blob: ed801400f723451b649a33dc481761e698388c5b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# TclTest extenstion to test source code compilation & running
package provide tclbuildtest 0.1.0
package require Tcl 8.6
package require tcltest 2.5.1
namespace eval ::tcltest {}; # Make pkg_mkIndex happy
namespace eval ::np {
# proc_args_to_dict - given a proc name and declared
# proc arguments (variable names with optional
# default values and a -- and possible some more
# stuff, create and return a dict containing that
# info in a way that's convenient and quicker
# for us at runtime:
# * we store a list of positional parameters
# * we store a list of named parameters
# * we store a list of var-value defaults
# * we get a tricked-out error message in errmsg
::proc proc_args_to_dict {name procArgs} {
set seenDashes 0
dict set d defaults [list]
dict set d positional [list]
dict set d named [list]
set errmsg "wrong # args: should be \"$name "
foreach arg $procArgs {
if {$arg eq "--"} {
set seenDashes 1
append errmsg "?--? "
set var [lindex $arg 0]
dict lappend d [expr {$seenDashes ? "positional" : "named"}] $var
if {[llength $arg] == 2} {
dict lappend d defaults $var [lindex $arg 1]
if {$seenDashes} {
append errmsg "?$var? "
} else {
append errmsg "?-$var val? "
} elseif {$var eq "args"} {
dict lappend d defaults $var [list]
append errmsg "?arg ...? "
} else {
if {$seenDashes} {
append errmsg "$var "
} else {
append errmsg "-$var val "
dict set d errmsg "[string range $errmsg 0 end-1]\""
return $d
# np_handler - look at an argument dict created by proc_args_to_dict
# and look at the real arguments to a function (args), and sort
# out the named and positional parameters to behave in the
# expected way.
::proc np_handler {argd realArgs} {
set named [dict get $argd named]
set positional [dict get $argd positional]
# process named parameters
while {[llength $realArgs] > 0} {
set arg [lindex $realArgs 0]
# if arg is --, flip to positional
if {$arg eq "--"} {
set realArgs [lrange $realArgs 1 end]
# if "var" doesn't start with a dash, flip to positional
if {[string index $arg 0] ne "-"} {
#puts "possible var '$arg' doesn't start with a dash, flip to positional"
# if "var" isn't known to us as a named parameter, flip to positional
set var [string range $arg 1 end]
if {[lsearch $named $var] < 0} {
#puts "'var' '$arg' not recognized, flip to positional"
# if there isn't at least one more element in the arg list,
# we are missing a value for one of our named parameters
if {[llength $realArgs] == 0} {
#puts "realArgs is empty but i expect something for $var"
error [dict get $argd errmsg] "" [list TCL WRONGARGS]
# we're good, set the named parameter into the variable sets
#puts [list set vsets($var) [lindex $realArgs 1]]
# but don't allow the same variable to be set twice
if {[info exists vsets($var)]} {
error [dict get $argd errmsg] "" [list TCL WRONGARGS]
set vsets($var) [lindex $realArgs 1]
set realArgs [lrange $realArgs 2 end]
# fill in defaults for all the vars with defaults that
# didn't get set to a value
foreach "var value" [dict get $argd defaults] {
if {![info exists vsets($var)]} {
set vsets($var) $value
foreach var $positional {
if {$var eq "args"} {
set vsets($var) $realArgs
set realArgs [list]
if {[llength $realArgs] > 0} {
set vsets($var) [lindex $realArgs 0]
set realArgs [lrange $realArgs 1 end]
# no arguments left. if this var doesn't
# have a default value, it's a wrong args error
if {![info exists vsets($var)]} {
error [dict get $argd errmsg] "" [list TCL WRONGARGS]
# make sure all the named parameters have been set, either
# by defaults or explicitly, any not set is an error
foreach var $named {
if {![info exists vsets($var)]} {
#puts "required named parameter '-$var' is not set"
error [dict get $argd errmsg] "" [list TCL WRONGARGS]
# are there too many arguments?
if {[llength $realArgs] > 0} {
#puts "leftover arguments (too many) '$realArgs'"
error [dict get $argd errmsg] "" [list TCL WRONGARGS]
# now iterate through the var-value pairs and set them into
# the caller's frame
foreach "var value" [array get vsets] {
#puts "set '$var' '$value'"
upvar $var myvar
set myvar $value
# np::proc - same as proc except if -- is in the argv
# then it will generate a proc that has extra code
# at the beginning to wrangle the named parameters
proc proc {name argv body} {
# handle the case where there are no named parameters
if {[lsearch $argv --] < 0} {
uplevel [list ::proc $name $argv $body]
if {[lsearch $argv --] == 0} {
return -code error "-- cannot be the first argument for named parameters. Use positional parameters."
