blob: f5432406d0922b9e930ca780980aa70cfe2536c1 [file] [log] [blame]
Test plan execution started. Number of static tests: 1
+-- JUnit Jupiter
| +-- Report
| | +-- reportSingleEntryWithSingleMapping(TestReporter)
| | | tags: []
| | | uniqueId: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleDetailsTests$ReportTestCase]/[method:reportSingleEntryWithSingleMapping(org.junit.jupiter.api.TestReporter)]
| | | parent: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleDetailsTests$ReportTestCase]
| | | source: MethodSource [className = 'org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleDetailsTests$ReportTestCase', methodName = 'reportSingleEntryWithSingleMapping', methodParameterTypes = 'org.junit.jupiter.api.TestReporter']
\| \| \| reports: ReportEntry \[timestamp = ....-..-..T..:...*, foo = 'bar'\]
\| \| \| duration: [\d]+ ms
| | | status: [OK] SUCCESSFUL
\| '-- Report finished after [\d]+ ms\.
'-- JUnit Jupiter finished after [\d]+ ms\.
Test plan execution finished. Number of all tests: 1
Test run finished after [\d]+ ms
[ 2 containers found ]
[ 0 containers skipped ]
[ 2 containers started ]
[ 0 containers aborted ]
[ 2 containers successful ]
[ 0 containers failed ]
[ 1 tests found ]
[ 0 tests skipped ]
[ 1 tests started ]
[ 0 tests aborted ]
[ 1 tests successful ]
[ 0 tests failed ]