blob: cb684d43ac181dcfefff4293f063ac8f8c18c411 [file] [log] [blame]
source [file join [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]] tclbuildtest.tcl]
package require tclbuildtest
::tclbuildtest::sandbox {
foreach b {{} static} {
test -description {MPI C basic test} [list mpi c $b] {
run [build hello_mpi.c]
test -description {MPI C++ basic test} [list mpi cxx $b] {
run [build hello_mpi.cpp]
test -description {MPI FORTRAN77 basic test with INCLUDE directive} [list mpi fortran $b] {
run [build hello_mpi.F]
test -description {MPI FORTRAN90 basic test with USE module directive} [list mpi fortran $b] {
run [build hello_mpi.f90]