blob: 0e79b562f5f2117bda6ff604c25c44cd2ae0ee54 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.junit.internal;
import org.hamcrest.Description;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.hamcrest.SelfDescribing;
import org.hamcrest.StringDescription;
* An exception class used to implement <i>assumptions</i> (state in which a given test
* is meaningful and should or should not be executed). A test for which an assumption
* fails should not generate a test case failure.
* @see org.junit.Assume
public class AssumptionViolatedException extends RuntimeException implements SelfDescribing {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
* We have to use the f prefix until the next major release to ensure
* serialization compatibility.
* See
private final String fAssumption;
private final boolean fValueMatcher;
private final Object fValue;
private final Matcher<?> fMatcher;
* @deprecated Please use {@link org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException} instead.
public AssumptionViolatedException(String assumption, boolean hasValue, Object value, Matcher<?> matcher) {
this.fAssumption = assumption;
this.fValue = value;
this.fMatcher = matcher;
this.fValueMatcher = hasValue;
if (value instanceof Throwable) {
initCause((Throwable) value);
* An assumption exception with the given <i>value</i> (String or
* Throwable) and an additional failing {@link Matcher}.
* @deprecated Please use {@link org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException} instead.
public AssumptionViolatedException(Object value, Matcher<?> matcher) {
this(null, true, value, matcher);
* An assumption exception with the given <i>value</i> (String or
* Throwable) and an additional failing {@link Matcher}.
* @deprecated Please use {@link org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException} instead.
public AssumptionViolatedException(String assumption, Object value, Matcher<?> matcher) {
this(assumption, true, value, matcher);
* An assumption exception with the given message only.
* @deprecated Please use {@link org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException} instead.
public AssumptionViolatedException(String assumption) {
this(assumption, false, null, null);
* An assumption exception with the given message and a cause.
* @deprecated Please use {@link org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException} instead.
public AssumptionViolatedException(String assumption, Throwable e) {
this(assumption, false, null, null);
public String getMessage() {
return StringDescription.asString(this);
public void describeTo(Description description) {
if (fAssumption != null) {
if (fValueMatcher) {
// a value was passed in when this instance was constructed; print it
if (fAssumption != null) {
description.appendText(": ");
description.appendText("got: ");
if (fMatcher != null) {
description.appendText(", expected: ");
* Override default Java object serialization to correctly deal with potentially unserializable matchers or values.
* By not implementing readObject, we assure ourselves of backwards compatibility and compatibility with the
* standard way of Java serialization.
* @param objectOutputStream The outputStream to write our representation to
* @throws IOException When serialization fails
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream) throws IOException {
ObjectOutputStream.PutField putField = objectOutputStream.putFields();
putField.put("fAssumption", fAssumption);
putField.put("fValueMatcher", fValueMatcher);
// We have to wrap the matcher into a serializable form.
putField.put("fMatcher", SerializableMatcherDescription.asSerializableMatcher(fMatcher));
// We have to wrap the value inside a non-String class (instead of serializing the String value directly) as
// A Description will handle a String and non-String object differently (1st is surrounded by '"' while the
// latter will be surrounded by '<' '>'. Wrapping it makes sure that the description of a serialized and
// non-serialized instance produce the exact same description
putField.put("fValue", SerializableValueDescription.asSerializableValue(fValue));