blob: 0067d4de447d4c14c968b965b85722af1d91e219 [file] [log] [blame]
// ========================================================================
// Copyright (c) 1995-2017 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
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package org.eclipse.jetty.servlets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.servlet.AsyncContext;
import javax.servlet.AsyncEvent;
import javax.servlet.AsyncListener;
import javax.servlet.DispatcherType;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionActivationListener;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.StringUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedAttribute;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedObject;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.ManagedOperation;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.annotation.Name;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ScheduledExecutorScheduler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.Scheduler;
* Denial of Service filter
* <p/>
* <p>
* This filter is useful for limiting
* exposure to abuse from request flooding, whether malicious, or as a result of
* a misconfigured client.
* <p>
* The filter keeps track of the number of requests from a connection per
* second. If a limit is exceeded, the request is either rejected, delayed, or
* throttled.
* <p>
* When a request is throttled, it is placed in a priority queue. Priority is
* given first to authenticated users and users with an HttpSession, then
* connections which can be identified by their IP addresses. Connections with
* no way to identify them are given lowest priority.
* <p>
* The {@link #extractUserId(ServletRequest request)} function should be
* implemented, in order to uniquely identify authenticated users.
* <p>
* The following init parameters control the behavior of the filter:<dl>
* <p/>
* <dt>maxRequestsPerSec</dt>
* <dd>the maximum number of requests from a connection per
* second. Requests in excess of this are first delayed,
* then throttled.</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>delayMs</dt>
* <dd>is the delay given to all requests over the rate limit,
* before they are considered at all. -1 means just reject request,
* 0 means no delay, otherwise it is the delay.</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>maxWaitMs</dt>
* <dd>how long to blocking wait for the throttle semaphore.</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>throttledRequests</dt>
* <dd>is the number of requests over the rate limit able to be
* considered at once.</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>throttleMs</dt>
* <dd>how long to async wait for semaphore.</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>maxRequestMs</dt>
* <dd>how long to allow this request to run.</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>maxIdleTrackerMs</dt>
* <dd>how long to keep track of request rates for a connection,
* before deciding that the user has gone away, and discarding it</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>insertHeaders</dt>
* <dd>if true , insert the DoSFilter headers into the response. Defaults to true.</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>trackSessions</dt>
* <dd>if true, usage rate is tracked by session if a session exists. Defaults to true.</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>remotePort</dt>
* <dd>if true and session tracking is not used, then rate is tracked by IP+port (effectively connection). Defaults to false.</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>ipWhitelist</dt>
* <dd>a comma-separated list of IP addresses that will not be rate limited</dd>
* <p/>
* <dt>managedAttr</dt>
* <dd>if set to true, then this servlet is set as a {@link ServletContext} attribute with the
* filter name as the attribute name. This allows context external mechanism (eg JMX via {@link ContextHandler#MANAGED_ATTRIBUTES}) to
* manage the configuration of the filter.</dd>
* </dl>
* </p>
* <p>
* This filter should be configured for {@link DispatcherType#REQUEST} and {@link DispatcherType#ASYNC} and with
* <code>&lt;async-supported&gt;true&lt;/async-supported&gt;</code>.
