| # Maintainer: Alexey Pavlov <alexpux@gmail.com> |
| # Maintainer: Ray Donnelly <mingw.android@gmail.com> |
| |
| # Please keep this file exactly the same (except _variant=) |
| # as {mingw-w64-qt5/PKGBUILD,mingw-w64-qt5-static/PKGBUILD} |
| #_variant=-static |
| _variant=-shared |
| |
| # Tune the following to decide how and what to build |
| if [ "${_variant}" = "-static" ]; then |
| _namesuff="-static" |
| _build_mode=("-debug-and-release") |
| _with_icu=no |
| _with_fontconfig=no |
| _with_openssl=no |
| _with_dbus=yes |
| _system_freetype=no |
| _system_zlib=yes |
| _system_pcre=no |
| _system_libpng=no |
| _system_libjpeg=no |
| _system_harfbuzz=no |
| _system_assimp=no |
| _system_doubleconversion=no |
| _system_libtiff=no |
| _system_libwebp=no |
| _build_examples=no # examples result in > 100 GiB |
| _build_tools=yes |
| _build_tests=no |
| _make_docs=no # docs in shared qt5 are sufficient |
| # _ltcg="yes" |
| _ltcg="no" |
| else |
| _namesuff= |
| _build_mode=("-release" "-force-debug-info" "-separate-debug-info") |
| _with_icu=yes |
| _with_fontconfig=yes |
| _with_openssl=yes |
| _with_dbus=yes |
| _system_freetype=yes |
| _system_zlib=yes |
| _system_pcre=yes |
| _system_libpng=yes |
| _system_libjpeg=yes |
| _system_harfbuzz=yes |
| _system_assimp=yes |
| _system_doubleconversion=yes |
| _system_libtiff=yes |
| _system_libwebp=yes |
| _build_examples=no |
| _build_tools=yes |
| _build_tests=no |
| _make_docs=yes |
| _ltcg=no |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX} == *-clang-* ]]; then |
| _system_assimp=no |
| fi |
| |
| # Getting crashes that only happen in release builds? |
| # Define this and you may have a hope of figuring out |
| # why .. |
| _debuggable_release=no |
| #_debuggable_release=yes |
| |
| # Using -O0 results in a Qt5WebKitd.dll that is > 2.5GB |
| # so force -Og. If you really need to, change this back |
| # to -O0, leave it blank or comment it out. |
| # Update: I think specifying anything here leads to huge |
| # Qt5WebKitd.dll, never commit with this set to anything |
| # -O0 is the default for GCC anyway, but qt5webkit seems |
| # to use a different flag if nothing explictly specified |
| # OPTIM_D="-Og" |
| |
| # Thiago's patch doesn't contain the configure script changes |
| # needed, you may be able to get somewhere with this in the |
| # meantime (probably not though!) |
| if [ "${_ltcg}" = "yes" ]; then |
| LTCG_CFLAGS="-flto-partition=1to1 -flto -ffat-lto-objects" |
| LTCG_LFLAGS="-flto-partition=1to1 -flto -ffat-lto-objects" |
| fi |
| |
| # hardening (ASLR, High entropy ASLR, DEP) |
| _enable_hardening=yes |
| |
| # So that both configure shell script and configure.exe |
| # are tested on MSYS2, we use both depending on variant |
| if [ "${_variant}" = "-static" ]; then |
| _configure=./configure |
| else |
| _configure=./configure.bat |
| fi |
| |
| # When using the configure bash script, MSYS2 make is |
| # probably a better choice as otherwise the Makefiles |
| # can have MSYS2 paths in them. We try to handle this |
| # but it is ad-hoc at best. |
| if [ "${_configure}" = "./configure" ]; then |
| _make=make |
| else |
| _make=make |
| # _make=${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/mingw32-make |
| fi |
| |
| # Use the right mkspecs file |
| if [[ ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX} == *-clang-* ]]; then |
| _platform=win32-clang-g++ |
| else |
| _platform=win32-g++ |
| fi |
| |
| #_opengl=angle |
| _opengl=desktop |
| #_opengl=dynamic |
| _opengl_for_configure="${_opengl}" |
| |
| _realname=qt5${_namesuff} |
| pkgbase="mingw-w64-${_realname}" |
| if [ "${_variant}" = "-static" ]; then |
| pkgname="${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${_realname}" |
| else |
| pkgname=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${_realname}" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${_realname}-debug") |
| fi |
| _ver_base=5.15.2 |
| # use 5.6.1-1 hot fix : only the archive name was changed from *-5.6.1.tar.xz to *-5.6.1-1.tar.xz |
| _hotfix= |
| pkgver=${_ver_base//-/} |
| pkgrel=8 |
| arch=('any') |
| mingw_arch=('mingw32' 'mingw64' 'ucrt64' 'clang64') |
| pkgdesc="A cross-platform application and UI framework (mingw-w64${_namesuff})" |
| url='https://www.qt.io/' |
| install=qt5-${MSYSTEM}.install |
