blob: 2ad2fb5788939d9dde7fa7bdd61145677d29cbdc [file] [log] [blame]
import aQute.bnd.gradle.BundleTaskExtension
import aQute.bnd.gradle.Resolve
plugins {
val importAPIGuardian = "org.apiguardian.*;resolution:=\"optional\""
// This task enhances `jar` and `shadowJar` tasks with the bnd
// `BundleTaskExtension` extension which allows for generating OSGi
// metadata into the jar
tasks.withType<Jar>().matching {
task: Jar -> == "jar" || == "shadowJar"
}.configureEach {
val bte = extensions.create<BundleTaskExtension>(BundleTaskExtension.NAME, this)
extra["importAPIGuardian"] = importAPIGuardian
// These are bnd instructions necessary for generating OSGi metadata.
// We've generalized these so that they are widely applicable limiting
// module configurations to special cases.
# Set the Bundle-SymbolicName to the archiveBaseName.
# We don't use the archiveClassifier which Bnd will use
# in the default Bundle-SymbolicName value.
Bundle-SymbolicName: ${'$'}{task.archiveBaseName}
# Set the Bundle-Name from the project description
Bundle-Name: ${'$'}{project.description}
# These are the general rules for package imports.
Import-Package: \
# This tells bnd not to complain if a module doesn't actually import
# the kotlin and apiguardian packages, but enough modules do to make it a default.
-fixupmessages.kotlin.import: "Unused Import-Package instructions: \\[kotlin.*\\]";is:=ignore
-fixupmessages.apiguardian.import: "Unused Import-Package instructions: \\[org.apiguardian.*\\]";is:=ignore
# This tells bnd to ignore classes it finds in `META-INF/versions/`
# because bnd doesn't yet support multi-release jars.
-fixupmessages.wrong.dir: "Classes found in the wrong directory: \\{META-INF/versions/...";is:=ignore
# Don't scan for Class.forName package imports.
# See
-noclassforname: true
# Don't add all the extra headers bnd normally adds.
# See
-noextraheaders: true
# Don't add the Private-Package header.
# See
-removeheaders: Private-Package
# Instruct the APIGuardianAnnotations how to operate.
# See
-export-apiguardian: *;version=${'$'}{versionmask;===;${'$'}{version_cleanup;${'$'}{task.archiveVersion}}}
// Do the actual work putting OSGi stuff in the jar.
// Bnd's Resolve task uses a properties file for its configuration. This
// task writes out the properties necessary for it to verify the OSGi
// metadata.
val osgiProperties by tasks.registering(WriteProperties::class) {
property("-standalone", true)
project.extensions.getByType( { javaLibrary ->
property("-runee", "JavaSE-${javaLibrary.mainJavaVersion}")
property("-runrequires", "osgi.identity;filter:='(osgi.identity=${})'")
property("-runsystempackages", "jdk.internal.misc,jdk.jfr,sun.misc")
// API Guardian should be optional -> instruct resolver to ignore it
// during resolution. Resolve should still pass.
property("-runblacklist", "org.apiguardian.api")
val osgiVerification by configurations.creating {
// Bnd's Resolve task is what verifies that a jar can be used in OSGi and
// that its metadata is valid. If the metadata is invalid this task will
// fail.
val verifyOSGi by tasks.registering(Resolve::class) {
bndrun.fileProvider({ it.outputFile })
isReportOptional = false
// By default bnd will use jars found in:
// 1. project.sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
// 2. project.configurations.archives.artifacts.files
// to validate the metadata.
// This adds jars defined in `osgiVerification` also so that bnd
// can use them to validate the metadata without causing those to
// end up in the dependencies of those projects.
tasks.check {