blob: 44635a9c6121ff3c52dd806f3beeb2f0e8b9036f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
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package org.glassfish.jersey.server;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.TracingLogger;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.ServerTraceEvent;
* Utilities for tracing support.
* @author Libor Kramolis
* @since 2.3
public final class TracingUtils {
private static final List<String> SUMMARY_HEADERS = new ArrayList<>();
static {
private static final TracingConfig DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_TYPE = TracingConfig.OFF;
private TracingUtils() {
* According to configuration/request header it initialize {@link TracingLogger} and put it to the request properties.
* @param type application-wide tracing configuration type.
* @param appThreshold application-wide tracing level threshold.
* @param containerRequest request instance to get runtime properties to store {@link TracingLogger} instance to
* if tracing support is enabled for the request.
public static void initTracingSupport(TracingConfig type,
TracingLogger.Level appThreshold,
ContainerRequest containerRequest) {
final TracingLogger tracingLogger;
if (isTracingSupportEnabled(type, containerRequest)) {
tracingLogger = TracingLogger.create(
getTracingThreshold(appThreshold, containerRequest),
} else {
tracingLogger = TracingLogger.empty();
containerRequest.setProperty(TracingLogger.PROPERTY_NAME, tracingLogger);
* Log tracing messages START events.
* @param request container request instance to get runtime properties
* to check if tracing support is enabled for the request.
public static void logStart(ContainerRequest request) {
TracingLogger tracingLogger = TracingLogger.getInstance(request);
if (tracingLogger.isLogEnabled(ServerTraceEvent.START)) {
StringBuilder textSB = new StringBuilder();
textSB.append(String.format("baseUri=[%s] requestUri=[%s] method=[%s] authScheme=[%s]",
request.getBaseUri(), request.getRequestUri(), request.getMethod(),
for (String header : SUMMARY_HEADERS) {
textSB.append(String.format(" %s=%s", header, toStringOrNA(request.getRequestHeaders().get(header))));
tracingLogger.log(ServerTraceEvent.START, textSB.toString());
if (tracingLogger.isLogEnabled(ServerTraceEvent.START_HEADERS)) {
StringBuilder textSB = new StringBuilder();
for (String header : request.getRequestHeaders().keySet()) {
if (!SUMMARY_HEADERS.contains(header)) {
textSB.append(String.format(" %s=%s", header, toStringOrNA(request.getRequestHeaders().get(header))));
if (textSB.length() > 0) {
textSB.insert(0, "Other request headers:");
tracingLogger.log(ServerTraceEvent.START_HEADERS, textSB.toString());
* Test if application and request settings enabled tracing support.
* @param type application tracing configuration type.
* @param containerRequest request instance to check request headers.
* @return {@code true} if tracing support is switched on for the request.
private static boolean isTracingSupportEnabled(TracingConfig type, ContainerRequest containerRequest) {
return (type == TracingConfig.ALL)
|| ((type == TracingConfig.ON_DEMAND) && (containerRequest.getHeaderString(TracingLogger.HEADER_ACCEPT) != null));
* Return configuration type of tracing support according to application configuration.
* By default tracing support is switched OFF.
* @param configuration application configuration.
* @return configuration type, transformed text value to enum read from configuration or default.
static TracingConfig getTracingConfig(Configuration configuration) {
final String tracingText = ServerProperties.getValue(configuration.getProperties(),
ServerProperties.TRACING, String.class);
final TracingConfig result;
if (tracingText != null) {
result = TracingConfig.valueOf(tracingText);
} else {
return result;
* Get request header specified JDK logger name suffix.
* @param request container request instance to get request header {@link TracingLogger#HEADER_LOGGER} value.
* @return Logger name suffix or {@code null} if not set.
private static String getTracingLoggerNameSuffix(ContainerRequest request) {
return request.getHeaderString(TracingLogger.HEADER_LOGGER);
* Get application-wide tracing level threshold.
* @param configuration application configuration.
* @return tracing level threshold.
static TracingLogger.Level getTracingThreshold(Configuration configuration) {
final String thresholdText = ServerProperties.getValue(
ServerProperties.TRACING_THRESHOLD, String.class);
return (thresholdText == null) ? TracingLogger.DEFAULT_LEVEL : TracingLogger.Level.valueOf(thresholdText);
private static TracingLogger.Level getTracingThreshold(TracingLogger.Level appThreshold, ContainerRequest containerRequest) {
final String thresholdText = containerRequest.getHeaderString(TracingLogger.HEADER_THRESHOLD);
return (thresholdText == null) ? appThreshold : TracingLogger.Level.valueOf(thresholdText);
private static String toStringOrNA(Object object) {
if (object == null) {
return "n/a";
} else {
return String.valueOf(object);