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=== Jetty Embedded HelloWorld
This section provides a tutorial that shows how you can quickly develop embedded code against the Jetty API.
==== Downloading the Jars
Jetty is decomposed into many jars and dependencies to achieve a minimal footprint by selecting the minimal set of jars.
Typically it is best to use something like Maven to manage jars, however this tutorial uses an aggregate Jar that contains all of the Jetty classes in one Jar.
You can manually download the aggregate link:{VERSION}/jetty-all-{VERSION}-uber.jar[`jetty-all.jar`] using `curl`) or a browser.
The central Maven repository has started to aggressively reject/deny access to the repository from the `wget` command line tool (due to abusive use of the tool by some groups).
The administrators of the central maven repository have stated that the recommended command line download tool is now curl.
Use curl as follows:
[source, screen, subs="{sub-order}"]
> mkdir Demo
> cd Demo
> curl -o jetty-all-uber.jar{VERSION}/jetty-all-{VERSION}-uber.jar
==== Writing a HelloWorld Example
The link:#embedding[Embedding Jetty] section contains many examples of writing against the Jetty API.
This tutorial uses a simple HelloWorld handler with a main method to run the server.
You can either link:{SRCDIR}/examples/embedded/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jetty/embedded/[download] or create in an editor the file `` with the following content:
[source, java, subs="{sub-order}"]
==== Compiling the HelloWord example
The following command compiles the HelloWorld class:
[source, screen, subs="{sub-order}"]
> mkdir classes
> javac -d classes -cp jetty-all-uber.jar
==== Running the Handler and Server
The following command runs the HelloWorld example:
[source, screen, subs="{sub-order}"]
> java -cp classes:jetty-all-uber.jar org.eclipse.jetty.embedded.HelloWorld
You can now point your browser at http://localhost:8080/[http://localhost:8080] to see your hello world page.
==== Next Steps
To learn more about Jetty, take these next steps:
* Follow the examples in link:#embedding-jetty[Embedding Jetty] to better understand the jetty APIs.
* Explore the complete link:{JDURL}/[Jetty javadoc]
* Consider using link:#maven-and-jetty[Jetty and Maven] to manage your Jars and dependencies.