| # Maintainer: Antoine Martin <totaam@xpra.org> |
| |
| _realname=xpra |
| pkgbase=mingw-w64-python-${_realname} |
| pkgname=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-${_realname}") |
| conflicts=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python3-${_realname}" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${_realname}-common") |
| replaces=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python3-${_realname}" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${_realname}-common") |
| provides=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python3-${_realname}") |
| pkgver=4.0.6 |
| pkgrel=3 |
| pkgdesc="Remote access client / server software" |
| arch=('any') |
| mingw_arch=('mingw32' 'mingw64' 'ucrt64' 'clang64') |
| url='https://xpra.org' |
| license=('GPL2') |
| depends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-ffmpeg" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libyuv" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libvpx" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libwebp" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libjpeg-turbo" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-lz4" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-rencode" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pillow" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pyopengl" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-comtypes" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-setproctitle") |
| optdepends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libnotify: notification support" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gst-plugins-bad: extra audio codecs" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gst-plugins-ugly: extra audio codecs" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gst-plugins-good: extra audio codecs" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gst-python: audio support" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-paramiko: SSH client and server support" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-dnspython: SSHFP support with paramiko" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-netifaces: mDNS and network integration" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-pyu2f: U2F authentication" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-ldap: LDAP authentication via python-ldap" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-ldap3: LDAP authentication via python-ldap3" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-cryptography: AES packet encryption" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-zeroconf: mDNS support" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-nvidia-ml: nvidia GPU support") |
| makedepends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gcc" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-brotli" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-cython" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-pkg-config" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-cairo" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python-setuptools" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-pygobject-devel") |
| source=("https://xpra.org/src/xpra-${pkgver}.tar.xz") |
| sha512sums=('e3dc66040898ed40ef12b8cdb89e5f42c2f36edc071afb435334389e727f376ddc116dbee47018468bff24f2cdd7be35750b58bc108ba73c5558bd9eccbd04ea') |
| |
| prepare() { |
| cd "${srcdir}" |
| rm -rf python3-build-${CARCH} | true |
| cp -r "${_realname}-${pkgver}" "python-build-${CARCH}" |
| } |
| |
| build() { |
| cd "${srcdir}/python-build-${CARCH}" |
| ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python setup.py build \ |
| --without-cuda_kernels --with-data --without-html5 --with-modules |
| } |
| |
| package() { |
| cd "${srcdir}/python-build-${CARCH}" |
| MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="--prefix=;--install-scripts=;--install-platlib=" \ |
| ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python setup.py install --prefix=${MINGW_PREFIX} \ |
| --without-cuda_kernels --with-data --without-html5 --skip-build \ |
| --root="${pkgdir}${MINW_PREFIX}" --share-xpra="./share/xpra" |
| |
| install -Dm644 COPYING "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/licenses/python-${_realname}/COPYING" |
| install -Dm644 README "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/${_realname}/README" |
| install -Dm644 bell.wav "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/${_realname}/bell.wav" |
| |
| #python version agnostic launch scripts in /bin: |
| for script in xpra xpra_launcher; do |
| install -Dm755 scripts/${script} "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/${script}" |
| #patch path to the python interpreter: |
| sed -i -e "s+/usr/bin/python+$MINGW_PREFIX/bin/python+g" "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/${script}" |
| done |
| |
| #html5 client: |
| ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/python3 ./setup_html5.py "${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}/share/${_realname}/www/" "" |
| } |