blob: dc8b3b38eb5977397188b5d89623515144e0a48c [file] [log] [blame]
This read-me file briefly summarizes options for building Jersey examples.
To build examples without generating individual example project source ZIP
bundles, run:
> mvn clean install
To build examples and generate individual example project source ZIP bundles,
run the build with "examples-source-zip" profile enabled:
> mvn clean install -P release
Some examples contain tests that depend on external container to be up and
running. Tests in these examples are disabled by default. To enable the tests
to be run against a properly set-up external container version, run the build
with "run-external-tests" profile enabled:
> mvn clean install -P run-external-tests
When running the build with the "run-external-tests" profile, following command
line properties can be used to customize the build:
- defines external test container factory class to be used for the tests
executed as part of the "run-external-tests" profile
- defaults to "org.glassfish.jersey.test.external.ExternalTestContainerFactory"
- defines the TCP/IP port of the external test container to be used for
the tests executed as part of the "run-external-tests" profile
- defaults to "8080"
For example:
> mvn clean install -P run-external-tests -Dexternal.container.port=9090