blob: 253d7c89d484181d0b1b21837ede02f47eb7b3b8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
/* libcroco - Library for parsing and applying CSS
* Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is not part of the GNU gettext program, but is used with
* GNU gettext.
* The original copyright notice is as follows:
* This file is part of The Croco Library
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Dodji Seketeli. All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* Author: Dodji Seketeli
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cr-utils.h"
#include "cr-term.h"
#include "cr-selector.h"
#include "cr-declaration.h"
#ifndef __CR_STATEMENT_H__
#define __CR_STATEMENT_H__
*Declaration of the #CRStatement class.
*forward declaration of CRStyleSheet which is defined in
struct _CRStatement ;
*typedef struct _CRStatement CRStatement ;
*this is forward declared in
*cr-declaration.h already.
struct _CRAtMediaRule ;
typedef struct _CRAtMediaRule CRAtMediaRule ;
typedef struct _CRRuleSet CRRuleSet ;
*The abstraction of a css ruleset.
*A ruleset is made of a list of selectors,
*followed by a list of declarations.
struct _CRRuleSet
/**A list of instances of #CRSimpeSel*/
CRSelector *sel_list ;
/**A list of instances of #CRDeclaration*/
CRDeclaration *decl_list ;
*The parent media rule, or NULL if
*no parent media rule exists.
CRStatement *parent_media_rule ;
} ;
*a forward declaration of CRStylesheet.
*CRStylesheet is actually declared in
struct _CRStyleSheet ;
typedef struct _CRStyleSheet CRStyleSheet;
/**The \@import rule abstraction.*/
typedef struct _CRAtImportRule CRAtImportRule ;
struct _CRAtImportRule
/**the url of the import rule*/
CRString *url ;
GList *media_list ;
*the stylesheet fetched from the url, if any.
*this is not "owned" by #CRAtImportRule which means
*it is not destroyed by the destructor of #CRAtImportRule.
CRStyleSheet * sheet;
/**abstraction of an \@media rule*/
struct _CRAtMediaRule
GList *media_list ;
CRStatement *rulesets ;
} ;
typedef struct _CRAtPageRule CRAtPageRule ;
/**The \@page rule abstraction*/
struct _CRAtPageRule
/**a list of instances of #CRDeclaration*/
CRDeclaration *decl_list ;
/**page selector. Is a pseudo selector*/
CRString *name ;
CRString *pseudo ;
} ;
/**The \@charset rule abstraction*/
typedef struct _CRAtCharsetRule CRAtCharsetRule ;
struct _CRAtCharsetRule
CRString * charset ;
/**The abstaction of the \@font-face rule.*/
typedef struct _CRAtFontFaceRule CRAtFontFaceRule ;
struct _CRAtFontFaceRule
/*a list of instanaces of #CRDeclaration*/
CRDeclaration *decl_list ;
} ;
*The possible types of css2 statements.
enum CRStatementType
*A generic css at-rule
*each unknown at-rule will
*be of this type.
/**A css at-rule*/
/*A css ruleset*/
/**A css2 import rule*/
/**A css2 media rule*/
/**A css2 page rule*/
/**A css2 charset rule*/
/**A css2 font face rule*/
} ;
*The abstraction of css statement as defined
*in the chapter 4 and appendix D.1 of the css2 spec.
*A statement is actually a double chained list of
*statements.A statement can be a ruleset, an \@import
*rule, an \@page rule etc ...
struct _CRStatement
*The type of the statement.
enum CRStatementType type ;
CRRuleSet *ruleset ;
CRAtImportRule *import_rule ;
CRAtMediaRule *media_rule ;
CRAtPageRule *page_rule ;
CRAtCharsetRule *charset_rule ;
CRAtFontFaceRule *font_face_rule ;
} kind ;
*the specificity of the selector
*that matched this statement.
*This is only used by the cascading
*order determination algorithm.
gulong specificity ;
*the style sheet that contains
*this css statement.
CRStyleSheet *parent_sheet ;
CRStatement *next ;
CRStatement *prev ;
CRParsingLocation location ;
*a custom pointer useable by
*applications that use libcroco.
*libcroco itself will never modify
*this pointer.
gpointer app_data ;
*a custom pointer used
*by the upper layers of libcroco.
