blob: 9a105f7bac74d4965e76f74ee3eac024dd41b14b [file] [log] [blame]
Tests are located in jersey-spring-test module.
The module contains a test webapp and test code.
The tests can be run in Jersey test container or an external container.
- Running tests in Jersey test container
mvn clean test
- Running tests in an external container
build the test app
deploy to an external container
configure container connection info in jersey-spring-test/pom.xml, if needed
run tests in integration test mode:
mvn -Pit verify
- Running tests in embedded Jetty instance
build the test app
deploy to Jetty:
mvn -Pjetty jetty:run
run tests in integration test mode in another console session:
mvn -Pit verify
test class naming conventions
- * run in unit and IT test mode
- * run as unit tests
- * run as IT tests