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Memory leaks test cases.
Tests in this maven submodule can be either:
[1] Simple tests executed by maven-surefire-plugin in a dedicated JVM. These tests should attempt to cause a memory leak
directly. The heap can be configured by means of 'memleak.jvm.maxheap' property. It can be combined with other
infrastructure which is described bellow.
[2] Integration tests executed by maven-surefire-plugin. These tests should test against Jersey application deployed to a
servlet container. The state of the servlet container (e.g., whether OutOfMemoryError occurred) should be inspected by
infrastructure described bellow.
The test infrastructure is configured from Maven and the tests should be executed by Maven. Normally, test-cases shall
override maven properties defined in this pom and declare required maven plugins in their build section. All the maven
plugin executions will be configured from this pom.
[a] Container Runners (org.glassfish.jersey.test-framework.maven:container-runner-maven-plugin) feature Weblogic and
Glassfish4 with functionality: download, start, deploy and stop.
[b] Maven Enforce Custom Rules (org.glassfish.jersey.test-framework.maven:custom-enforcer-rules) that can enforce
non-existent Java Heap dumps files in a certain path or no OutOfMemoryError errors in a log file.
[c] Jetty execution in a dedicated JVM with configured to dump heap on OutOfMemoryError errors.
[d] Common Memleak JUnit test infrastructure that provides means to stop a test after a certain period of time and mark
the test as successful as well as to perform heap dumps from the Java code or to inspect log files for OutOfMemoryError
(executes all memleak test cases)
mvn clean install -amd -pl tests/mem-leaks -P gf4,memleak-test-cases -fae
(executes shutdown hook leak single test case)
mvn clean install -am -pl tests/mem-leaks/test-cases/shutdown-hook-leak -P gf4,memleak-test-cases -fae
<!-- by default, bound to 'none' phase; if 'memleak-test-cases' profile active, they're activated -->
<!-- the 'default' id is bound to 'none' because it's not possible to split the goals and re-bind them
while keeping the 'default' id -->
<argLine>-Xmx${memleak.jvm.maxheap} -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
-XX:HeapDumpPath=${memleak.jvm.heapdumpdir} -XX:GCTimeLimit=20 -XX:GCHeapFreeLimit=30
<!-- set all the phases for this sub-module tree so that the executions are un-bound from the 'none' phase -->
<jvmArgs>-Xms64m -Xmx${memleak.jetty.maxheap} -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=${memleak.jvm.heapdumpdir}
-Djetty.port=${external.container.port} -Djersey.config.test.memleak.jetty.magicRunnerIdentifier
<rule implementation="org.glassfish.jersey.test.maven.rule.FilePatternDoesNotExistRule">
<rule implementation="org.glassfish.jersey.test.maven.rule.PatternNotMatchedInFileRule">