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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<!DOCTYPE appendix [<!ENTITY % ents SYSTEM "jersey.ent" > %ents; ]>
<appendix xmlns=""
<title>Configuration Properties</title>
<section xml:id="appendix-properties-common">
<title>Common (client/server) configuration properties</title>
List of common configuration properties that can be found in &jersey.common.CommonProperties; class. All of these properties
can be overridden by their server/client counterparts.
<title>List of common configuration properties</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
Property which allows (if true) default System properties configuration provider.
Default value is <literal>true</literal>.
<entry>&jersey.common.CommonProperties.FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE; /
&jersey.common.CommonProperties.FEATURE_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DISABLE_CLIENT; /
Disables feature auto discovery globally on client/server. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
<entry>&jersey.common.CommonProperties.JSON_PROCESSING_FEATURE_DISABLE; /
&jersey.common.CommonProperties.JSON_PROCESSING_FEATURE_DISABLE_CLIENT; /
<entry><literal>jersey.config.disableJsonProcessing</literal> /
<literal>jersey.config.client.disableJsonProcessing</literal> /
Disables configuration of Json Processing (JSR-353) feature. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
<entry>&jersey.common.CommonProperties.METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISABLE; /
&jersey.common.CommonProperties.METAINF_SERVICES_LOOKUP_DISABLE_CLIENT; /
<entry><literal>jersey.config.disableMetainfServicesLookup</literal> /
<literal>jersey.config.client.disableMetainfServicesLookup</literal> /
Disables META-INF/services lookup globally on client/server. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
<entry>&jersey.common.CommonProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE; /
&jersey.common.CommonProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE_CLIENT; /
<entry><literal>jersey.config.disableMoxyJson</literal> /
<literal>jersey.config.client.disableMoxyJson</literal> /
Disables configuration of MOXy Json feature. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
<entry>&jersey.common.CommonProperties.OUTBOUND_CONTENT_LENGTH_BUFFER; /
&jersey.common.CommonProperties.OUTBOUND_CONTENT_LENGTH_BUFFER_CLIENT; /
<entry><literal>jersey.config.contentLength.buffer</literal> /
<literal>jersey.config.client.contentLength.buffer</literal> /
An integer value that defines the buffer size used to buffer the outbound message entity in order to
determine its size and set the value of HTTP <literal>Content-Length</literal> header. Default
value is <literal>8192</literal>.
Disable some of the default providers from being loaded. The following providers extend application footprint
by XML dependencies, which is too heavy for native image, or by AWT which may possibly be not available by JDK 11 desktop:
The following are the options to disable the provides: {@code DOMSOURCE, RENDEREDIMAGE, SAXSOURCE, SOURCE, STREAMSOURCE},
or to disable all: {@code ALL}. Multiple options can be disabled by adding multiple comma separated values.
Default value is <literal>NULL</literal>
@since 2.30
Logger name of the logging filter.
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
The default value is <literal>org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature</literal>
Level of logging filter's logger at which the messages will be logged.
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
Verbosity of logging filter describes how verbose the logging filter will be.
There are 3 possible values &lit.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature.Verbosity.HEADERS_ONLY;,
&lit.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_TEXT; or
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
The maximum number of bytes of the entity which will be logged.
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
Custom logging delimiter for new lines separation.
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
<section xml:id="appendix-properties-server">
<title>Server configuration properties</title>
List of server configuration properties that can be found in &jersey.server.ServerProperties; class.
<title>List of server configuration properties</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
Defines the application name. The name is an arbitrary user defined name which is used to
distinguish between Jersey applications in the case that more applications are deployed on
the same runtime (container). The name can be used for example for purposes of monitoring
by JMX when name identifies to which application deployed MBeans belong to. The name should
be unique in the runtime. The property does not have a default value.