| license=('GPL3' 'LGPL' 'FDL' 'custom') |
| |
| # qt5-static must be kept in its own prefix hierarchy |
| # as otherwise it will conflict with qt5 itself |
| if [ "${_variant}" = "-static" ]; then |
| _qt5_prefix="${MINGW_PREFIX}/${_realname}" |
| else |
| _qt5_prefix="${MINGW_PREFIX}" |
| fi |
| |
| depends=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gcc-libs" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-qtbinpatcher" |
| $([[ "$_variant" == "-shared" ]] && echo \ |
| $([[ "$_system_assimp" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-assimp") \ |
| $([[ "$_system_doubleconversion" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-double-conversion") \ |
| $([[ "$_with_dbus" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-dbus") \ |
| $([[ "$_with_fontconfig" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-fontconfig") \ |
| $([[ "$_system_freetype" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-freetype") \ |
| $([[ "$_system_harfbuzz" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-harfbuzz") \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-jasper" \ |
| $([[ "$_system_libjpeg" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libjpeg") \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libmng" \ |
| $([[ "$_system_libpng" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libpng") \ |
| $([[ "$_system_libtiff" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libtiff") \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libxml2" \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libxslt" \ |
| $([[ "$_system_libwebp" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libwebp") \ |
| $([[ "$_with_openssl" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-openssl") \ |
| $([[ ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX} == *-clang-* ]] || echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-openal") \ |
| $([[ "$_system_pcre" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-pcre2") \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-sqlite3" \ |
| $([[ ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX} == *-clang-* ]] || echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-vulkan") \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-xpm-nox" \ |
| $([[ "$_system_zlib" == "yes" ]] && echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-zlib")) |
| $([[ "$_with_icu" == "yes" ]] && echo \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-icu-debug-libs") |
| ) |
| optdepends=($([[ "$_variant" == "-shared" ]] && echo \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-clang" \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libmariadbclient" \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-firebird2" \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-postgresql") |
| ) |
| makedepends=("bison" |
| "diffutils" |
| "flex" |
| "gperf" |
| "m4" |
| "make" |
| "patch" |
| "perl" |
| "rsync" |
| "unzip" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-clang-tools-extra" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-pkg-config" |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-python" |
| $([[ "$_variant" == "-static" ]] && echo \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-dbus" \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-openssl") |
| $([[ "$_variant" == "-shared" ]] && echo \ |
| "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-libmariadbclient" \ |
| $([[ ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX} == *-clang-* ]] || echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-firebird2") \ |
| $([[ ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX} == *-clang-* ]] || echo "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-postgresql") ) |
| ) |
| |
| groups=("${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-qt${_namesuff}" "${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-qt5${_namesuff}") |
| options=('!strip' 'staticlibs' 'ccache') |
| _pkgfqn="qt-everywhere-src-${_ver_base}" |
| noextract=(${_pkgfqn}${_hotfix}.tar.xz) |
| source=(#https://download.qt.io/development_releases/qt/${pkgver%.*}/${_ver_base//RC/rc}/single/${_pkgfqn}.tar.xz |
| https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/${pkgver%.*}/${_ver_base}${_hotfix}/single/${_pkgfqn}${_hotfix}.tar.xz |
