blob: fc0763c6e355c4d366d6546ae21b50cfbdaad868 [file] [log] [blame]
== 5.8.0
*Date of Release:* September 12, 2021
* Declarative test suites via `@Suite` classes
* `LauncherSession` and accompanying listener
* New `UniqueIdTrackingListener`
* More fine-grained Java Flight Recorder events
* Java Flight Recorder support on Java 8 Update 262 or higher
* Test class ordering
* `@TempDir` can be used to create multiple temporary directories
* Extension registration via `@ExtendWith` on fields and parameters
* Auto-close support for arguments in `@ParameterizedTest` methods
* Memory and performance optimizations
* Numerous bug fixes and minor improvements
For complete details consult the[5.8.0 Release Notes] online.