Disables Bean Validation support. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
<entry><link xlink:href='&jersey.javadoc.uri.prefix;/server/ServerProperties.html#BV_DISABLE_VALIDATE_ON_EXECUTABLE_OVERRIDE_CHECK'>ServerProperties
Disables &; check. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Enables sending validation error information to the client. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Disables feature auto discovery on server. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Defines configuration of HTTP method overriding.
This property is used by &jersey.server.HttpMethodOverrideFilter; to determine
where it should look for method override information (e.g. request header or query parameters).
Disables configuration of Json Processing (JSR-353) feature. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Defines mapping of URI extensions to languages. The property is used by &jersey.server.UriConnegFilter;.
Defines mapping of URI extensions to media types. The property is used by &jersey.server.UriConnegFilter;.
Disables META-INF/services lookup on server. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Disables configuration of MOXy Json feature. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
<entry>&jersey.server.ServerProperties.MONITORING_ENABLED; (Jersey 2.12 or later)</entry>
If &lit.true;, then application monitoring will be enabled. This will enable the possibility
of injecting &jersey.server.monitoring.ApplicationInfo; into resource and providers.
Default value is &lit.false;.
If &lit.true;, the calculation of monitoring statistics will be enabled. This will enable the
possibility of injecting &jersey.server.monitoring.MonitoringStatistics; into resource and
providers and also the registered listeners implementing
&jersey.server.monitoring.MonitoringStatisticsListener; will be called when statistics are
available for processing.
Monitoring statistics extends basic monitoring feature. Therefore when enabled,
the monitoring gets automatically enabled too (the same result as setting the property
&jersey.server.ServerProperties.MONITORING_ENABLED; to &lit.true;).
Note that enabling statistics may have a negative performance impact
and therefore should be enabled only when needed. Default value is &lit.false;.
If &lit.true; then Jersey will expose MBeans for the collected monitoring statistics. Exposed
JMX MBeans are based on &jersey.server.monitoring.MonitoringStatistics; data and therefore when
enabled, the calculation of monitoring statistics gets automatically enabled too (the same result
as setting the property &jersey.server.ServerProperties.MONITORING_STATISTICS_ENABLED; to
&lit.true;). Note that enabling MBeans for monitoring statistics may have a negative performance
impact and therefore should be enabled only when needed. Default value is &lit.false;.
<entry>&jersey.server.ServerProperties.MONITORING_STATISTICS_REFRESH_INTERVAL; (Jersey 2.10 or later)</entry>
Interval (in <literal>ms</literal>}) indicating how often will be monitoring statistics refreshed
(<literal>onStatistics</literal> method called). Default value is <literal>500</literal>.
(Jersey 2.2 or later)</entry>
An integer value that defines the buffer size used to buffer the outbound message entity in order to
determine its size and set the value of HTTP <literal>Content-Length</literal> header. Default
value is <literal>8192</literal>.
Defines one or more class names that implement application-specific resources
and providers. If the property is set, the specified classes will be instantiated
and registered as either application JAX-RS root resources or providers.
Defines class-path that contains application-specific resources and
providers. If the property is set, the specified packages will be scanned for
JAX-RS root resources and providers.
Defines one or more packages that contain application-specific resources and
providers. If the property is set, the specified packages will be scanned for
JAX-RS root resources and providers.
Sets the recursion strategy for package scanning. Default value is <literal>true</literal>.
Ignores multiple slashes between a port and a context path and will resolve it
as URI with only one slash. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Disables <literal>Resource</literal> validation. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Determines whether validation of application resource models should fail even in case of a fatal
validation errors. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Disables WADL generation. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Defines the wadl generator configuration that provides a &jersey.server.WadlGenerator;.
Whenever response status is <literal>4xx</literal> or <literal>5xx</literal> it is
possible to choose between <literal>sendError</literal> or <literal>setStatus</literal>
on container specific <literal>Response</literal> implementation. E.g. on servlet
container Jersey can call <literal>HttpServletResponse.setStatus(...)</literal> or
Calling <literal>sendError(...)</literal> method usually resets entity, response headers
and provide error page for specified status code (e.g. servlet
<literal>error-page</literal> configuration).