* </p>
@ManagedObject("limits exposure to abuse from request flooding, whether malicious, or as a result of a misconfigured client")
public class DoSFilter implements Filter
private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(DoSFilter.class);
private static final String IPv4_GROUP = "(\\d{1,3})";
private static final Pattern IPv4_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(IPv4_GROUP+"\\."+IPv4_GROUP+"\\."+IPv4_GROUP+"\\."+IPv4_GROUP);
private static final String IPv6_GROUP = "(\\p{XDigit}{1,4})";
private static final Pattern IPv6_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(IPv6_GROUP+":"+IPv6_GROUP+":"+IPv6_GROUP+":"+IPv6_GROUP+":"+IPv6_GROUP+":"+IPv6_GROUP+":"+IPv6_GROUP+":"+IPv6_GROUP);
private static final Pattern CIDR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^/]+)/(\\d+)");
private static final String __TRACKER = "DoSFilter.Tracker";
private static final String __THROTTLED = "DoSFilter.Throttled";
private static final int __DEFAULT_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_SEC = 25;
private static final int __DEFAULT_DELAY_MS = 100;
private static final int __DEFAULT_THROTTLE = 5;
private static final int __DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS = 50;
private static final long __DEFAULT_THROTTLE_MS = 30000L;
private static final long __DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_MS_INIT_PARAM = 30000L;
private static final long __DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_TRACKER_MS_INIT_PARAM = 30000L;
static final String MANAGED_ATTR_INIT_PARAM = "managedAttr";
static final String MAX_REQUESTS_PER_S_INIT_PARAM = "maxRequestsPerSec";
static final String DELAY_MS_INIT_PARAM = "delayMs";
static final String THROTTLED_REQUESTS_INIT_PARAM = "throttledRequests";
static final String MAX_WAIT_INIT_PARAM = "maxWaitMs";
static final String THROTTLE_MS_INIT_PARAM = "throttleMs";
static final String MAX_REQUEST_MS_INIT_PARAM = "maxRequestMs";
static final String MAX_IDLE_TRACKER_MS_INIT_PARAM = "maxIdleTrackerMs";
static final String INSERT_HEADERS_INIT_PARAM = "insertHeaders";
static final String TRACK_SESSIONS_INIT_PARAM = "trackSessions";
static final String REMOTE_PORT_INIT_PARAM = "remotePort";
static final String IP_WHITELIST_INIT_PARAM = "ipWhitelist";
static final String ENABLED_INIT_PARAM = "enabled";
private static final int USER_AUTH = 2;
private static final int USER_SESSION = 2;
private static final int USER_IP = 1;
private static final int USER_UNKNOWN = 0;
private final String _suspended = "DoSFilter@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) + ".SUSPENDED";
private final String _resumed = "DoSFilter@" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) + ".RESUMED";
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, RateTracker> _rateTrackers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final List<String> _whitelist = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
private volatile long _delayMs;
private volatile long _throttleMs;
private volatile long _maxWaitMs;
private volatile long _maxRequestMs;
private volatile long _maxIdleTrackerMs;
private volatile boolean _insertHeaders;
private volatile boolean _trackSessions;
private volatile boolean _remotePort;
private volatile boolean _enabled;
private Semaphore _passes;
private volatile int _throttledRequests;
private volatile int _maxRequestsPerSec;
private Queue<AsyncContext>[] _queues;
private AsyncListener[] _listeners;
private Scheduler _scheduler;
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException
_queues = new Queue[getMaxPriority() + 1];
_listeners = new AsyncListener[_queues.length];
for (int p = 0; p < _queues.length; p++)
_queues[p] = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
_listeners[p] = new DoSAsyncListener(p);
String parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(MAX_REQUESTS_PER_S_INIT_PARAM);
if (parameter != null)
maxRequests = Integer.parseInt(parameter);
long delay = __DEFAULT_DELAY_MS;
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(DELAY_MS_INIT_PARAM);
if (parameter != null)
delay = Long.parseLong(parameter);
int throttledRequests = __DEFAULT_THROTTLE;
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(THROTTLED_REQUESTS_INIT_PARAM);
if (parameter != null)
throttledRequests = Integer.parseInt(parameter);
long maxWait = __DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_MS;
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(MAX_WAIT_INIT_PARAM);
if (parameter != null)
maxWait = Long.parseLong(parameter);
long throttle = __DEFAULT_THROTTLE_MS;
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(THROTTLE_MS_INIT_PARAM);
if (parameter != null)
throttle = Long.parseLong(parameter);
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(MAX_REQUEST_MS_INIT_PARAM);
if (parameter != null)
maxRequestMs = Long.parseLong(parameter);
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(MAX_IDLE_TRACKER_MS_INIT_PARAM);
if (parameter != null)
maxIdleTrackerMs = Long.parseLong(parameter);
String whiteList = "";
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(IP_WHITELIST_INIT_PARAM);
if (parameter != null)
whiteList = parameter;
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(INSERT_HEADERS_INIT_PARAM);
setInsertHeaders(parameter == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(parameter));
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(TRACK_SESSIONS_INIT_PARAM);
setTrackSessions(parameter == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(parameter));
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(REMOTE_PORT_INIT_PARAM);
setRemotePort(parameter != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(parameter));
parameter = filterConfig.getInitParameter(ENABLED_INIT_PARAM);
setEnabled(parameter == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(parameter));
_scheduler = startScheduler();
ServletContext context = filterConfig.getServletContext();
if (context != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(filterConfig.getInitParameter(MANAGED_ATTR_INIT_PARAM)))
context.setAttribute(filterConfig.getFilterName(), this);
protected Scheduler startScheduler() throws ServletException
Scheduler result = new ScheduledExecutorScheduler();
return result;
catch (Exception x)
throw new ServletException(x);
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException
doFilter((HttpServletRequest)request, (HttpServletResponse)response, filterChain);
protected void doFilter(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException
if (!isEnabled())
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
// Look for the rate tracker for this request.