*application should never use this
gpointer croco_data ;
} ;
cr_statement_does_buf_parses_against_core (const guchar *a_buf,
enum CREncoding a_encoding) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf,
enum CREncoding a_encoding) ;
cr_statement_new_ruleset (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet,
CRSelector *a_sel_list,
CRDeclaration *a_decl_list,
CRStatement *a_media_rule) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_ruleset_parse_from_buf (const guchar * a_buf,
enum CREncoding a_enc) ;
cr_statement_new_at_import_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_container_sheet,
CRString *a_url,
GList *a_media_list,
CRStyleSheet *a_imported_sheet) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_at_import_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar * a_buf,
enum CREncoding a_encoding) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_new_at_media_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet,
CRStatement *a_ruleset,
GList *a_media) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_at_media_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf,
enum CREncoding a_enc) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_new_at_charset_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet,
CRString *a_charset) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_at_charset_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf,
enum CREncoding a_encoding);
CRStatement *
cr_statement_new_at_font_face_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet,
CRDeclaration *a_font_decls) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_font_face_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf,
enum CREncoding a_encoding) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_new_at_page_rule (CRStyleSheet *a_sheet,
CRDeclaration *a_decl_list,
CRString *a_name,
CRString *a_pseudo) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_at_page_rule_parse_from_buf (const guchar *a_buf,
enum CREncoding a_encoding) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_set_parent_sheet (CRStatement *a_this,
CRStyleSheet *a_sheet) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_get_parent_sheet (CRStatement *a_this,
CRStyleSheet **a_sheet) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_append (CRStatement *a_this,
CRStatement *a_new) ;
cr_statement_prepend (CRStatement *a_this,
CRStatement *a_new) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_unlink (CRStatement *a_stmt) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_ruleset_set_sel_list (CRStatement *a_this,
CRSelector *a_sel_list) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_ruleset_get_sel_list (CRStatement const *a_this,
CRSelector **a_list) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_ruleset_set_decl_list (CRStatement *a_this,
CRDeclaration *a_list) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_ruleset_get_declarations (CRStatement *a_this,
CRDeclaration **a_decl_list) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_ruleset_append_decl2 (CRStatement *a_this,
CRString *a_prop, CRTerm *a_value) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_ruleset_append_decl (CRStatement *a_this,
CRDeclaration *a_decl) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_import_rule_set_imported_sheet (CRStatement *a_this,
CRStyleSheet *a_sheet) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_import_rule_get_imported_sheet (CRStatement *a_this,
CRStyleSheet **a_sheet) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_import_rule_set_url (CRStatement *a_this,
CRString *a_url) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_import_rule_get_url (CRStatement const *a_this,
CRString **a_url) ;
cr_statement_at_media_nr_rules (CRStatement const *a_this) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_at_media_get_from_list (CRStatement *a_this, int itemnr) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_page_rule_set_sel (CRStatement *a_this,
CRSelector *a_sel) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_page_rule_get_sel (CRStatement const *a_this,
CRSelector **a_sel) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_page_rule_set_declarations (CRStatement *a_this,
CRDeclaration *a_decl_list) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_page_rule_get_declarations (CRStatement *a_this,
CRDeclaration **a_decl_list) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_charset_rule_set_charset (CRStatement *a_this,
CRString *a_charset) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_charset_rule_get_charset (CRStatement const *a_this,
CRString **a_charset) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_font_face_rule_set_decls (CRStatement *a_this,
CRDeclaration *a_decls) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_font_face_rule_get_decls (CRStatement *a_this,
CRDeclaration **a_decls) ;
enum CRStatus
cr_statement_at_font_face_rule_add_decl (CRStatement *a_this,
CRString *a_prop,
CRTerm *a_value) ;
gchar *
cr_statement_to_string (CRStatement const * a_this, gulong a_indent) ;
cr_statement_list_to_string (CRStatement const *a_this, gulong a_indent) ;
cr_statement_dump (CRStatement const *a_this, FILE *a_fp, gulong a_indent) ;
cr_statement_dump_ruleset (CRStatement const * a_this, FILE * a_fp,
glong a_indent) ;
cr_statement_dump_font_face_rule (CRStatement const * a_this,
FILE * a_fp,
glong a_indent) ;
cr_statement_dump_page (CRStatement const * a_this, FILE * a_fp,
gulong a_indent) ;
cr_statement_dump_media_rule (CRStatement const * a_this,
FILE * a_fp,
gulong a_indent) ;
cr_statement_dump_import_rule (CRStatement const * a_this, FILE * a_fp,
gulong a_indent) ;
cr_statement_dump_charset (CRStatement const * a_this, FILE * a_fp,
gulong a_indent) ;
cr_statement_nr_rules (CRStatement const *a_this) ;
CRStatement *
cr_statement_get_from_list (CRStatement *a_this, int itemnr) ;
cr_statement_destroy (CRStatement *a_this) ;
#endif /*__CR_STATEMENT_H__*/