blob: 192f1d2d3eccd026ce457f535604c6a60c857a22 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Copyright (c) 1995-2017 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
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=== Quick Setup
==== Jetty Distribution
If you are using the jetty distribution, then annotations are enabled by default.
The annotations link:#startup-modules[module] and its transitive dependencies are responsible for making annotation processing available.
Note that annotations that relate to link:#jndi[JNDI], such as @Resource and @Resources are enabled via the JNDI module, which is a transitive dependency on the annotations module.
==== Jetty Maven Plugin
Annotations and JNDI are pre-enabled for the Maven plugin.
==== Embedding
To use annotations in an embedded scenario, you will need to include the `jetty-annotations` jar and all its dependencies onto your classpath.
You will also need to include the `org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationConfiguration` class into the list of link:#webapp-configurations[Configuration classes] applied to the `org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext` class representing your webapp.
Below is an example application that sets up the standard `test-spec.war` webapp from the distribution in embedded fashion.
It can also be found in the Jetty GitHub repository on the examples/embedded page as link:{GITBROWSEURL}/examples/embedded/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jetty/embedded[``.]
Note that the `test-spec.war` uses not only annotations, but also link:#jndi[JNDI], so this example also enables their processing (via the link:#jndi-configuration-classes[], link:#jndi-configuration-classes[] and their related jars).
[source, java, subs="{sub-order}"]