| #https://download.qt.io/community_releases/${pkgver%.*}/${_ver_base}-final/qtwebkit-opensource-src-${_ver_base}.tar.xz |
| #https://download.qt.io/snapshots/qt/${pkgver%.*}/${_ver_base}/2014-05-07_85/src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-${_ver_base}.tar.xz |
| 0000-adjust-qmake-conf-mingw.patch |
| 0001-qt-5.8.0-fix-sql-libraries-mingw.patch |
| 0002-qt-5.8.0-configure-gcc-before-clang.patch |
| 0004-fix-linking-again-different-static-libs.patch |
| 0006-qt-5.3.0-win_flex-replace.patch |
| 0007-qt-5.3.0-win32-g-Enable-static-builds.patch |
| 0008-qt-5.3.0-win32-g-Add-QMAKE_EXTENSION_IMPORTLIB-defaulting-to-.patch |
| 0011-qt-5.8.0-mingw-dbus-and-pkg-config.patch |
| 0016-qt-5.8.0-win32-g++-use-qpa-genericunixfontdatabase.patch |
| 0017-qt-5.3.0-fix-examples-building.patch |
| 0024-qt-5.3.0-icu-add-U_LIB_SUFFIX_C_NAME.patch |
| 0025-qt-5.8.0-force-using-make-on-msys.patch |
| 0028-qt-5.8.0-Revert-untangle-use-of-system-vs.-shell-path-list-se.patch |
| 0029-qt-5.8.0-Revert-fix-quoting-and-path-separators-in-qtPrepareT.patch |
| 0030-qt-5.3.1-workaround-ansidecl-h-PTR-define-conflict.patch |
| 0035-qt-5.3.2-dont-add-resource-files-to-qmake-libs.patch |
| 0036-qt-5.3.2-win32-qt5-static-cmake-link-ws2_32-and--static.patch |
| 0046-qt-5.4.1-Revert-Revert-fix-NTFS-mount-points.patch |
| 0048-qt-5.4.2-win32-Avoid-platformNativeInterface-segfaults-with-minimal-platform.patch |
| 0049-qt-5.8.0-win32-do-not-use-fontconfig.patch |
| 0051-qt-5.9.1-disable-qtlocation-mapboxgl-plugin.patch |
| 0052-qt-5.11-mingw-fix-link-qdoc-with-clang.patch |
| 0054-win32-dont-need-flatpack-theme.patch |
| 0056-qt-5.11-static_icu.patch |
| 0057-fix-and-enable-iconv-codec.patch |
| 0060-activeqt-handle-win64-in-dumpcpp.patch |
| 0062-fix-static-build-big-resources.patch |
| 0063-enable-mingw-schannel-alpn.patch |
| 0125-qt5-windeployqt-fixes.patch |
| 0300-qt-5.8.0-cast-errors.patch |
| 0302-ugly-hack-disable-qdoc-build.patch |
| 0304-qtdeclarative-disable-dx12.patch |
| 0310-fix-assimp-not-found.patch |
| 'fad2dc11.diff.zip::https://codereview.qt-project.org/changes/qt%2Fqtbase~333051/revisions/1/patch?zip') |
| |
| # Translates using cygpath according to the ${_make} being used |
| # (so either mingw32-make or MSYS2 make can be used) |
| path_conv_for_make() { |
| if [ "${_make}" = "mingw32-make" ]; then |
| echo -n "${1}" | sed "s|${MINGW_PREFIX}|$(cygpath -m ${MINGW_PREFIX})|g" |
| else # MSYS2 make |
| MINGW_PREFIX_W=$(cygpath -m ${MINGW_PREFIX}) |
| echo -n "${1}" | sed "s|${MINGW_PREFIX_W}|$(cygpath -u ${MINGW_PREFIX})|g" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Runs pkg-config with all arguments, then calls path_conv_for_make on each |
| # result and then adds delimiter between -I/-L/-l and path - both configure |
| # and configure.bat prefer this. Results returned as an array. |
| pkg_config_qt5() { |
| local _res=$(${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/pkg-config $*) |
| local -a _final=() |
| for _part in $(path_conv_for_make "${_res}"); do |
| _final+=($(echo -n "${_part}" | sed "s|-\([ILl]\)\(.*\)|-\1|g")) |
| _final+=($(echo -n "${_part}" | sed "s|-\([ILl]\)\(.*\)|\2|g")) |
| done |
| echo "${_final[@]}" |
| } |
| |
| # Helper macros to help make tasks easier # |
| apply_patch_with_msg() { |
| for _patch in "$@" |
| do |
| msg2 "Applying ${_patch}" |
| patch -Nbp1 -i "${srcdir}/${_patch}" |
| done |
| } |
| |
| prepare() { |
| [[ -d ${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn} ]] && rm -rf ${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn} |
| tar -xJf ${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn}${_hotfix}.tar.xz -C ${srcdir} --exclude=${_pkgfqn}/{qtandroidextras,qtmacextras,qtwayland,qtwebengine,qtx11extras} || true |
| |
| cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgfqn} |
| |
| # MSYS2 gperf cannot handle \r\n. |
| find . -name "*.gperf" -exec dos2unix "{}" \; |
| |
| apply_patch_with_msg \ |
| 0000-adjust-qmake-conf-mingw.patch \ |
| 0001-qt-5.8.0-fix-sql-libraries-mingw.patch \ |
| 0002-qt-5.8.0-configure-gcc-before-clang.patch \ |
| 0004-fix-linking-again-different-static-libs.patch \ |
| 0006-qt-5.3.0-win_flex-replace.patch \ |
| 0007-qt-5.3.0-win32-g-Enable-static-builds.patch \ |
