blob: af76b48bff1d345b71addfe4e7275d453c8541f7 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/sh
. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ . ../src
# Test --add-location=file option.
cat <<EOF > mm-test25.in1
# first
#. this should be discarded
msgid "1"
msgstr "1x"
# second
#: bogus:1
msgid "2"
msgstr "this is a really long msgstr "
"used to test the wrapping to "
"make sure it works after all "
"what is a test for if not to test things?"
# third
msgid "3"
msgstr "3z"
cat <<EOF > mm-test25.in2
#. this is the first
#: snark.c:345
msgid "1"
msgstr ""
#. this is the second
#: hunt.c:759
msgid "2"
msgstr ""
#. this is the third
#: boojum.c:300
msgid "3"
msgstr ""
: ${MSGMERGE=msgmerge}
${MSGMERGE} --add-location=file -q -o mm-test25.tmp mm-test25.in1 mm-test25.in2 \
|| Exit 1
LC_ALL=C tr -d '\r' < mm-test25.tmp > mm-test25.out || Exit 1
cat << EOF > mm-test25.ok
# first
#. this is the first
#: snark.c
msgid "1"
msgstr "1x"
# second
#. this is the second
#: hunt.c
msgid "2"
msgstr ""
"this is a really long msgstr used to test the wrapping to make sure it works "
"after all what is a test for if not to test things?"
# third
#. this is the third
#: boojum.c
msgid "3"
msgstr "3z"
: ${DIFF=diff}
${DIFF} mm-test25.ok mm-test25.out
exit $result