blob: e588514df9d979a37e78b89e9f3f4045672535e5 [file] [log] [blame]
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import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* <p>A {@link ByteBuffer} pool.</p>
* <p>Acquired buffers may be {@link #release(ByteBuffer) released} but they do not need to;
* if they are released, they may be recycled and reused, otherwise they will be garbage
* collected as usual.</p>
public interface ByteBufferPool
* <p>Requests a {@link ByteBuffer} of the given size.</p>
* <p>The returned buffer may have a bigger capacity than the size being
* requested but it will have the limit set to the given size.</p>
* @param size the size of the buffer
* @param direct whether the buffer must be direct or not
* @return the requested buffer
* @see #release(ByteBuffer)
public ByteBuffer acquire(int size, boolean direct);
* <p>Returns a {@link ByteBuffer}, usually obtained with {@link #acquire(int, boolean)}
* (but not necessarily), making it available for recycling and reuse.</p>
* @param buffer the buffer to return
* @see #acquire(int, boolean)
public void release(ByteBuffer buffer);