| 0008-qt-5.3.0-win32-g-Add-QMAKE_EXTENSION_IMPORTLIB-defaulting-to-.patch \ |
| 0011-qt-5.8.0-mingw-dbus-and-pkg-config.patch \ |
| 0016-qt-5.8.0-win32-g++-use-qpa-genericunixfontdatabase.patch \ |
| 0017-qt-5.3.0-fix-examples-building.patch |
| |
| #if [ "${_opengl}" != "desktop" ]; then |
| # if [ "${_configure}" = "./configure" ]; then |
| # _opengl_for_configure=yes |
| # fi |
| #fi |
| |
| # patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/0024-qt-5.3.0-icu-add-U_LIB_SUFFIX_C_NAME.patch |
| if [ "${_make}" = "make" ]; then |
| apply_patch_with_msg \ |
| 0025-qt-5.8.0-force-using-make-on-msys.patch |
| fi |
| |
| # Ossi says we should fix this in qwebkit with a $$(shell_path), but the ' quotes get in the way |
| # due to qtPrepareTool adding them with $$shell_quote |
| apply_patch_with_msg \ |
| 0028-qt-5.8.0-Revert-untangle-use-of-system-vs.-shell-path-list-se.patch \ |
| 0029-qt-5.8.0-Revert-fix-quoting-and-path-separators-in-qtPrepareT.patch \ |
| 0030-qt-5.3.1-workaround-ansidecl-h-PTR-define-conflict.patch \ |
| 0035-qt-5.3.2-dont-add-resource-files-to-qmake-libs.patch |
| |
| # Patches so that qt5-static can be used with cmake. |
| apply_patch_with_msg \ |
| 0036-qt-5.3.2-win32-qt5-static-cmake-link-ws2_32-and--static.patch |
| |
| # More odds and sods. |
| # patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/0044-qt-5.4.0-win32-g++-enable-qtwebengine-build.patch |
| |
| #apply_patch_with_msg \ |
| # 0046-qt-5.4.1-Revert-Revert-fix-NTFS-mount-points.patch |
| |
| apply_patch_with_msg \ |
| 0048-qt-5.4.2-win32-Avoid-platformNativeInterface-segfaults-with-minimal-platform.patch \ |
| 0049-qt-5.8.0-win32-do-not-use-fontconfig.patch \ |
| 0051-qt-5.9.1-disable-qtlocation-mapboxgl-plugin.patch \ |
| 0052-qt-5.11-mingw-fix-link-qdoc-with-clang.patch \ |
| 0054-win32-dont-need-flatpack-theme.patch \ |
| 0056-qt-5.11-static_icu.patch \ |
| 0057-fix-and-enable-iconv-codec.patch \ |
| 0060-activeqt-handle-win64-in-dumpcpp.patch \ |
| 0062-fix-static-build-big-resources.patch \ |
| 0063-enable-mingw-schannel-alpn.patch \ |
| 0125-qt5-windeployqt-fixes.patch \ |
| 0300-qt-5.8.0-cast-errors.patch \ |
| 0304-qtdeclarative-disable-dx12.patch \ |
| 0310-fix-assimp-not-found.patch |
| |
| # https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtbase/+/333051 |
| cd qtbase |
| apply_patch_with_msg fad2dc11.diff |
| cd - |
| |
| # See: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-37902 |
| # _ver_num=${_ver_base%%-*} |
| # sed -i "s/^MODULE_VERSION = .*$/MODULE_VERSION = ${_ver_num}/g" qtenginio/.qmake.conf |
| |
| local _ARCH_TUNE= |
| local _HARD_FLAGS= |
| case ${MINGW_CHOST} in |
| i686*) |
| _ARCH_TUNE="-march=i686 -mtune=core2" |
| if [ "${_enable_hardening}" = "yes" ]; then |
| _HARD_FLAGS="-Wl,--dynamicbase,--nxcompat,--no-seh" |
| fi |
| ;; |
| x86_64*) |
| _ARCH_TUNE="-march=nocona -mtune=core2" |
| if [ "${_enable_hardening}" = "yes" ]; then |
| _HARD_FLAGS="-Wl,--dynamicbase,--high-entropy-va,--nxcompat,--default-image-base-high" |
| fi |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| BIGOBJ_FLAGS="-Wa,-mbig-obj" |
| |
| # Append these ones .. |
| sed -i "s|^QMAKE_CFLAGS .*= \(.*\)$|QMAKE_CFLAGS = \1 ${_ARCH_TUNE} ${BIGOBJ_FLAGS} ${LTCG_CFLAGS}|g" qtbase/mkspecs/${_platform}/qmake.conf |
| sed -i "s|^QMAKE_LFLAGS +=\(.*\)$|QMAKE_LFLAGS += \1 ${LTCG_LFLAGS} ${_HARD_FLAGS}|g" qtbase/mkspecs/common/gcc-base.conf |
| # But overwrite this one. |
| #sed -i "s|^QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE .*= \(.*\)$|QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE = ${QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE}|g" qtbase/mkspecs/common/g++-win32.conf |
| |
| # To keep the build folder name quite small (PATH_MAX limit) |
| # the source folder (long) is renamed to $CARCH (i686 or x86_64) |
| cd ${srcdir} |
| [[ -d ${CARCH} ]] && rm -rf ${CARCH} |
| sleep 5 |
| mv ${_pkgfqn} ${CARCH} |
| } |
| |
| build() { |
| local _buildpkgdir=${pkgdirbase}/${pkgname}/${_qt5_prefix} |
| mkdir -p ${_buildpkgdir} |
| local QTDIR_WIN=$(cygpath -am ${_buildpkgdir}) |
| |
| local _freetype2_pkgconf="" |
| if [ "$_system_freetype" == "yes" ]; then |
| _freetype2_pkgconf="freetype2" |
| fi |
| |
| local _libxml2_pkgconf="" |
| if [ "${_variant}" = "-shared" ]; then |
| _libxml2_pkgconf="libxml-2.0" |
| fi |
| |
| _extra_incpaths+=("-I") |