However if you want to post-process response (e.g. by servlet filter) the only
way to do it is calling <literal>setStatus(...)</literal> on container Response object.
If property value is &lit.true; the method <literal>Response.setStatus(...)</literal> is
used over default <literal>Response.sendError(...)</literal>.
Type of the property value is <literal>boolean</literal>.
The default value is &lit.false;.
Enables/disables tracing support. Possible values are <literal>OFF</literal> (default),
<literal>ON_DEMAND</literal> and <literal>ALL</literal>.
See <xref linkend="tracing.configuration" /> for more detail.
Sets the amount of detail provided by tracing. Possible values are <literal>SUMMARY</literal>,
<literal>TRACE</literal> and <literal>VERBOSE</literal>.
See <xref linkend="tracing.configuration" /> to learn more about the levels.
If property value is <literal>true</literal> then the errors raised during response processing are
tried to be handled using available response error mappers.
An integer value that defines the size of cache for sub-resource locator models. The cache is used
to provide better performance for application that uses JAX-RS sub-resource locators.
An integer value that defines the maximum age (in seconds) for cached for sub-resource locator
models. The age of an cache entry is defined as the time since the last access (read) to the entry
in the cache. Entry aging is not enabled by default.
If <literal>true</literal> then Jersey will cache Jersey resources in addition to caching
sub-resource locator classes and instances (which are cached by default). To make sure the caching
is effective in this case you need to return same Jersey Resource instances for same input
parameters from resource method. This means that generating new Jersey Resource instances for same
input parameters would not have any performance effect and it would only fill-up the cache.
If <literal>true</literal> then Jersey will resolve relative URIs in the
<literal>Location</literal> http header against the request URI according to <literal>RFC7231</literal>
(new HTTP Specification)
If <literal>true</literal>, Jersey will not resolve relative URIs in the <literal>Location</literal>
http header.
Logger name of the logging filter.
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
The default value is <literal>org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature</literal>
Level of logging filter's logger at which the messages will be logged.
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
Verbosity of logging filter describes how verbose the logging filter will be.
There are 3 possible values &lit.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature.Verbosity.HEADERS_ONLY;,
&lit.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_TEXT; or
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
The maximum number of bytes of the entity which will be logged.
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
Custom delimiter for new lines separation.
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
<section xml:id="appendix-properties-servlet">
<title>Servlet configuration properties</title>
List of servlet configuration properties that can be found in &jersey.servlet.ServletProperties; class.
<title>List of servlet configuration properties</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
If set, indicates the URL pattern of the Jersey servlet filter context path.
If set to <literal>true</literal> and a 404 response with no entity body is returned from either
the runtime or the application then the runtime forwards the request to the next filter in the
filter chain. This enables another filter or the underlying servlet engine to process the request.
Before the request is forwarded the response status is set to 200.
If set the regular expression is used to match an incoming servlet path URI to some web page
content such as static resources or JSPs to be handled by the underlying servlet engine.
Application configuration initialization property whose value is a fully qualified class name of a
class that implements JAX-RS Application.
Indicates that Jersey should scan the whole web app for application-specific resources and
If <literal>true</literal> then query parameters will not be treated as form parameters
(e.g. injectable using @FormParam) in case a Form request is processed by server.
Identifies the object that will be used as a parent ServiceLocator in the Jersey WebComponent.
<section xml:id="appendix-properties-client">
<title>Client configuration properties</title>
List of client configuration properties that can be found in &jersey.client.ClientProperties; class.
<title>List of client configuration properties</title>
<tgroup cols="3">
Asynchronous thread pool size. Default value is not set.
<emphasis>Supported with &jersey.grizzly.GrizzlyConnectorProvider; only.</emphasis>.
