blob: fece2911601b540c9b0503d1dfa3067709f0f865 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Copyright (c) 1995-2017 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
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package org.eclipse.jetty.util;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Set;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** A Trie String lookup data structure.
* @param <V> the Trie entry type
public interface Trie<V>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Put and entry into the Trie
* @param s The key for the entry
* @param v The value of the entry
* @return True if the Trie had capacity to add the field.
public boolean put(String s, V v);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Put a value as both a key and a value.
* @param v The value and key
* @return True if the Trie had capacity to add the field.
public boolean put(V v);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public V remove(String s);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Get and exact match from a String key
* @param s The key
* @return the value for the string key
public V get(String s);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Get and exact match from a String key
* @param s The key
* @param offset The offset within the string of the key
* @param len the length of the key
* @return the value for the string / offset / length
public V get(String s,int offset,int len);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Get and exact match from a segment of a ByteBuufer as key
* @param b The buffer
* @return The value or null if not found
public V get(ByteBuffer b);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Get and exact match from a segment of a ByteBuufer as key
* @param b The buffer
* @param offset The offset within the buffer of the key
* @param len the length of the key
* @return The value or null if not found
public V get(ByteBuffer b,int offset,int len);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Get the best match from key in a String.
* @param s The string
* @return The value or null if not found
public V getBest(String s);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Get the best match from key in a String.
* @param s The string
* @param offset The offset within the string of the key
* @param len the length of the key
* @return The value or null if not found
public V getBest(String s,int offset,int len);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Get the best match from key in a byte array.
* The key is assumed to by ISO_8859_1 characters.
* @param b The buffer
* @param offset The offset within the array of the key
* @param len the length of the key
* @return The value or null if not found
public V getBest(byte[] b,int offset,int len);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Get the best match from key in a byte buffer.
* The key is assumed to by ISO_8859_1 characters.
* @param b The buffer
* @param offset The offset within the buffer of the key
* @param len the length of the key
* @return The value or null if not found
public V getBest(ByteBuffer b,int offset,int len);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public Set<String> keySet();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public boolean isFull();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public boolean isCaseInsensitive();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public void clear();