blob: 15826ea9908ec6659527e9088f8de31e02aa8f9f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Qwt Widget Library
# Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen
# Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0
# Install paths
unix {
win32 {
# Designer plugin
# creator/designer load designer plugins from certain default
# directories ( f.e the path below QT_INSTALL_PREFIX ) and the
# directories listed in the QT_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable.
# When using the path below QWT_INSTALL_PREFIX you need to
# add $${QWT_INSTALL_PREFIX}/plugins to QT_PLUGIN_PATH in the
# runtime environment of designer/creator.
QWT_INSTALL_PLUGINS = $${QWT_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/qt5/plugins/designer
# linux distributors often organize the Qt installation
# their way and QT_INSTALL_PREFIX doesn't offer a good
# path. Also QT_INSTALL_PREFIX is only one of the default
# search paths of the designer - not the Qt creator
# Features
# When building a Qwt application with qmake you might want to load
# the compiler/linker flags, that are required to build a Qwt application
# from qwt.prf. Therefore all you need to do is to add "CONFIG += qwt"
# to your project file and take care, that qwt.prf can be found by qmake.
# ( see )
# I recommend not to install the Qwt features together with the
# Qt features, because you will have to reinstall the Qwt features,
# with every Qt upgrade.
QWT_INSTALL_FEATURES = $${QWT_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/qt5/mkspecs/features
# Build the static/shared libraries.
# If QwtDll is enabled, a shared library is built, otherwise
# it will be a static library.
# QwtPlot enables all classes, that are needed to use the QwtPlot
# widget.
# QwtWidgets enables all classes, that are needed to use the all other
# widgets (sliders, dials, ...), beside QwtPlot.
QWT_CONFIG += QwtWidgets
# If you want to display svg images on the plot canvas, or
# export a plot to a SVG document
# If you want to use a OpenGL plot canvas
# You can use the MathML renderer of the Qt solutions package to
# enable MathML support in Qwt. Because of license implications
# the ( modified ) code of the MML Widget solution is included and
# linked together with the QwtMathMLTextEngine into an own library.
# To use it you will have to add "CONFIG += qwtmathml"
# to your qmake project file.
# If you want to build the Qwt designer plugin,
# enable the line below.
# Otherwise you have to build it from the designer directory.
QWT_CONFIG += QwtDesigner
# Compile all Qwt classes into the designer plugin instead
# of linking it against the shared Qwt library. Has no effect
# when QwtDesigner or QwtDll are not both enabled.
# On systems where rpath is supported ( all Unixoids ) the
# location of the installed Qwt library is compiled into the plugin,
# but on Windows it might be easier to have a self contained
# plugin to avoid any hassle with configuring the runtime
# environment of the designer/creator.
win32 {
QWT_CONFIG += QwtDesignerSelfContained
# If you want to auto build the examples, enable the line below
# Otherwise you have to build them from the examples directory.
#QWT_CONFIG += QwtExamples
# The playground is primarily intended for the Qwt development
# to explore and test new features. Nevertheless you might find
# ideas or code snippets that help for application development
# If you want to auto build the applications in playground, enable
# the line below.
# Otherwise you have to build them from the playground directory.
#QWT_CONFIG += QwtPlayground
# When Qt has been built as framework qmake wants
# to link frameworks instead of regular libs
macx:!static:CONFIG(qt_framework, qt_framework|qt_no_framework) {
QWT_CONFIG += QwtFramework
# Create and install pc files for pkg-config
# See
unix {
#QWT_CONFIG += QwtPkgConfig