blob: e1bc9e2c688782d4307935dd4bf80f53e4768905 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#! /bin/sh
. "${srcdir=.}/"; path_prepend_ . ../src
# Test of --tcl option.
# This test fails on mingw, in the Cygwin environment: tclsh exists as
# tclsh.exe from Cygwin. When msgunfmt invokes it, it crashes, presenting
# a dialog "16 bit MS-DOS subsystem - The NTVDM CPU has encountered an
# illegal instruction." When this dialog is closed, msgunfmt continues,
# reads empty output, and refrains from creating a PO file because
# --force-po was not specified.
# Test whether we can execute Tcl programs and Tcl's fconfigure command
# understands the -encoding option (it does since approximately Tcl 8.1).
cat <<\EOF > mu-tcl-1-version.tcl
fconfigure stdout -encoding utf-8
puts $tcl_version
(tclsh mu-tcl-1-version.tcl) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null \
|| { echo "Skipping test: tclsh not found or Tcl too old"
Exit 77
cat <<\EOF > mu-tcl-1-fr.po
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
#: program.tcl:5
msgid "'Your command, please?', asked the waiter."
msgstr "«Votre commande, s'il vous plait», dit le garçon."
# Reverse the arguments.
#: program.tcl:6
#, tcl-format
msgid "%s is replaced by %s."
msgstr "%2$s remplace %1$s."
test -d mu-tcl-1-msgs || mkdir mu-tcl-1-msgs
: ${MSGFMT=msgfmt}
${MSGFMT} --tcl -d mu-tcl-1-msgs -l fr mu-tcl-1-fr.po || Exit 1
: ${MSGUNFMT=msgunfmt}
GETTEXTTCLDIR="$wabs_top_srcdir"/src \
${MSGUNFMT} --tcl -d mu-tcl-1-msgs -l fr -o mu-tcl-1-prog.out || Exit 1
cat <<\EOF > mu-tcl-1-prog.ok
msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
msgid "'Your command, please?', asked the waiter."
msgstr "«Votre commande, s'il vous plait», dit le garçon."
msgid "%s is replaced by %s."
msgstr "%2$s remplace %1$s."
: ${DIFF=diff}
${DIFF} mu-tcl-1-prog.ok mu-tcl-1-prog.out || Exit 1
Exit 0