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=== Session Clustering with Infinispan
Jetty can support session clustering by persisting sessions to[Infinispan].
Each Jetty instance locally caches sessions for which it has received requests, writing any changes to the session through to Infinispan as the request exits the server.
Sessions must obey the Serialization contract, and servlets must call the `Session.setAttribute()` method to ensure that changes are persisted.
The persistent session mechanism works in conjunction with a load balancer that supports stickiness.
Stickiness can be based on various data items, such as source IP address or characteristics of the session ID or a load-balancer specific mechanism.
For those load balancers that examine the session ID, the Jetty persistent session mechanism appends a node ID to the session ID, which can be used for routing.
==== Configuration
There are two components to session management in Jetty: a session ID manager and a session manager.
* The session ID manager ensures that session IDs are unique across all webapps hosted on a Jetty instance, and thus there can only be one session ID manager per Jetty instance.
* The session manager handles the session lifecycle (create/update/invalidate/expire) on behalf of a web application, so there is one session manager per web application instance.
These managers also cooperate and collaborate with the `org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler` to enable cross-context dispatch.
==== The Infinispan Module
When using the jetty distribution, to enable Infinispan session persistence, you will first need to enable the Infinispan link:#startup-modules[module] for your link:#creating-jetty-base[base] using the `--add-to-start` or `--add-to-startd` argument to the link:#startup-overview[start.jar].
As part of the module installation, the necessary Infinispan jars will be dynamically downloaded and installed to your `${jetty.base}/lib/infinispan` directory.
If you need to up or downgrade the version of the Infinispan jars, then you can delete the jars that were automatically installed and replace them.
Once you've done that, you will need to prevent Jetty's startup checks from detecting the missing jars.
To do that, you can use `--skip-file-validation=infinispan` argument to start.jar on the command line, or place that line inside `${jetty.base}/start.ini` to ensure it is used for every start.
You will also find the following properties, either in your base's `start.d/infinispan.ini` file or appended to your `start.ini`, depending on how you enabled the module:
## Unique identifier for this node in the cluster
The name that uniquely identifies this node in the cluster.
This value will also be used by the sticky load balancer to identify the node.
Don't forget to change the value of this property on *each* node on which you enable Infinispan session clustering.
These properties are applied to the `InfinispanSessionIdManager` described below.
===== Configuring the InfinispanSessionIdManager
The Infinispan module will have installed file called `$\{jetty.home}/etc/jetty-infinispan.xml`.
This file configures an instance of the `InfinispanSessionIdManager` that will be shared across all webapps deployed on that server.
It looks like this:
[source, xml, subs="{sub-order}"]
As you can see, you configure the Infinispan[Cache] instance that the `InfinispanSessionIdManager` should use in this file.
By default, the Infinispan[Default cache] instance is used (e.g. on the local node).
You can instead use a custom Cache setup - the `jetty-infinispan.xml` file shows you how to configure a remote Cache (using the[hotrod java client]).
The `InfinispanSessionIdManager` can be configured by calling setters:
Sessions that are not immortal, e.g. they have an expiry time, have their ids stored into Infinispan with an[idle expiry timeout] equivalent to double the session's timeout.
This should be sufficient to ensure that a session id that is in-use by a session is never accidentally removed.
However, should you wish to, you can configure this to any integral value to effectively increase the[idle expiry] timeout.
===== Configuring the InfinispanSessionManager
As mentioned elsewhere, there should be one `InfinispanSessionManager` per context (e.g. webapp).
It will need to reference the single `InfinispanSessionIdManager` configured previously for the Server.
The way you configure a `InfinispanSessionManager` depends on whether you're configuring from a context xml file, a `jetty-web.xml` file or code.
The basic difference is how you get a reference to the Jetty `org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server` instance.
From a context xml file, you reference the Server instance as a Ref:
[source, xml, subs="{sub-order}"]
<!-- Expose the jetty infinispan classes for session serialization -->
<Call name="prependServerClass">
<!-- Get a reference to the InfinispanSessionIdManager -->
<Ref id="Server">
<Call id="idMgr" name="getSessionIdManager"/>
<!-- Get a referencee to the Cache from the InfinispanSessionIdManager -->
<Ref id="idMgr">
<Get id="cache" name="cache"/>
<!-- Use the InfinispanSessionIdManager and Cache to setup up the InfinispanSessionManager -->
<Set name="sessionHandler">
<New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler">
<New id="mgr" class="org.eclipse.jetty.session.infinispan.InfinispanSessionManager">
<Set name="sessionIdManager">
<Ref id="idMgr"/>
<Set name="cache">
<Ref id="cache">
<Set name="scavengeInterval">60</Set>
From a `WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml` file, you can reference the Server instance directly:
[source, xml, subs="{sub-order}"]
<!-- Expose the jetty infinispan classes for session serialization -->
<Call name="prependServerClass">
<!-- Reference the server directly -->
<Get name="server">
<Get id="idMgr" name="sessionIdManager"/>
<!-- Get a reference to the Cache via the InfinispanSessionIdManager -->
<Ref id="idMgr">
<Get id="cache" name="cache"/>
<!-- Apply the SessionIdManager and Cache to the InfinispanSessionManager -->
<Set name="sessionHandler">
<New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler">
<New id="mgr" class="org.eclipse.jetty.session.infinispan.InfinispanSessionManager">
<Set name="sessionIdManager">
<Ref id="idMgr"/>
<Set name="cache">
<Ref id="cache">
<Set name="scavengeInterval">600</Set>
The InfinispanSessionManager can be provided by calling setters:
Time in seconds between runs of a scavenger task that looks for expired old sessions to delete.
The default is 10 minutes.
The length of time a session can be in memory without being checked against the cluster.
A value of 0 indicates that the session is never checked against the cluster - the current node is considered to be the master for the session.
===== Using HotRod
If you're using the hotrod client - where serialization will be required - you will need to ensure that the hotrod marshalling software works with Jetty classloading.
To do this, firstly ensure that you have included the lines containing the `prependServerClass` to your context xml file as shown above.
Then, create the file `${jetty.base}/resources/`.
Add the following line to this file: