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* Copyright (c) 2010, 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
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package org.glassfish.jersey.jettison;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* An immutable configuration of JSON notation and options. {@code JettisonConfig}
* instance can be used for configuring the JSON notation on {@link JettisonJaxbContext}.
* @author Jakub Podlesak
public class JettisonConfig {
* Enumeration of supported JSON notations.
public enum Notation {
* The mapped Jettison JSON notation.
* <p>Example JSON expression:<pre>
* {"userTable":{"columns":[{"id":"userid","label":"UserID"},{"id":"name","label":"User Name"}],"rows":{"userid":1621,"name":"Grotefend"}}}
* </pre>
* The mapped Badgerfish JSON notation.
* <p>Example JSON expression:<pre>
* {"userTable":{"columns":[{"id":{"$":"userid"},"label":{"$":"UserID"}},{"id":{"$":"name"},"label":{"$":"User Name"}}],"rows":{"userid":{"$":"1621"},"name":{"$":"Grotefend"}}}}
* </pre>
private final Notation notation;
private final Map<String, String> jsonXml2JsonNs;
private final List<String> serializeAsArray;
* Builder class for constructing {@link JettisonConfig} options
public static class Builder {
private final Notation notation;
protected Map<String, String> jsonXml2JsonNs = new HashMap<String, String>(0);
protected List<String> serializeAsArray = new LinkedList<String>();
private Builder(final Notation notation) {
this.notation = notation;
* Constructs a new immutable {@link JettisonConfig} object based on options set on this Builder
* @return a non-null {@link JettisonConfig} instance
public JettisonConfig build() {
return new JettisonConfig(this);
private void copyAttributes(final JettisonConfig jc) {
* Builder class for constructing {@link JettisonConfig} options
* for the {@link JettisonConfig.Notation#MAPPED_JETTISON} convention.
public static class MappedJettisonBuilder extends Builder {
private MappedJettisonBuilder(final Notation notation) {
* Setter for XML to JSON namespace mapping.
* This property is valid for the {@link JettisonConfig.Notation#MAPPED_JETTISON}
* notation only.
* <p>
* The value is a map with zero or more
* key/value pairs, where the key is an XML namespace and the value
* is the prefix to use as the replacement for the XML namespace.
* <p>
* The default value is a map with zero key/value pairs.
* @param jsonXml2JsonNs XML to JSON namespace map.
* @return updated builder instance.
public MappedJettisonBuilder xml2JsonNs(final Map<String, String> jsonXml2JsonNs) {
this.jsonXml2JsonNs = jsonXml2JsonNs;
return this;
* Add element names to be treated as arrays.
* This property is valid for the {@link JettisonConfig.Notation#MAPPED_JETTISON}
* notation only.
* <p>
* Property value is a list of element names that should be treated
* as arrays even if only a single item is present.
* <p>
* The default value is an empty list.
* @param arrays names to be serialized as arrays.
* @return updated builder instance.
public MappedJettisonBuilder serializeAsArray(final String... arrays) {
return serializeAsArray(Arrays.asList(arrays));
* Add element names to be treated as arrays.
* This property is valid for the {@link JettisonConfig.Notation#MAPPED_JETTISON}
* notation only.
* <p>
* Property value is a list of element names that should be treated
* as arrays even if only a single item is present.
* <p>
* The default value is an empty list.
* @param arrays of element names to be serialized as arrays.
* @return updated builder instance.
public MappedJettisonBuilder serializeAsArray(final List<String> arrays) {
return this;
private JettisonConfig(final Builder b) {
notation = b.notation;
jsonXml2JsonNs = b.jsonXml2JsonNs;
serializeAsArray = b.serializeAsArray;
* A static method for obtaining {@link JettisonConfig} instance with humanReadableFormatting
* set according to formatted parameter.
* @param c original instance of {@link JettisonConfig}, can't be null
* @return copy of provided {@link JettisonConfig} with humanReadableFormatting set to formatted.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when provided {@code JettisonConfig} is null.
public static JettisonConfig createJSONConfiguration(final JettisonConfig c) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (c == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JettisonConfig can't be null");
final Builder b = copyBuilder(c);
* The default {@code JettisonConfig} uses {@link JettisonConfig.Notation#MAPPED_JETTISON}
* notation with root unwrapping option set to true.
public static final JettisonConfig DEFAULT = mappedJettison().build();
* A static method for obtaining a builder of {@link JettisonConfig} instance, which will use {@link JettisonConfig.Notation#MAPPED_JETTISON} JSON notation.
* After getting the builder, you can set configuration options on it and finally get an immutable {@code JettisonConfig}
* instance using the {@link JettisonConfig.Builder#build() } method.
* @return a builder for {@code JettisonConfig} instance
public static MappedJettisonBuilder mappedJettison() {
return new MappedJettisonBuilder(Notation.MAPPED_JETTISON);
* A static method for obtaining a builder of {@link JettisonConfig} instance, which will use {@link JettisonConfig.Notation#BADGERFISH} JSON notation.
* After getting the builder, you can set configuration options on it and finally get an immutable {@code JettisonConfig}
* instance using the {@link JettisonConfig.Builder#build() } method.
* @return a builder for {@code JettisonConfig} instance
public static Builder badgerFish() {
return new Builder(Notation.BADGERFISH);
public static Builder copyBuilder(final JettisonConfig jc) {
Builder result = new Builder(jc.getNotation());
switch (jc.notation) {
result = new Builder(jc.getNotation());
result = new MappedJettisonBuilder(jc.getNotation());
return result;
* Returns JSON notation selected for this configuration
* @return JSON notation
public Notation getNotation() {
return notation;
* Returns a map for XML to JSON namespace mapping
* This property is valid for the {@link JettisonConfig.Notation#MAPPED_JETTISON}
* notation only.
* @return a map for XML to JSON namespace mapping.
* @see JettisonConfig.MappedJettisonBuilder#xml2JsonNs(java.util.Map)
public Map<String, String> getXml2JsonNs() {
return (jsonXml2JsonNs != null) ? Collections.unmodifiableMap(jsonXml2JsonNs) : null;
* Returns a list of elements to be treated as arrays. I.e. these elements will be serialized
* as arrays even if only a single element is included.
* This property is valid for the {@link JettisonConfig.Notation#MAPPED_JETTISON}
* notation only.
* @return a list of elements representing arrays.
* @see JettisonConfig.MappedJettisonBuilder#serializeAsArray(java.util.List)
public List<String> getArrayElements() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(serializeAsArray);
public String toString() {
return String.format("{notation:%s}", notation);