blob: 8207359a8757d6e1fb7c44908138c10f1ebb6bac [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# This script is meant to be installed in /etc/profile.d and sourced
# *after* any PATH modifications done by MSYS Perl.
# Lines marked @REM@ are removed when generating the actual profile script
[ "${MSYSTEM_PREFIX}" != "@PREFIX@" ] && return 0
if [ "$(echo -n "$PATH" | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
echo "@FILENAME@: ERROR: PATH contains line break, skipping PATH setup" >&2
return 1
modify_path() {
# @REM@ mypath is determined in package() based on the built configuration
local mypath=""
# Remove MSYS perl modules from PATH to avoid conflicts
local newpath="$(echo -n "${PATH}" \
| gawk -v mypath="${mypath}" '
BEGIN { RS = ":" }
/^\/usr\/bin\/.*_perl$/ { next }
{ printf "%s", (++i > 1 ? ":" : "") $0 }
mypath && /^\@PREFIX@\/bin$/ { printf "%s", ":" mypath }
[ -z "${newpath}" ] && return 1
unset modify_path
# vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et ai syn=sh: