| [//]: # " Copyright (c) 2015, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. " |
| [//]: # " " |
| [//]: # " This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the " |
| [//]: # " terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at " |
| [//]: # " http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. " |
| [//]: # " " |
| [//]: # " SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause " |
| |
| Jersey Spring Integration Spring Helloworld WebApp Example |
| ========================================================== |
| |
| This example demonstrates how to create simple Jersey application that |
| utilises Spring 3 DI features, packaged into WAR file. |
| |
| Contents |
| -------- |
| |
| The mapping of the URI path space is presented in the following table: |
| |
| URI path | Resource class | HTTP methods |
| ------------------------------- | ------------------------- | -------------- |
| **_/jersey-hello_** | JerseyResource | GET |
| **_/spring-hello_** | SpringRequestResource | GET |
| **_/spring-singleton-hello_** | SpringSingletonResource | GET |
| |
| Application is configured by using web.xml, which registers |
| [javax.ws.rs.core.Application](https://jax-rs-spec.java.net/nonav/2.0/apidocs/javax/ws/rs/core/Application.html) |
| descendant to get classes and singletons from it (see class |
| MyApplication). |
| |
| Running the Example |
| ------------------- |
| |
| Run the example as follows: |
| |
| > mvn clean package jetty:run |
| |
| This deploys current example using Jetty web server. Once deployed, the |
| application is ready to serve the following resources: |
| |
| - <http://localhost:8080/helloworld-spring-webapp/jersey-hello> |
| - <http://localhost:8080/helloworld-spring-webapp/spring-hello> |
| - <http://localhost:8080/helloworld-spring-webapp/spring-singleton-hello> |