RateTracker tracker = (RateTracker)request.getAttribute(__TRACKER);
if (tracker == null)
// This is the first time we have seen this request.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Filtering {}", request);
// Get a rate tracker associated with this request, and record one hit.
tracker = getRateTracker(request);
// Calculate the rate and check it is over the allowed limit
final boolean overRateLimit = tracker.isRateExceeded(System.currentTimeMillis());
// Pass it through if we are not currently over the rate limit.
if (!overRateLimit)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Allowing {}", request);
doFilterChain(filterChain, request, response);
// We are over the limit.
// So either reject it, delay it or throttle it.
long delayMs = getDelayMs();
boolean insertHeaders = isInsertHeaders();
switch ((int)delayMs)
case -1:
// Reject this request.
LOG.warn("DOS ALERT: Request rejected ip={}, session={}, user={}", request.getRemoteAddr(), request.getRequestedSessionId(), request.getUserPrincipal());
if (insertHeaders)
response.addHeader("DoSFilter", "unavailable");
case 0:
// Fall through to throttle the request.
LOG.warn("DOS ALERT: Request throttled ip={}, session={}, user={}", request.getRemoteAddr(), request.getRequestedSessionId(), request.getUserPrincipal());
request.setAttribute(__TRACKER, tracker);
// Insert a delay before throttling the request,
// using the suspend+timeout mechanism of AsyncContext.
LOG.warn("DOS ALERT: Request delayed={}ms, ip={}, session={}, user={}", delayMs, request.getRemoteAddr(), request.getRequestedSessionId(), request.getUserPrincipal());
if (insertHeaders)
response.addHeader("DoSFilter", "delayed");
request.setAttribute(__TRACKER, tracker);
AsyncContext asyncContext = request.startAsync();
if (delayMs > 0)
asyncContext.addListener(new DoSTimeoutAsyncListener());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Throttling {}", request);
// Throttle the request.
boolean accepted = false;
// Check if we can afford to accept another request at this time.
accepted = _passes.tryAcquire(getMaxWaitMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (!accepted)
// We were not accepted, so either we suspend to wait,
// or if we were woken up we insist or we fail.
Boolean throttled = (Boolean)request.getAttribute(__THROTTLED);
long throttleMs = getThrottleMs();
if (throttled != Boolean.TRUE && throttleMs > 0)
int priority = getPriority(request, tracker);
request.setAttribute(__THROTTLED, Boolean.TRUE);
if (isInsertHeaders())
response.addHeader("DoSFilter", "throttled");
AsyncContext asyncContext = request.startAsync();
request.setAttribute(_suspended, Boolean.TRUE);
if (throttleMs > 0)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Throttled {}, {}ms", request, throttleMs);
Boolean resumed = (Boolean)request.getAttribute(_resumed);
if (resumed == Boolean.TRUE)
// We were resumed, we wait for the next pass.
accepted = true;
// If we were accepted (either immediately or after throttle)...
if (accepted)
// the chain.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Allowing {}", request);
doFilterChain(filterChain, request, response);
// ...otherwise fail the request.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Rejecting {}", request);
if (isInsertHeaders())
response.addHeader("DoSFilter", "unavailable");
catch (InterruptedException e)
if (accepted)
// Wake up the next highest priority request.
for (int p = _queues.length - 1; p >= 0; --p)
AsyncContext asyncContext = _queues[p].poll();
if (asyncContext != null)
ServletRequest candidate = asyncContext.getRequest();
Boolean suspended = (Boolean)candidate.getAttribute(_suspended);
if (suspended == Boolean.TRUE)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Resuming {}", request);
candidate.setAttribute(_resumed, Boolean.TRUE);
protected void doFilterChain(FilterChain chain, final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException
final Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
Runnable requestTimeout = new Runnable()
public void run()
closeConnection(request, response, thread);
Scheduler.Task task = _scheduler.schedule(requestTimeout, getMaxRequestMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
chain.doFilter(request, response);
* Takes drastic measures to return this response and stop this thread.
* Due to the way the connection is interrupted, may return mixed up headers.
