| # Maintainer: Alexey Pavlov <alexpux@gmail.com> |
| # Contributor: Ray Donnelly <mingw.android@gmail.com> |
| |
| _realname=lxml |
| pkgbase=mingw-w64-python-${_realname} |
| pkgname=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-${_realname}") |
| pkgver=4.6.2 |
| pkgrel=1 |
| provides=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python3-${_realname}=${pkgver}" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-${_realname}-docs") |
| conflicts=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python3-${_realname}" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-${_realname}-docs") |
| replaces=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python3-${_realname}" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-${_realname}-docs") |
| pkgdesc="Python binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries (mingw-w64)" |
| arch=('any') |
| mingw_arch=('mingw32' 'mingw64' 'ucrt64' 'clang64' 'clang32') |
| license=('BSD' 'custom') |
| url="https://lxml.de/" |
| depends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libxml2" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libxslt" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python") |
| optdepends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-beautifulsoup4: support for parsing not well formed HTML" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-cssselect: support for cssselect" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-html5lib: support for html5lib parser") |
| makedepends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-cython" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-docutils" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-beautifulsoup4" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-cssselect" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-html5lib") |
| source=("https://github.com/lxml/lxml/archive/${_realname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz" |
| "mingw-python-fix.patch" |
| "use-distutils-get_platform.patch" |
| "allow-pass-path-to-rst2s5.patch") |
| sha256sums=('31eff968b5fb7f0dc6f2dedff071f179c17df5ada2c3fd613f79a5f14a94490a' |
| '032bbca0c8cb4d24665162722736e7afcc3c49b84d0bc3d4996a5c9089bd24b4' |
| 'd50fefc47295d8c6eecf1ca42d03af43dc79d3debb52caf8edbed3b56df2f672' |
| 'ec4de74d02cc4f0d09c029c7e36063ff833e378b36993e8bb57b852ac5648b7c') |
| |
| apply_patch_with_msg() { |
| for _patch in "$@" |
| do |
| msg2 "Applying $_patch" |
| patch -Nbp1 -i "${srcdir}/$_patch" |
| done |
| } |
| |
| prepare() { |
| cd "${srcdir}/${_realname}-${_realname}-${pkgver}" |
| apply_patch_with_msg mingw-python-fix.patch \ |
| use-distutils-get_platform.patch \ |
| allow-pass-path-to-rst2s5.patch |
| |
| cd "${srcdir}" |
| rm -rf python-build-${CARCH} | true |
| cp -r "${_realname}-${_realname}-${pkgver}" "python-build-${CARCH}" |
| } |
| |
| build() { |
| # It seems to me that CFLAGS and LDFLAGS aren't getting |
| # converted to Windows versions when calling Python for |
| # some reason? |
| |
| # Tried $(cygpath -m) to get -IC:/msys64/mingw32/ |
| # but that gets mangled to -IC;C:msys64msys64mingw32 |
| # PREFIX_WIN=$(cygpath -m $MINGW_PREFIX) |
| # CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${PREFIX_WIN}/include/libxml2" |
| |
| # This horrible version works; needs the right amount of \\ to |
| # escape the escapes. This stuff makes some of xslt-config |
| # redundant (xslt-config *should* return C:/ paths but doesn't) |
| PREFIX_WIN=$(cygpath -w $MINGW_PREFIX) |
| PREFIX_WIN=${PREFIX_WIN//\\/\\\\} |
| CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${PREFIX_WIN}\\\\include\\\\libxml2" |
| |
| msg "Python build for ${CARCH}" |
| cd "${srcdir}/python-build-${CARCH}" |
| ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python setup.py build \ |
| --with-xslt-config=${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/xslt-config \ |
| --with-xml2-config=${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/xml2-config \ |
| --with-cython --with-unicode-strings |
| |
| #make PYTHON=${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python RST2S5=${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/rst2s5.py html |
| } |
| |
| package() { |
| cd "${srcdir}/python-build-${CARCH}" |
| MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="--prefix=;--install-scripts=;--install-platlib=" \ |
| ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python setup.py install --prefix=${MINGW_PREFIX#\/} \ |
| --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1 --skip-build \ |
| --with-xslt-config=${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/xslt-config \ |
| --with-xml2-config=${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/xml2-config \ |
| --with-cython --with-unicode-strings |
| |
| install -Dm644 LICENSES.txt \ |
| "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}"/share/licenses/python-${_realname}/LICENSE |
| install -Dm644 doc/licenses/BSD.txt \ |
| "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}"/share/licenses/python-${_realname}/BSD.txt |
| install -Dm644 doc/licenses/elementtree.txt \ |
| "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}"/share/licenses/python-${_realname}/elementtree.txt |
| |
| #install -d "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}"/share/doc/${_realname} |
| #cp -r doc/html "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}"/share/doc/${_realname} |
| } |