blob: 17ff2af786ce683ba6638378e30b9e6210a3432c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.junit.tests.assertion;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.junit.ComparisonFailure;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
public class ComparisonFailureTest {
private String expected, actual, message;
public ComparisonFailureTest(String e, String a, String m) {
expected = e;
actual = a;
message = m;
@Parameters(name = "compact-msg-{index}, exp=\"{1}\"")
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
// simple base case
{ "a", "b", "expected:<[a]> but was:<[b]>" },
// common prefix
{ "ba", "bc", "expected:<b[a]> but was:<b[c]>" },
// common suffix
{ "ab", "cb", "expected:<[a]b> but was:<[c]b>" },
// common pre and suffix
{ "abc", "adc", "expected:<a[b]c> but was:<a[d]c>" },
// expected is subset of actual
{ "ab", "abc", "expected:<ab[]> but was:<ab[c]>" },
// expected is superset of actual
{ "abc", "ab", "expected:<ab[c]> but was:<ab[]>" },
// overlapping matches.
{ "abc", "abbc", "expected:<ab[]c> but was:<ab[b]c>" },
// long prefix yielding "..."
{ "01234567890123456789PRE:hello:POST",
"expected:<...4567890123456789PRE:[hello]:POST> but was:<...4567890123456789PRE:[world]:POST>" },
// long suffix yielding "..."
{ "PRE:hello:01234567890123456789POST",
"expected:<PRE:[hello]:0123456789012345678...> but was:<PRE:[world]:0123456789012345678...>"
// bug609972
{ "S&P500", "0", "expected:<[S&P50]0> but was:<[]0>" },
// empty expected string
{ "", "a", "expected:<[]> but was:<[a]>" },
// empty actual string
{ "a", "", "expected:<[a]> but was:<[]>" }
public void compactFailureMessage() {
ComparisonFailure failure = new ComparisonFailure("", expected, actual);
assertEquals(message, failure.getMessage());