blob: 691a2d1a3044fb607ff2ab7acbaf4a32e16a86ee [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -lex
# Copyright (c) 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
# This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
# Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
# version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
#Environment paths for Jenkins
# script shall be run before documentation generation to build jersey, site for jersey and docbook. Ideally it shall be run from Jenkins but
# if Jenkins does not provide required tools - java, maven, python, perl - to generate documentation the script can be run from local host.
# IMPORTANT - modify before running the script.
mvn clean install -V -q -PtestsSkip,checkstyleSkip -Dtests.excluded '-Dmaven.test.skip=true'
mvn clean site -V -q -PtestsSkip,checkstyleSkip -Dtests.excluded -Dtests.excluded -Djavadoc.stylesheet=etc/config/javadoc-stylesheet.css -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false -Dbundles.excluded -Djersey.version=${RELEASE_VERSION}
mvn clean install -V -q -e -U -B -f docs/pom.xml -Djersey.version=$RELEASE_VERSION