| # Maintainer: J. Peter Mugaas <jpmugaas@suddenlink.net> |
| |
| _realname=hypothesis |
| pkgbase=mingw-w64-python-${_realname} |
| pkgname=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-${_realname}") |
| provides=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python3-${_realname}") |
| conflicts=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python3-${_realname}") |
| replaces=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python3-${_realname}") |
| pkgver=6.14.0 |
| pkgrel=1 |
| pkgdesc="Advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python (mingw-w64)" |
| arch=('any') |
| mingw_arch=('mingw32' 'mingw64' 'ucrt64' 'clang64' 'clang32') |
| url='https://hypothesis.readthedocs.org' |
| license=('MIT') |
| depends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-attrs" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-sortedcontainers") |
| optdepends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pytz: for datetime and django module" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-faker: for fakefactory and django module" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-django: for django module" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-numpy: for numpy module" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pytest: for pytest module") |
| makedepends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-setuptools") |
| #checkdepends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pytest-runner" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-flake8" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pytz" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-numpy" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-faker" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-flaky" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pytest-benchmark" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-django" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pytest-xdist" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-mock" |
| # "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pandas") |
| options=('staticlibs' 'strip' '!debug') |
| source=("${_realname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz"::"https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/archive/hypothesis-python-${pkgver}.tar.gz") |
| sha512sums=('f7821449d3bf7f3656b52dad09027e40ea4af1779fcc7c0b995dac55843953fdab3f2ba69eb1b8de8258616f49cf8e5098c6a222d01071916c6f0c9fe184c80b') |
| |
| # Helper macros to help make tasks easier # |
| apply_patch_with_msg() { |
| for _patch in "$@" |
| do |
| msg2 "Applying $_patch" |
| patch -Nbp1 -i "${srcdir}/$_patch" |
| done |
| } |
| |
| del_file_exists() { |
| for _fname in "$@" |
| do |
| if [ -f $_fname ]; then |
| rm -rf $_fname |
| fi |
| done |
| } |
| # =========================================== # |
| |
| prepare() { |
| cd "${srcdir}" |
| sed -i "/FutureWarning/a \ filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning, module='pandas.core')" \ |
| ${_realname}-${_realname}-python-$pkgver/hypothesis-python/tests/common/setup.py |
| |
| rm -rf python-build-${CARCH} | true |
| cp -r "${_realname}-${_realname}-python-${pkgver}" "python-build-${CARCH}" |
| |
| # Set version for setuptools_scm |
| export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 |
| } |
| |
| # Note that build() is sometimes skipped because it's done in |
| # the packages setup.py install for simplicity if you can do so. |
| # but sometimes, you want to do a check before install which would |
| # also trigger the build. |
| build() { |
| msg "Python build for ${CARCH}" |
| cd "${srcdir}/python-build-${CARCH}/hypothesis-python" |
| ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python setup.py build |
| } |
| |
| # Comment out until we can get this to work. |
| #check() { |
| # msg "Python test for ${CARCH}" |
| # cd "${srcdir}/python-build-${CARCH}/hypothesis-python" |
| # mv tests/django ../ |
| # ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python setup.py pytest --addopts -n16 |
| # mv ../django tests/ |
| # PYTHONPATH="$PWD/build/lib:$PYTHONPATH" ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python -m tests.django.manage test tests.django || warning "Tests failed" |
| #} |
| |
| package() { |
| cd "${srcdir}/python-build-${CARCH}/hypothesis-python" |
| MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="--prefix=;--install-scripts=;--install-platlib=" \ |
| ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python setup.py install --prefix=${MINGW_PREFIX} \ |
| --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1 --skip-build |
| } |