blob: 05f1ad9f0f49b1727b10070af8e84b704645ae54 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Copyright (c) 1995-2017 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
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import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* <p>A {@link Connection} is associated to an {@link EndPoint} so that I/O events
* happening on the {@link EndPoint} can be processed by the {@link Connection}.</p>
* <p>A typical implementation of {@link Connection} overrides {@link #onOpen(ByteBuffer)} to
* {@link EndPoint#fillInterested(Callback) set read interest} on the {@link EndPoint},
* and when the {@link EndPoint} signals read readyness, this {@link Connection} can
* read bytes from the network and interpret them.</p>
public interface Connection extends Closeable
public void addListener(Listener listener);
public void onOpen();
* <p>Callback method invoked when this {@link Connection} is closed.</p>
* <p>Creators of the connection implementation are responsible for calling this method.</p>
public void onClose();
* @return the {@link EndPoint} associated with this {@link Connection}
public EndPoint getEndPoint();
* <p>Performs a logical close of this connection.</p>
* <p>For simple connections, this may just mean to delegate the close to the associated
* {@link EndPoint} but, for example, SSL connections should write the SSL close message
* before closing the associated {@link EndPoint}.</p>
public void close();
public int getMessagesIn();
public int getMessagesOut();
public long getBytesIn();
public long getBytesOut();
public long getCreatedTimeStamp();
public interface UpgradeFrom extends Connection
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Take the input buffer from the connection on upgrade.
* <p>This method is used to take any unconsumed input from
* a connection during an upgrade.
* @return A buffer of unconsumed input. The caller must return the buffer
* to the bufferpool when consumed and this connection must not.
ByteBuffer onUpgradeFrom();
public interface UpgradeTo extends Connection
* <p>Callback method invoked when this {@link Connection} is upgraded.</p>
* <p>This must be called before {@link #onOpen()}.</p>
* @param prefilledBuffer An optional buffer that can contain prefilled data. Typically this
* results from an upgrade of one protocol to the other where the old connection has buffered
* data destined for the new connection. The new connection must take ownership of the buffer
* and is responsible for returning it to the buffer pool
void onUpgradeTo(ByteBuffer prefilled);
public interface Listener
public void onOpened(Connection connection);
public void onClosed(Connection connection);
public static class Adapter implements Listener
public void onOpened(Connection connection)
public void onClosed(Connection connection)