Scheduler thread pool size. Default value is not set.
<emphasis>Support is undefined</emphasis>.
Chunked encoding size. Default value is <literal>4096</literal>.
Read timeout interval, in milliseconds. Default value is <literal>0</literal> (infinity).
Disables feature auto discovery on client. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Declares that the client will automatically redirect to the URI declared in 3xx responses. Default value is <literal>true</literal>.
Disables configuration of Json Processing (JSR-353) feature. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Disables META-INF/services lookup on client. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
Disables configuration of MOXy Json feature. Default value is <literal>false</literal>.
(Jersey 2.2 or later)</entry>
An integer value that defines the buffer size used to buffer the outbound message entity in order to
determine its size and set the value of HTTP <literal>Content-Length</literal> header. Default
value is <literal>8192</literal>.
URI of a HTTP proxy the client connector should use. Default value is not set.
<emphasis>Currently supported with &jersey.apache.ApacheConnectorProvider; and
&jersey.jetty.JettyConnectorProvider; only.</emphasis>
<entry>&jersey.client.ClientProperties.PROXY_USERNAME; (Jersey 2.5 or later)</entry>
User name which will be used for HTTP proxy authentication. Default value is not set.
<emphasis>Currently supported with &jersey.apache.ApacheConnectorProvider; and
&jersey.jetty.JettyConnectorProvider; only.</emphasis>
<entry>&jersey.client.ClientProperties.PROXY_PASSWORD; (Jersey 2.5 or later)</entry>
Password which will be used for HTTP proxy authentication. Default value is not set.
<emphasis>Currently supported with &jersey.apache.ApacheConnectorProvider; and
&jersey.jetty.JettyConnectorProvider; only.</emphasis>
<entry>&jersey.client.ClientProperties.READ_TIMEOUT; (Jersey 2.5 or later)</entry>
Read timeout interval, in milliseconds. Default value is <literal>0</literal> (infinity).
<entry>&jersey.client.ClientProperties.REQUEST_ENTITY_PROCESSING; (Jersey 2.5 or later)</entry>
Defines whether the request entity should be serialized using internal buffer to
evaluate content length or chunk encoding should be used. Possible values are
<literal>BUFFERED</literal> or <literal>CHUNKED</literal>. Default value is
(Jersey 2.2 or later)</entry>
If &lit.true;, the strict validation of HTTP specification compliance for client-side
requests will be suppressed. When compliance checks are suppressed, any violations will
be merely logged as warnings, rather than causing exceptions being raised in Jersey
runtime. Default value is &lit.false;.
Indicates the value of <literal>Content-Encoding</literal> property the
&jersey.client.EncodingFilter; should be adding. Default value is not set.
The property defines a URI of a HTTP proxy the client connector should use.
Allows for HTTP Expect:100-Continue being handled by the HttpUrlConnector (default Jersey
connector). <literal>Since 2.32</literal>
Property for threshold size for content length after which Expect:100-Continue header would be applied
before the main request.
Default threshold size (64kb) after which which Expect:100-Continue header would be applied before
the main request.
<literal>Since 2.32</literal>
Logger name of the logging filter.
See <link linkend="logging.xml">logging</link> chapter for more information.
The default value is <literal>org.glassfish.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature</literal>
Level of logging filter's logger at which the messages will be logged.
See <link linkend="logging_chapter">logging</link> chapter for more information.
Verbosity of logging filter describes how verbose the logging filter will be.
There are 3 possible values &lit.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature.Verbosity.HEADERS_ONLY;,
&lit.jersey.logging.LoggingFeature.Verbosity.PAYLOAD_TEXT; or
See <link linkend="logging_chapter">logging</link> chapter for more information.
The maximum number of bytes of the entity which will be logged.
See <link linkend="logging_chapter">logging</link> chapter for more information.
New line delimiter property (client side).
See <link linkend="logging_chapter">logging</link> chapter for more information.