| # Maintainer: @naveen521kk on Github <naveen@syrusdark.website> |
| |
| _realname=github-cli |
| pkgbase=mingw-w64-${_realname} |
| pkgname=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${_realname}") |
| pkgver=1.12.1 |
| pkgrel=1 |
| pkgdesc='The GitHub CLI (mingw-w64)' |
| arch=('any') |
| mingw_arch=('mingw32' 'mingw64' 'ucrt64' 'clang64') |
| url="https://github.com/cli/cli" |
| license=('MIT') |
| depends=("winpty") |
| makedepends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-go") |
| checkdepends=("git") |
| optdepends=("git: To interact with repositories") |
| options=('!strip') |
| source=("$_realname-$pkgver.tar.gz::$url/archive/v$pkgver.tar.gz" |
| "gh") |
| sha256sums=('14ef58fb2f09da1d66194527e1e8b637d28d972d273a6a627056aa960a9a9121' |
| '9ee5f2b44b7e9aa751508f02c1020e341e0212a9aa146b7428eb5ffea310be27') |
| build() { |
| cd "cli-$pkgver" |
| export GOOS=windows |
| export GOROOT=${MINGW_PREFIX}/lib/go |
| export CGO_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" |
| export CGO_LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" |
| export GO_LDFLAGS="-s -w" |
| export GOFLAGS="-buildmode=pie -trimpath -mod=readonly -modcacherw -ldflags=-linkmode=external" |
| |
| make GH_VERSION="v$pkgver" bin/gh.exe manpages |
| bin/gh.exe completion -s bash | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin bash-completion/completions/gh |
| bin/gh.exe completion -s zsh | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin zsh/site-functions/_gh |
| bin/gh.exe completion -s fish | install -Dm644 /dev/stdin fish/vendor_completions.d/gh.fish |
| } |
| |
| check(){ |
| cd "cli-$pkgver" |
| make test |
| } |
| |
| package() { |
| cd "cli-$pkgver" |
| install -Dm755 "${srcdir}/gh" "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/gh" |
| install -Dm755 "bin/gh.exe" "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/gh.exe" |
| cp -r share/ "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/" |
| install -Dm644 "LICENSE" "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/licenses/${_realname}/LICENSE" |
| install -Dm644 "README.md" "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/doc/${_realname}/README.md" |
| install -Dm644 bash-completion/completions/gh "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/bash-completion/completions/gh" |
| install -Dm644 zsh/site-functions/_gh "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_gh" |
| install -Dm644 fish/vendor_completions.d/gh.fish "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/fish/vendor_completions.d/gh.fish" |
| } |