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=== Deploying Web Applications
Jetty server instances that configure the deploy module will have a web application deployer that link:#hot-deployment[hot deploys] files found in the `webapps` directory.
Standard WAR files and Jetty configuration files that are placed in the `webapps` directory are hot deployed to the server with the following conventions:
* A directory called `example/` is deployed as a standard web application if it contains a `WEB-INF/` subdirectory, otherwise it is deployed as context of static content.
The context path is `/example` (that is, `http://localhost:8080/example/`) unless the base name is ROOT (case insensitive), in which case the context path is /.
If the directory name ends with ".d" it is ignored (but may be used by explicit configuration).
* A file called `example.war` is deployed as a standard web application with the context path `/example` (that is,
If the base name is `ROOT` (case insensitive), the context path is `/`.
If `example.war` and `example/` exist, only the WAR is deployed (which may use the directory as an unpack location).
* An XML file like `example.xml` is deployed as a context whose configuration is defined by the XML.
The configuration itself must set the context path.
If `example.xml` and `example.war` exists, only the XML is deployed (which may use the WAR in its configuration).
If you have a standard web application, you can hot deploy it into Jetty by copying it into the `webapps` directory.
==== Jetty Demonstration Web Applications
The demo-base/webapps directory contains the following deployable and auxiliary files:
A directory of static content that is deployed to the root context / due to it's name.
Contains the Jetty demo welcome page.
A directory containing additional configuration files used by `test.xml` to inject extra configuration into `test.war`.
A context configuration file that configures and deploys `test.war.`
The additional configuration includes the context path as well as setting additional descriptors found in the `test.d` directory.
The demonstration web application that is configured and deployed by `test.xml`.
A web application demonstration of asynchronous REST to eBay, automatically deployed to /async-rest based on the file name.
A demonstration web application utilizing link:#jaas-support[JAAS] for authentication.
A context configuration file that configures `test-jaas.war`.
Additional configuration includes setting up the link:#configuring-login-service[LoginService] for authentication and authorization.
A demonstration web application showing the use of link:#jndi[JNDI].
A context configuration file that configures `test-jndi.war`.
Additional configuration includes defining objects in the naming space that can be referenced from the webapp.
A demonstration web application that shows the use of annotations, fragments, `ServletContainerInitializers` and other Servlet Specification 3.0/3.1 features.
A context configuration file that configures `test-spec.war`.
Additional configuration includes setting up some objects in the naming space that can be referenced by annotations.
A demonstration web application that uses a transparent proxy to serve the Jetty source link:{JXURL}/[xref] from the[Eclipse Jetty website].
A demonstration context configuration file that shows how to use the link:#moved-context-handler[`MovedContextHandler`] to redirect from one path to another.