* @param request current request
* @param response current response, which must be stopped
* @param thread the handling thread
protected void closeConnection(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Thread thread)
// take drastic measures to return this response and stop this thread.
if (!response.isCommitted())
response.setHeader("Connection", "close");
catch (IllegalStateException e)
catch (IOException e)
// interrupt the handling thread
* Get priority for this request, based on user type
* @param request the current request
* @param tracker the rate tracker for this request
* @return the priority for this request
protected int getPriority(HttpServletRequest request, RateTracker tracker)
if (extractUserId(request) != null)
return USER_AUTH;
if (tracker != null)
return tracker.getType();
* @return the maximum priority that we can assign to a request
protected int getMaxPriority()
return USER_AUTH;
* Return a request rate tracker associated with this connection; keeps
* track of this connection's request rate. If this is not the first request
* from this connection, return the existing object with the stored stats.
* If it is the first request, then create a new request tracker.
* <p/>
* Assumes that each connection has an identifying characteristic, and goes
* through them in order, taking the first that matches: user id (logged
* in), session id, client IP address. Unidentifiable connections are lumped
* into one.
* <p/>
* When a session expires, its rate tracker is automatically deleted.
* @param request the current request
* @return the request rate tracker for the current connection
public RateTracker getRateTracker(ServletRequest request)
HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getSession(false);
String loadId = extractUserId(request);
final int type;
if (loadId != null)
type = USER_AUTH;
if (isTrackSessions() && session != null && !session.isNew())
loadId = session.getId();
loadId = isRemotePort() ? (request.getRemoteAddr() + request.getRemotePort()) : request.getRemoteAddr();
type = USER_IP;
RateTracker tracker = _rateTrackers.get(loadId);
if (tracker == null)
boolean allowed = checkWhitelist(request.getRemoteAddr());
int maxRequestsPerSec = getMaxRequestsPerSec();
tracker = allowed ? new FixedRateTracker(loadId, type, maxRequestsPerSec)
: new RateTracker(loadId, type, maxRequestsPerSec);
RateTracker existing = _rateTrackers.putIfAbsent(loadId, tracker);
if (existing != null)
tracker = existing;
if (type == USER_IP)
// USER_IP expiration from _rateTrackers is handled by the _scheduler
_scheduler.schedule(tracker, getMaxIdleTrackerMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
else if (session != null)
// USER_SESSION expiration from _rateTrackers are handled by the HttpSessionBindingListener
session.setAttribute(__TRACKER, tracker);
return tracker;
protected boolean checkWhitelist(String candidate)
for (String address : _whitelist)
if (address.contains("/"))
if (subnetMatch(address, candidate))
return true;
if (address.equals(candidate))
return true;
return false;
protected boolean checkWhitelist(List<String> whitelist, String candidate)
for (String address : whitelist)
if (address.contains("/"))
if (subnetMatch(address, candidate))
return true;
if (address.equals(candidate))
return true;
return false;
protected boolean subnetMatch(String subnetAddress, String address)
Matcher cidrMatcher = CIDR_PATTERN.matcher(subnetAddress);
if (!cidrMatcher.matches())
return false;
String subnet =;
int prefix;
prefix = Integer.parseInt(;
catch (NumberFormatException x)
{"Ignoring malformed CIDR address {}", subnetAddress);
return false;
byte[] subnetBytes = addressToBytes(subnet);
if (subnetBytes == null)
{"Ignoring malformed CIDR address {}", subnetAddress);
return false;
byte[] addressBytes = addressToBytes(address);
if (addressBytes == null)
{"Ignoring malformed remote address {}", address);
return false;
// Comparing IPv4 with IPv6 ?
int length = subnetBytes.length;
if (length != addressBytes.length)
return false;
byte[] mask = prefixToBytes(prefix, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
if ((subnetBytes[i] & mask[i]) != (addressBytes[i] & mask[i]))
return false;
return true;
private byte[] addressToBytes(String address)
Matcher ipv4Matcher = IPv4_PATTERN.matcher(address);
if (ipv4Matcher.matches())
byte[] result = new byte[4];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i)
result[i] = Integer.valueOf( + 1)).byteValue();
return result;
Matcher ipv6Matcher = IPv6_PATTERN.matcher(address);
if (ipv6Matcher.matches())
byte[] result = new byte[16];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i += 2)
int word = Integer.valueOf( / 2 + 1), 16);
result[i] = (byte)((word & 0xFF00) >>> 8);
result[i + 1] = (byte)(word & 0xFF);
return result;
return null;
private byte[] prefixToBytes(int prefix, int length)
byte[] result = new byte[length];
int index = 0;
while (prefix / 8 > 0)
result[index] = -1;
prefix -= 8;
if (index == result.length)
return result;
// Sets the _prefix_ most significant bits to 1
result[index] = (byte)~((1 << (8 - prefix)) - 1);
return result;
public void destroy()
LOG.debug("Destroy {}",this);
protected void stopScheduler()
catch (Exception x)
* Returns the user id, used to track this connection.
* This SHOULD be overridden by subclasses.
* @param request the current request
* @return a unique user id, if logged in; otherwise null.
protected String extractUserId(ServletRequest request)
return null;
* Get maximum number of requests from a connection per
* second. Requests in excess of this are first delayed,
* then throttled.
* @return maximum number of requests
@ManagedAttribute("maximum number of requests allowed from a connection per second")
public int getMaxRequestsPerSec()
return _maxRequestsPerSec;
* Get maximum number of requests from a connection per
* second. Requests in excess of this are first delayed,
* then throttled.
* @param value maximum number of requests
public void setMaxRequestsPerSec(int value)
_maxRequestsPerSec = value;
* Get delay (in milliseconds) that is applied to all requests
* over the rate limit, before they are considered at all.
@ManagedAttribute("delay applied to all requests over the rate limit (in ms)")
public long getDelayMs()
return _delayMs;
* Set delay (in milliseconds) that is applied to all requests
* over the rate limit, before they are considered at all.
* @param value delay (in milliseconds), 0 - no delay, -1 - reject request
public void setDelayMs(long value)
_delayMs = value;
* Get maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the filter will
* blocking wait for the throttle semaphore.
* @return maximum wait time
@ManagedAttribute("maximum time the filter will block waiting throttled connections, (0 for no delay, -1 to reject requests)")
public long getMaxWaitMs()
return _maxWaitMs;
* Set maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the filter will
* blocking wait for the throttle semaphore.
* @param value maximum wait time
public void setMaxWaitMs(long value)
_maxWaitMs = value;
* Get number of requests over the rate limit able to be
* considered at once.
* @return number of requests
@ManagedAttribute("number of requests over rate limit")
public int getThrottledRequests()
return _throttledRequests;
* Set number of requests over the rate limit able to be
* considered at once.
* @param value number of requests
public void setThrottledRequests(int value)
int permits = _passes == null ? 0 : _passes.availablePermits();
_passes = new Semaphore((value - _throttledRequests + permits), true);
_throttledRequests = value;
* Get amount of time (in milliseconds) to async wait for semaphore.
* @return wait time
@ManagedAttribute("amount of time to async wait for semaphore")
public long getThrottleMs()
return _throttleMs;
* Set amount of time (in milliseconds) to async wait for semaphore.
* @param value wait time
public void setThrottleMs(long value)
_throttleMs = value;
* Get maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to allow
* the request to process.
* @return maximum processing time
@ManagedAttribute("maximum time to allow requests to process (in ms)")
public long getMaxRequestMs()
return _maxRequestMs;
* Set maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to allow
* the request to process.
* @param value maximum processing time
public void setMaxRequestMs(long value)
_maxRequestMs = value;
* Get maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to keep track
* of request rates for a connection, before deciding that
* the user has gone away, and discarding it.
* @return maximum tracking time
@ManagedAttribute("maximum time to track of request rates for connection before discarding")
public long getMaxIdleTrackerMs()
return _maxIdleTrackerMs;
* Set maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to keep track
* of request rates for a connection, before deciding that
* the user has gone away, and discarding it.
* @param value maximum tracking time
public void setMaxIdleTrackerMs(long value)
_maxIdleTrackerMs = value;
* Check flag to insert the DoSFilter headers into the response.
* @return value of the flag
@ManagedAttribute("inser DoSFilter headers in response")
public boolean isInsertHeaders()
return _insertHeaders;
* Set flag to insert the DoSFilter headers into the response.
* @param value value of the flag
public void setInsertHeaders(boolean value)
_insertHeaders = value;
* Get flag to have usage rate tracked by session if a session exists.
* @return value of the flag
@ManagedAttribute("usage rate is tracked by session if one exists")
public boolean isTrackSessions()
return _trackSessions;
* Set flag to have usage rate tracked by session if a session exists.
* @param value value of the flag
public void setTrackSessions(boolean value)
_trackSessions = value;
* Get flag to have usage rate tracked by IP+port (effectively connection)
* if session tracking is not used.
* @return value of the flag
@ManagedAttribute("usage rate is tracked by IP+port is session tracking not used")
public boolean isRemotePort()
return _remotePort;
* Set flag to have usage rate tracked by IP+port (effectively connection)
* if session tracking is not used.
