blob: 5f205af3e235132a22141b436a87485c5bb5e335 [file] [log] [blame]
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=== Example: Logging with Java's java.util.logging via Slf4j
It is possible to have the Jetty Server logging configured so that `java.util.logging` controls the output of logging events produced by Jetty.
This example demonstrates how to configuring Jetty for logging to `java.util.logging` via[Slf4j] and the[Slf4j binding layer for java.util.logging].
If you want to use the built-in native `JavaUtilLog` implementation, see #example-logging-java-util-logging-native .
A convenient replacement `logging` module has been created to bootstrap your `${jetty.base}` directory for logging with `java.util.logging`.
[source, screen, subs="{sub-order}"]
[mybase]$ mkdir modules
[mybase]$ cd modules
[modules]$ curl -O
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 826 100 826 0 0 2468 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2473
[modules]$ cd ..
[mybase]$ java -jar /opt/jetty-dist/start.jar --add-to-start=logging
INFO: logging initialised in ${jetty.base}/start.ini (appended)
MKDIR: ${jetty.base}/logs
DOWNLOAD: to lib/logging/slf4j-jdk14-1.6.6.jar
DOWNLOAD: to lib/logging/slf4j-api-1.6.6.jar
DOWNLOAD: to etc/jetty-logging.xml
DOWNLOAD: to resources/
DOWNLOAD: to resources/
INFO: resources initialised transitively
INFO: resources enabled in ${jetty.base}/start.ini
[mybase]$ java -jar /opt/jetty-dist/start.jar
The replacement `logging.mod` performs a number of tasks.
. `mybase` is a `${jetty.base}` directory
. The jetty-distribution is unpacked (and untouched) into `/opt/jetty-dist/` and becomes the `${jetty.home}` directory for this demonstration.
. The `curl` command downloads the replacement `logging.mod` and puts it into the `${jetty.base}/modules/` directory for use by `mybase` only.
. The `start.jar --add-to-start=logging` command performs a number of steps to make the logging module available to the `${jetty.base}` configuration.
.. The `--module=logging` command is added to the `${jetty.base}/start.ini` configuration.
.. Required `${jetty.base}` directories are created: `${jetty.base}/logs` and `${jetty.base}/resources`.
.. Required libraries are downloaded (if not present already): slf4j-api, and slf4j-jdk14.
* The libraries are put in the `${jetty.base}/lib/logging/` directory.
.. Required configuration files are downloaded (if not present already): ``, and ``.
* The configuration files are put in the `${jetty.base}/resources/` directory.
.. Required `java.util.logging` initialization commands are downloaded (if not present already): `jetty-logging.xml`.
* The xml file is put in the `${jetty.base}/etc/` directory.
At this point the Jetty `mybase` is configured so that the Jetty server itself will log using `java.util.logging`, using the `java.util.logging` configuration found in `mybase/resources/`.
The server classpath can be verified by using the `start.jar --list-config` command.
In essence, Jetty is now configured to emit its own logging events to slf4j, and slf4j itself is using the static log binder found in `slf4j-jdk14.jar`, making all Jetty + Slf4j + `java.util.logging` events emitted by the Jetty server go to `java.util.logging` for routing (to console, file, etc...).
If there any custom `java.util.logging` handlers to be used, put the implementation jar in the `${jetty.base}/lib/logging/` directory and reference them in the `${jetty.base}/resources/` file.
`java.util.logging` is configured via the `${jetty.base}/resources/` file during a valid startup of Jetty.
This means that if there is any startup errors that occur before `java.util.logging` is configured, they will likely be lost and/or not routed through your configuration.
Other logging frameworks are more reliable in that they always initialize and configure on first use, unlike `java.util.logging`.
* While it is possible to configure `java.util.logging` sooner, even at JVM startup, the example demonstrated here does not show this technique.
For more information consult the official `java.util.logging.LogManager` javadoc[documentation from Oracle].