| _extra_incpaths+=("${MINGW_PREFIX}/include/mariadb") |
| |
| # This *could* be used but we'd have to make sure it's correct for all variants first. |
| # local -a _extra_libpaths=($(pkg_config_qt5 --libs-only-L dbus-1 libxml-2.0 freetype2)) |
| # local -a _extra_libs=($(pkg_config_qt5 --libs-only-l dbus-1 libxml-2.0 freetype2)) |
| local -a _extra_libpaths=() |
| local -a _extra_libs=() |
| |
| #if [ "${_variant}" = "-shared" ]; then |
| # This export breaks the static library build in 5.9.0; |
| # Causes the DBUS_LIBS setting passed to configure to be ignored. |
| #export PKG_CONFIG="${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/pkg-config.exe" |
| #fi |
| |
| # Workaround for building QtWebkit |
| #pushd ${srcdir}/${CARCH}/qtwebkit > /dev/null |
| # mkdir .git |
| # /usr/bin/perl ${srcdir}/${CARCH}/qtbase/bin/syncqt.pl Source -version ${pkgver} |
| # rm -rf .git |
| #popd > /dev/null |
| |
| cd ${CARCH} |
| touch qtbase/.gitignore |
| |
| # Set other config stuff that's configure-script-type dependent. |
| local -a _extra_config |
| |
| if [ "${_configure}" = "./configure" ]; then |
| _extra_config+=("-no-glib") |
| else |
| _extra_config+=("-make-tool") |
| _extra_config+=("${_make}") |
| fi |
| |
| # Determine the SQL driver configuration, variant dependent. |
| # static can't use anything but -qt-sql-sqlite both for size |
| # reasons and because shared libraries get auto-detected and |
| # built as plugins. |
| local -a _sql_config |
| if [ "${_variant}" = "-static" ]; then |
| _sql_config+=("-no-sql-ibase") |
| _sql_config+=("-no-sql-mysql") |
| _sql_config+=("-no-sql-odbc") |
| _sql_config+=("-no-sql-psql") |
| _sql_config+=("-no-sql-sqlite2") |
| _sql_config+=("-sql-sqlite") |
| _sql_config+=("-qt-sqlite") |
| else |
| if [[ ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX} != *-clang-* ]]; then |
| _sql_config+=("-plugin-sql-ibase") |
| _sql_config+=("-plugin-sql-psql") |
| fi |
| _sql_config+=("-plugin-sql-mysql") |
| _sql_config+=("-plugin-sql-odbc") |
| fi |
| |
| #if [ "${_variant}" = "-static" ]; then |
| # export OPENSSL_LIBS="-lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32 -lcrypt32 -lgdi32" |
| #fi |
| |
| # https://github.com/msys2/MSYS2-packages/issues/2282 |
| export MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL='--foreign-types=' |
| |
| # Qt manages the compiler flags for release / debug configs separately, so having our own values (-O2) is harmful here .. |
| unset CFLAGS |
| unset CXXFLAGS |
| unset LDFLAGS |
| unset QMAKESPEC |
| unset XQMAKESPEC |
| unset QMAKEPATH |
| # export NINJA_PATH=${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/ninja.exe |
| |
| local -a configure_opts |
| |
| export PATH="${srcdir}/${CARCH}/qtbase/bin:${srcdir}/${CARCH}/qtbase/lib:${PATH}" |
| |
| # Dont build qdoc utility for static package because of linking problems with clang |
| if [ "${_variant}" = "-static" ]; then |
| # Hack to disable building qdoc |
| patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/0302-ugly-hack-disable-qdoc-build.patch |
| export QDOC_SKIP_BUILD=1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [ "${_variant}" = "-static" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-static") |
| configure_opts+=("-no-jasper") |
| configure_opts+=("-no-mng") |
| #configure_opts+=("-D" "DBUS_STATIC_BUILD") |
| configure_opts+=("-D" "JAS_DLL=0") |
| if [ "$_with_dbus" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-dbus-linked") #"DBUS_LIBS=-ldbus-1 -lws2_32 -liphlpapi" |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-no-dbus") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_with_openssl" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-openssl-linked") |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-schannel") |
| fi |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-shared") |
| configure_opts+=("-jasper") |
| configure_opts+=("-no-mng") |
| if [ "$_with_dbus" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-dbus") |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-no-dbus") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_with_openssl" == "no" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-schannel") |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| if [ "$_with_fontconfig" == "no" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-no-fontconfig") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_freetype" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-system-freetype") |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-freetype") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_harfbuzz" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-system-harfbuzz") |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-harfbuzz") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_libjpeg" == "no" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-libjpeg") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_libpng" == "no" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-libpng") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_libtiff" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-system-tiff") |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-tiff") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_libwebp" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-system-webp") |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-webp") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_zlib" == "no" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-zlib") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_pcre" == "no" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-pcre") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_with_icu" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-icu") |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-no-icu") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_assimp" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-system-assimp") |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-assimp") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_system_doubleconversion" == "yes" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-system-doubleconversion") |
| else |
| configure_opts+=("-qt-doubleconversion") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_build_examples" == "no" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-nomake" "examples") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_build_tests" == "no" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-nomake" "tests") |
| fi |
| if [ "$_build_tools" == "no" ]; then |
| configure_opts+=("-skip" "qttools") |
| fi |
| |
| #if [ "${_opengl}" != "desktop" ]; then |
| # configure_opts+=("-angle") |
| # configure_opts+=("-combined-angle-lib") |
| #fi |
| |
| ${_configure} \ |
| -prefix ${QTDIR_WIN} \ |
| -datadir ${QTDIR_WIN}/share/qt5 \ |
| -archdatadir ${QTDIR_WIN}/share/qt5 \ |
| -examplesdir ${QTDIR_WIN}/share/qt5/examples \ |
| -testsdir ${QTDIR_WIN}/share/qt5/tests \ |
| -opengl ${_opengl_for_configure} \ |
| -opensource \ |
| -confirm-license \ |
| -platform ${_platform} \ |
| "${_build_mode[@]}" \ |
| "${_extra_incpaths[@]}" \ |
| "${_extra_libpaths[@]}" \ |
| "${_extra_libs[@]}" \ |
| -no-iconv \ |
| -no-gstreamer \ |
| -no-wmf \ |
| "${_extra_config[@]}" \ |
| "${_sql_config[@]}" \ |
| "${configure_opts[@]}" |
| |
| # I'm keeping this around while qt5-static cmake problems persist (hopefully not long!) |
| # qtbase/mkspecs/modules-inst/qt_lib_core.pri |
| # pushd src/x86_64 |
| # ROOT=$(pwd -W) |
| # pushd qtbase/ |
| # ${ROOT}/qtbase/bin/qmake.exe ${ROOT}/qtbase/qtbase.pro -o Makefile |
| # popd |
| # cp -rf qtbase/src/corelib qtbase/src/corelib.pre-write-cmake |
| # pushd qtbase/src/corelib |
| # ${ROOT}/qtbase/bin/qmake.exe ${ROOT}/qtbase/src/corelib/corelib.pro -d -d -d -d -o Makefile > log.txt |
| # popd |
| # popd |
| # . |
| # .. or .. (this alternative could be used when _minimal=yes) |
| # . |
| # pushd src/x86_64 |
| # ${_make} module-qtbase && ${_make} module-qtbase-install_subtargets |
| # popd |
| # .. do your testing. |
| # There is a race condition / dependency problem with libqtiff and dumpdoc.exe which |
| # can happen at -j9 so make twice (dumpdoc.exe depends on libqtiff but can get built |
| # first). |
| ${_make} ${MAKEFLAGS} || ${_make} ${MAKEFLAGS} |
| |
| # For quicker turn-around testing qtwebengine. |
| # ${_make} module-qtbase |
| # ${_make} module-qtwebengine |
| # exit 1 |
| |
| # Fix paths |
| # find "${QTDIR}" -name Makefile -exec sed -i "s|/usr/lib/qt/bin/qdoc|${QTDIR}/qtbase/bin/qdoc|g" {} + |
