blob: 71099d0118c3ce9fde75338d7b4ec4b073189da5 [file] [log] [blame]
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=== Anatomy of a Web Application
The standard Jetty distribution is capable of deploying standard Servlet Spec Web Applications and Jetty internal ContextHandler deployment descriptors, or even a mix of the two.
Web Applications are deployable collections of dynamic (servlets, filters, jsps, etc..) and static content, support libraries, and descriptive metadata that are bound to a specific context path on Jetty.
Ultimately the format and layout are defined by the Servlet Spec, and the official Servlet Spec documentation should be consulted for a more detailed understanding of Web Application layout and structure; however, this will outline basics about how Jetty views these requirements.
Web Applications can be bundled into a single Web Archive (WAR file) or as a directory tree.
Special Servlet API defined directory used to store anything related to the Web Application that are not part of the public access of the Web Application.
If there is content that is accessed by a Web Application internally, but that should also never be accessed directly by a web browser, this is the directory it would placed in.
*Required* deployment descriptor defining various behavior of the Web Application.
Location for Web Application specific compiled java classes
Directory for JAR files (libraries)
The Jetty internal `WebAppClassloader` will load classes from `/WEB-INF/classes/` first, then from jar files found in `/WEB-INF/lib/`.