blob: d815ec64402b2dfe8f5ea5f878aeeaded500e5f6 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Copyright (c) 1995-2017 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
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// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
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package org.eclipse.jetty.client;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Request;
import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Response;
import org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.Result;
import org.eclipse.jetty.client.util.BufferingResponseListener;
import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader;
import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeaderValue;
* <p>A protocol handler that handles the 100 response code.</p>
public class ContinueProtocolHandler implements ProtocolHandler
public static final String NAME = "continue";
private static final String ATTRIBUTE = ContinueProtocolHandler.class.getName() + ".100continue";
private final ResponseNotifier notifier;
public ContinueProtocolHandler()
this.notifier = new ResponseNotifier();
public String getName()
return NAME;
public boolean accept(Request request, Response response)
boolean expect100 = request.getHeaders().contains(HttpHeader.EXPECT, HttpHeaderValue.CONTINUE.asString());
HttpConversation conversation = ((HttpRequest)request).getConversation();
boolean handled100 = conversation.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE) != null;
return expect100 && !handled100;
public Response.Listener getResponseListener()
// Return new instances every time to keep track of the response content
return new ContinueListener();
protected void onContinue(Request request)
protected class ContinueListener extends BufferingResponseListener
public void onSuccess(Response response)
// Handling of success must be done here and not from onComplete(),
// since the onComplete() is not invoked because the request is not completed yet.
Request request = response.getRequest();
HttpConversation conversation = ((HttpRequest)request).getConversation();
// Mark the 100 Continue response as handled
conversation.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.TRUE);
// Reset the conversation listeners, since we are going to receive another response code
HttpExchange exchange = conversation.getExchanges().peekLast();
assert exchange.getResponse() == response;
switch (response.getStatus())
case 100:
// All good, continue
// Server either does not support 100 Continue,
// or it does and wants to refuse the request content,
// or we got some other HTTP status code like a redirect.
List<Response.ResponseListener> listeners = exchange.getResponseListeners();
HttpContentResponse contentResponse = new HttpContentResponse(response, getContent(), getMediaType(), getEncoding());
notifier.forwardSuccess(listeners, contentResponse);
exchange.proceed(new HttpRequestException("Expectation failed", request));
public void onFailure(Response response, Throwable failure)
HttpConversation conversation = ((HttpRequest)response.getRequest()).getConversation();
// Mark the 100 Continue response as handled
conversation.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE, Boolean.TRUE);
// Reset the conversation listeners to allow the conversation to be completed
HttpExchange exchange = conversation.getExchanges().peekLast();
assert exchange.getResponse() == response;
List<Response.ResponseListener> listeners = exchange.getResponseListeners();
HttpContentResponse contentResponse = new HttpContentResponse(response, getContent(), getMediaType(), getEncoding());
notifier.forwardFailureComplete(listeners, exchange.getRequest(), exchange.getRequestFailure(), contentResponse, failure);
public void onComplete(Result result)