| # find "${QTDIR}" -name Makefile.qmake-docs -exec sed -i "s|/usr/lib/qt/bin/qdoc|${QTDIR}/qtbase/bin/qdoc|g" {} + |
| # find "${QTDIR}" -name Makefile -exec sed -i "s|/usr/lib/qt/bin/qhelpgenerator|${QTDIR}/qttools/bin/qhelpgenerator|g" {} + |
| # find "${QTDIR}" -name Makefile.qmake-docs -exec sed -i "s|/usr/lib/qt/bin/qhelpgenerator|${QTDIR}/qttools/bin/qhelpgenerator|g" {} + |
| # sed -i "s|/usr/lib/qt/bin/qhelpgenerator|${QTDIR}/qttools/bin/qhelpgenerator|g" qtwebkit/Source/Makefile.api |
| } |
| |
| check() { |
| cd ${CARCH} |
| make check -j1 -k |
| } |
| |
| package_it() { |
| |
| cd ${CARCH} |
| |
| export PATH=${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/bin:${srcdir}/${CARCH}/qtbase/bin:${srcdir}/${CARCH}/qtbase/lib:${PATH} |
| |
| ${_make} install |
| if [ "$_build_tools" == "yes" ]; then |
| if [ "$_make_docs" == "yes" ]; then |
| make docs |
| make install_qch_docs |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| install -D -m644 LICENSE.FDL "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}"/share/licenses/qt5/LICENSE.FDL |
| install -D -m644 LICENSE.GPLv2 "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}"/share/licenses/qt5/LICENSE.GPLv2 |
| install -D -m644 LICENSE.GPLv3 "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}"/share/licenses/qt5/LICENSE.GPLv3 |
| install -D -m644 LICENSE.LGPLv21 "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}"/share/licenses/qt5/LICENSE.LGPLv21 |
| install -D -m644 LICENSE.LGPLv3 "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}"/share/licenses/qt5/LICENSE.LGPLv3 |
| install -D -m644 LICENSE.QT-LICENSE-AGREEMENT "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}"/share/licenses/qt5/LICENSE.QT-LICENSE-AGREEMENT |
| |
| mv -f "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib"/*.debug "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/bin"/ || true |
| rsync -armR --remove-source-files --include="*/" --include="*.debug" --exclude="*" --prune-empty-dirs ${pkgdir}/.${MINGW_PREFIX} ${srcdir}/${CARCH}-debug/ |
| |
| # Remove dlls from lib/ |
| rm -f "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib"/*.dll |
| |
| # Remove *.orig files |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}" -type f -name "*.orig" -exec rm -f {} \; |
| |
| # Workaround for installing empty .pc files |
| plain "---> Fix pkgconfig files..." |
| local _pc_files=( $(find ${srcdir}/${CARCH} -type f -name Qt5*.pc) ) |
| cp -f ${_pc_files[@]} ${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/ |
| |
| # Fix wrong path in prl files |
| # find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib" -type f -name '*.prl' \ |
| # -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d;s/\(QMAKE_PRL_LIBS =\).*/\1/' {} \; |
| |
| # Fix wrong qmake path in pri file |
| # sed -i "s|${srcdir}/${CARCH}/qtbase|/usr|" \ |
| # "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/qt/mkspecs/modules/qt_lib_bootstrap_private.pri |
| |
| # Fix paths in qconfig.pri and qmodule.pri: |
| # $(cygpath -m ${MINGW_PREFIX}) -> $(cygpath -m ${pkgdir}${MINGW_PREFIX}) |
| local QT_PREFIX_WIN=$(cygpath -m ${_qt5_prefix}) |
| local PKGDIR_QT_PREFIX_WIN=$(cygpath -m ${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}) |
| local MINGW_PREFIX_WIN=$(cygpath -m ${MINGW_PREFIX}) |
| |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/share/qt5" -type f \( -name '*.pri' -o -name '*.prl' \) \ |
| -exec sed -i -e "s|${QT_PREFIX_WIN}|${FAKE_PREFIX_FOR_REPLACE}|g" {} \; |
| |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib" -type f \( -name '*.pri' -o -name '*.prl' \) \ |
| -exec sed -i -e "s|${QT_PREFIX_WIN}|${FAKE_PREFIX_FOR_REPLACE}|g" {} \; |
| |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib" -type f -name '*.cmake' \ |
| -exec sed -i -e "s|${QT_PREFIX_WIN}|${FAKE_PREFIX_FOR_REPLACE}|g" {} \; |
| |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig" -type f -name '*.pc' \ |
| -exec sed -i -e "s|${QT_PREFIX_WIN}|${_qt5_prefix}|g" {} \; |
| |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig" -type f -name '*.pc' \ |
| -exec sed -i -e "s|${PKGDIR_QT_PREFIX_WIN}|${_qt5_prefix}|g" {} \; |
| |
| if [ "${_variant}" = "-static" ]; then |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib" -type f -name '*.cmake' \ |