* @param value value of the flag
public void setRemotePort(boolean value)
_remotePort = value;
* @return whether this filter is enabled
@ManagedAttribute("whether this filter is enabled")
public boolean isEnabled()
return _enabled;
* @param enabled whether this filter is enabled
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
_enabled = enabled;
* Get a list of IP addresses that will not be rate limited.
* @return comma-separated whitelist
@ManagedAttribute("list of IPs that will not be rate limited")
public String getWhitelist()
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator<String> iterator = _whitelist.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
String address =;
if (iterator.hasNext())
return result.toString();
* Set a list of IP addresses that will not be rate limited.
* @param commaSeparatedList comma-separated whitelist
public void setWhitelist(String commaSeparatedList)
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (String address : StringUtil.csvSplit(commaSeparatedList))
addWhitelistAddress(result, address);
LOG.debug("Whitelisted IP addresses: {}", result);
* Clears the list of whitelisted IP addresses
@ManagedOperation("clears the list of IP addresses that will not be rate limited")
public void clearWhitelist()
* Adds the given IP address, either in the form of a dotted decimal notation A.B.C.D
* or in the CIDR notation A.B.C.D/M, to the list of whitelisted IP addresses.
* @param address the address to add
* @return whether the address was added to the list
* @see #removeWhitelistAddress(String)
@ManagedOperation("adds an IP address that will not be rate limited")
public boolean addWhitelistAddress(@Name("address") String address)
return addWhitelistAddress(_whitelist, address);
private boolean addWhitelistAddress(List<String> list, String address)
address = address.trim();
return address.length() > 0 && list.add(address);
* Removes the given address from the list of whitelisted IP addresses.
* @param address the address to remove
* @return whether the address was removed from the list
* @see #addWhitelistAddress(String)
@ManagedOperation("removes an IP address that will not be rate limited")
public boolean removeWhitelistAddress(@Name("address") String address)
return _whitelist.remove(address);
* A RateTracker is associated with a connection, and stores request rate
* data.
class RateTracker implements Runnable, HttpSessionBindingListener, HttpSessionActivationListener, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3534663738034577872L;
protected transient final String _id;
protected transient final int _type;
protected transient final long[] _timestamps;
protected transient int _next;
public RateTracker(String id, int type, int maxRequestsPerSecond)
_id = id;
_type = type;
_timestamps = new long[maxRequestsPerSecond];
_next = 0;
* @return the current calculated request rate over the last second
public boolean isRateExceeded(long now)
final long last;
synchronized (this)
last = _timestamps[_next];
_timestamps[_next] = now;
_next = (_next + 1) % _timestamps.length;
return last != 0 && (now - last) < 1000L;
public String getId()
return _id;
public int getType()
return _type;
public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event)
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Value bound: {}", getId());
public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event)
//take the tracker out of the list of trackers
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Tracker removed: {}", getId());
public void sessionWillPassivate(HttpSessionEvent se)
//take the tracker of the list of trackers (if its still there)
//and ensure that we take ourselves out of the session so we are not saved
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Value removed: {}", getId());
public void sessionDidActivate(HttpSessionEvent se)
LOG.warn("Unexpected session activation");
public void run()
int latestIndex = _next == 0 ? (_timestamps.length - 1) : (_next - 1);
long last = _timestamps[latestIndex];
boolean hasRecentRequest = last != 0 && (System.currentTimeMillis() - last) < 1000L;
if (hasRecentRequest)
_scheduler.schedule(this, getMaxIdleTrackerMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
public String toString()
return "RateTracker/" + _id + "/" + _type;
class FixedRateTracker extends RateTracker
public FixedRateTracker(String id, int type, int numRecentRequestsTracked)
super(id, type, numRecentRequestsTracked);
public boolean isRateExceeded(long now)
// rate limit is never exceeded, but we keep track of the request timestamps
// so that we know whether there was recent activity on this tracker
// and whether it should be expired
synchronized (this)
_timestamps[_next] = now;
_next = (_next + 1) % _timestamps.length;
return false;
public String toString()
return "Fixed" + super.toString();
private class DoSTimeoutAsyncListener implements AsyncListener
public void onStartAsync(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
public void onComplete(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
public void onTimeout(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
public void onError(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException
private class DoSAsyncListener extends DoSTimeoutAsyncListener
private final int priority;
public DoSAsyncListener(int priority)
this.priority = priority;
public void onTimeout(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException