToPack(T collection, Object o) {
public void endPacking( T collection, BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT,T> acc ) throws AccessorException {
// this needs to be done in the endPacking, because
// sometimes the accessor uses an adapter, and the adapter needs to see
// the whole thing.
// but always doing so causes a problem when this collection property
// is getter-only
// invoke set when possible (see Issue 488)
try {
if (acc.isAdapted()) {
} catch (AccessorException ae) {
if(acc.isAdapted()) throw ae;
public void reset(BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT, T> acc) throws AccessorException {
T collection = acc.get(bean);
if(collection == null) {
* {@link Lister} for IDREFS.
private static final class IDREFS<BeanT,PropT> extends Lister<BeanT,PropT,String,IDREFS<BeanT,PropT>.Pack> {
private final Lister<BeanT,PropT,Object,Object> core;
* Expected type to which IDREF resolves to.
private final Class itemType;
public IDREFS(Lister core, Class itemType) {
this.core = core;
this.itemType = itemType;
public org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator<String> iterator(PropT prop, XMLSerializer context) {
final org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator i = core.iterator(prop,context);
return new IDREFSIterator(i, context);
public Pack startPacking(BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT, PropT> acc) {
return new Pack(bean,acc);
public void addToPack(Pack pack, String item) {
public void endPacking(Pack pack, BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT, PropT> acc) {
public void reset(BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT, PropT> acc) throws AccessorException {
* PackT for this lister.
private class Pack implements Patcher {
private final BeanT bean;
private final List<String> idrefs = new ArrayList<>();
private final UnmarshallingContext context;
private final Accessor<BeanT,PropT> acc;
private final LocatorEx location;
public Pack(BeanT bean, Accessor<BeanT,PropT> acc) {
this.bean = bean;
this.acc = acc;
this.context = UnmarshallingContext.getInstance();
this.location = new LocatorEx.Snapshot(context.getLocator());
public void add(String item) {
* Resolves IDREFS and fill in the actual array.
public void run() throws SAXException {
try {
Object pack = core.startPacking(bean,acc);
for( String id : idrefs ) {
Callable callable = context.getObjectFromId(id,itemType);
Object t;
try {
t = (callable!=null) ? : null;
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SAXException2(e);
if(t==null) {
} else {
TODO.prototype(); // TODO: check if the type of t is proper.
} catch (AccessorException e) {
* {@link Iterator} for IDREFS lister.
* <p>
* Only in ArrayElementProperty we need to get the actual
* referenced object. This is a kind of ugly way to make that work.
public static final class IDREFSIterator implements org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator<String> {
private final org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator i;
private final XMLSerializer context;
private Object last;
private IDREFSIterator(org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator i, XMLSerializer context) {
this.i = i;
this.context = context;
public boolean hasNext() {
return i.hasNext();
* Returns the last referenced object (not just its ID)
public Object last() {
return last;
public String next() throws SAXException, JAXBException {
last =;
String id = context.grammar.getBeanInfo(last,true).getId(last,context);
if(id==null) {
return id;
* Gets the special used to recover from an error.
public static <A,B,C,D> Lister<A,B,C,D> getErrorInstance() {
return ERROR;
public static final Lister ERROR = new Lister() {
public org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator iterator(Object o, XMLSerializer context) {
public Object startPacking(Object o, Accessor accessor) {
return null;
public void addToPack(Object o, Object o1) {
public void endPacking(Object o, Object o1, Accessor accessor) {
public void reset(Object o, Accessor accessor) {
private static final org.glassfish.jaxb.runtime.v2.runtime.reflect.ListIterator EMPTY_ITERATOR = new ListIterator() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return false;
public Object next() {
throw new IllegalStateException();
private static final Class[] COLLECTION_IMPL_CLASSES = new Class[] {