| -exec sed -i -e "s|${MINGW_PREFIX_WIN}|${FAKE_PREFIX_FOR_REPLACE}/..|g" {} \; |
| |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/share/qt5" -type f \( -name '*.pri' -o -name '*.prl' \) \ |
| -exec sed -i -e "s|${MINGW_PREFIX_WIN}|${FAKE_PREFIX_FOR_REPLACE}/..|g" {} \; |
| |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib" -type f \( -name '*.pri' -o -name '*.prl' \) \ |
| -exec sed -i -e "s|${MINGW_PREFIX_WIN}|${FAKE_PREFIX_FOR_REPLACE}/..|g" {} \; |
| |
| find "${pkgdir}${_qt5_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig" -type f -name '*.pc' \ |
| -exec sed -i -e "s|${MINGW_PREFIX_WIN}|${MINGW_PREFIX}|g" {} \; |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| package_qt5-static() { |
| package_it |
| } |
| |
| package_qt5() { |
| package_it |
| } |
| |
| package_qt5-debug() { |
| cp -rf ${srcdir}/${CARCH}-debug${MINGW_PREFIX} "${pkgdir}"/ |
| } |
| |
| # template start; name=mingw-w64-splitpkg-wrappers; version=1.0; |
| # vim: set ft=bash : |
| |
| # generate wrappers |
| for _name in "${pkgname[@]}"; do |
| _short="package_${_name#${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-}" |
| _func="$(declare -f "${_short}")" |
| eval "${_func/#${_short}/package_${_name}}" |
| done |
| # template end; |
| |
| # return 0 |
| # And now for something completely broken: |
| # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-40814 |
| # Using this: |
| # https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.qt-project.org/snapshots/qt/5.3/5.3.2/2014-09-12_151/qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013_64-5.3.2_2014-09-12_10-11-49-151.exe |
| # and: |
| # https://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.qt-project.org/snapshots/qt/5.3/5.3.2/2014-09-12_src/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.3.2.zip |
| # .. unpacked into C:\work\build\qt5_workdir\w\s |
| # On MinGW-w64, both debug and release fail .. release has an extra segfault though quite early on. |
| # pushd /e/m2/repo/mingw-w64-qt5/src/x86_64/qtscript/tests |
| # export PATH=/mingw64/bin:$PATH |
| # export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/mingw64/lib/pkgconfig |
| # for CONFIG in debug release; do |
| # [ -d ${CONFIG} ] && rm -rf ${CONFIG} |
| # mkdir ${CONFIG} |
| # pushd ${CONFIG} |
| # qmake -r CONFIG+=${CONFIG} ../ |
| # make -j12 |
| # ls -l ./auto/qscriptjstestsuite/${CONFIG}/tst_qscriptjstestsuite.exe > qscriptjstestsuite.log |
| # ./auto/qscriptjstestsuite/${CONFIG}/tst_qscriptjstestsuite.exe -silent >> qscriptjstestsuite.log |
| # popd |
| # done |
| |
| # i686 build failure with yarr: |
| # export PATH=/mingw32/bin:$PATH |
| # export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/mingw32/lib/pkgconfig |
| # pushd /e/m2/repo/mingw-w64-qt5/src/i686/qtdeclarative/src/qml |
| # make |
| # make[4]: Entering directory '/e/m2/repo/mingw-w64-qt5/src/i686/qtdeclarative/src/qml' |
| # g++ -Wl,-s -shared -Wl,--out-implib,E:/m2/repo/mingw-w64-qt5/src/i686/qtdeclarative/lib/libQt5Qml.dll.a -o ../../lib/Qt5Qml.dll object_script.Qt5Qml.Release -lshell32 -LE:/m2/repo/mingw-w64-qt5/src/i686/qtbase/lib -lQt5Network -lQt5Core .obj/release/Qt5Qml_resource_res.o |
| # ./.obj/release/YarrInterpreter.o:YarrInterpreter.cpp:(.text+0x622): undefined reference to `JSC::Yarr::wordcharCreate()' |
| # ./.obj/release/YarrInterpreter.o:YarrInterpreter.cpp:(.text+0x693): undefined reference to `JSC::Yarr::newlineCreate()' |
| # E:/msys64/mingw32/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.9.1/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: ./.obj/release/YarrInterpreter.o: bad reloc address 0x12 in section `.text$_ZN3WTF15BumpPointerPool6createEj[__ZN3WTF15BumpPointerPool6createEj]' |
| # collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status |
| # Makefile.Release:534: recipe for target '../../lib/Qt5Qml.dll' failed |
| |
| # pushd /e/m2/repo/mingw-w64-qt5/src/i686/qtdeclarative/src/qml |
| # export PATH=/mingw32/bin:$PATH |
| # export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/mingw32/lib/pkgconfig |
| # E:/m2/repo/mingw-w64-qt5/src/i686/qtbase/bin/qmake.exe -o Makefile qml.pro |
| |
| sha256sums=('3a530d1b243b5dec00bc54937455471aaa3e56849d2593edb8ded07228202240' |
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| '502e61c1a1750f6bbc3aa7149e5e4c5ec96a1c5a91bee290771a35e172b45bb4') |