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<TITLE>JAAS Authentication and Authorization Test</TITLE>
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<center><span style="color:red; font-variant:small-caps; font-weight:bold">Test Web Application Only - Do NOT Deploy in Production</span> </center>
<H1>JAAS Authentication and Authorization Demo </H1>
<p>To enable JAAS in a base jetty instance do:
$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-to-startd=jaas
<p>This will create a $JETTY_BASE/start.d/jaas.ini file to enable and parameterise JAAS. If the --add-to-start option instead, then the same initialisation will be appended to the
$JETTY_BASE/start.ini file instead. The jetty demo-base already has JAAS enabled in the start.ini file. </p>
<p>The full source of this demonstration is available <a
<h2>Using the Demo</h2>
Click on the link below to test JAAS <i>authentication</i> and role-based web security constraint <i>authorization</i>. Use username=&quot;me&quot; with password=&quot;me&quot;. All other usernames, passwords should result in authentication failure.
<big><b><A HREF="auth.html">LOGIN</A></b></big>
This demo uses a simple login module that stores its configuration in a properties file. There are other types of login module provided with the jetty distro. For full information, please refer to the <a href="">Jetty 9 documentation</a>.
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