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<title>Test data generation tool for Jersey performance tests</title>
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<h1>Test data generation tool for Jersey performance tests</small></h1>
This module contains a simple tool to generate data sets for performance testing. It generates three
distinct media types: xml, json and plain text, each in a variety of predefined data set sizes (1kB,
5kB, 10kB, 1MB and optionally 1GB).
The generation of the largest files (1GB) is disabled by default to save disk space and shorten the
generation time. To enable it, change the value of the <pre>GENERATE_ALSO_GIGABYTE_DATASETS</pre>
constant in the <pre>TestDataGeneratorApp</pre> class to true.
<h2>Running the Example</h2>
<p>Run the example as follows:</p>
<pre>mvn clean compile exec:java</pre>
You can tweak the values of several constants in the <pre>TestDataGeneratorApp</pre> class before
launching the generation. For more information, please see the javadocs.
The above command launches a Grizzly server with the generation server-side app and runs a client with
predefined parameters against it.
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