set d [proc_args_to_dict $name $argv]
set newbody "::proc $name args {\n"
append newbody " ::np::np_handler [list $d] \$args\n"
append newbody $body
append newbody "\n}"
#puts $newbody
uplevel $newbody
namespace eval ::tclbuildtest {
variable system-count 0
variable build-count 0
# Standard predefined constraints
foreach ct {
c cxx fortran
single double
real complex
openmp thread hybrid mpi
} {::tcltest::testConstraint $ct 1}
# Return a value of the environment variable or {} if no such variable is set
proc env {var} {
try {return [set ::env($var)]} on error {} {return {}}
# MpiExec detection
proc mpiexec {} {
variable mpiexec
try {set mpiexec} on error {} {
set mpiexec {}
foreach x [collect [env MPIEXEC] mpiexec mpirun] {
if {![catch {exec {*}$x}]} {
set mpiexec $x
if {$mpiexec == {}} {error {failed to detect MpiExec or equivalent}}
return $mpiexec
# PkgConfig detection
proc pkg-config {} {
variable pc
try {set pc} on error {} {
set pc {}
foreach x [collect [env PKG_CONFIG] pkg-config pkgconf] {
if {![catch {exec {*}$x --version}]} {
set pc $x
if {$pc == {}} {error {failed to detect PkgConfig or equivalent}}
return $pc
# C compiler detection
proc cc {} {
variable cc
try {set cc} on error {} {
set cc {}
foreach x [collect [env CC] gcc] {
if {![catch {exec {*}$x --version}]} {
set cc $x
if {$cc == {}} {error {failed to detect C compiler}}
return $cc
# C++ compiler detection
proc cxx {} {
variable cxx
try {set cxx} on error {} {
set cxx {}
foreach x [collect [env CXX] g++] {
if {![catch {exec {*}$x --version}]} {
set cxx $x
if {$cxx == {}} {error {failed to detect C++ compiler}}
return $cxx
# FORTRAN compiler detection
proc fc {} {
variable fc
try {set fc} on error {} {
set fc {}
foreach x [collect [env FC] gfortran] {
if {![catch {exec {*}$x --version}]} {
set fc $x
if {$fc == {}} {error {failed to detect FORTRAN compiler}}
return $fc
# MPI C compiler detection
proc mpicc {} {
variable mpicc
try {set mpicc} on error {} {
set mpicc {}
foreach x [collect [env MPICC] mpicc] {
if {![catch {exec {*}$x --version}]} {
set mpicc $x
if {$mpicc == {}} {error {failed to detect MPI C compiler}}
return $mpicc
# MPI C++ compiler detection
proc mpicxx {} {
variable mpicxx
try {set mpicxx} on error {} {
set mpicxx {}
foreach x [collect [env MPICXX] mpicxx mpic++] {
if {![catch {exec {*}$x --version}]} {
set mpicxx $x
if {$mpicxx == {}} {error {failed to detect MPI C++ compiler}}
return $mpicxx
# MPI FORTRAN compiler detection
proc mpifc {} {
variable mpifc
try {set mpifc} on error {} {
set mpifc {}
foreach x [collect [env MPIFC] [env MPIFORT] mpifort mpif90 mpif77] {
if {![catch {exec {*}$x --version}]} {
set mpifc $x
if {$mpifc == {}} {error {failed to detect MPI FORTRAN compiler}}
return $mpifc
# Create temporary directory
proc mktempdir {} {
set t [file join $::env(TEMP) [file rootname [file tail [info script]]][expr {int(rand()*9999)}]]
file mkdir $t
return $t
# Delete directory tree
proc rmdir {dir} {
try {
file delete -force $dir
} on error {} {
# This command fires up a background sanitizing process which does its best to delete
# staging directory in spite of executable locks or what's not which can happend on Windows
# This code should work in real UNIX environments or UNIX-like Windows environments
# such as Cygwin or MSYS(2).
exec -ignorestderr sh -c "nohup \${SHELL} -c \" while \[ -d '$dir' \]; do rm -rf '$dir' || sleep 3; done\" > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
# Execute script from a temporary location
# Script file is copied to the location along with all residing files
# The location gets deleted afterwards
proc sandbox {script} {
variable stagedir [mktempdir]
try {
::tcltest::configure {*}$::argv
::tcltest::workingDirectory $stagedir
file copy -force {*}[glob -directory [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]] -nocomplain *] $stagedir
eval $script
} finally {
rmdir $stagedir
# Obtain compilation and linking flags for the specified packages via PkgConfig
proc require {args} {
if {[constraint? static]} {set flags --static} else {set flags {}}
xflags {*}[lindex [dict get [system [pkg-config] {*}$args --cflags {*}$flags] stdout] 0]
ldflags {*}[lindex [dict get [system [pkg-config] {*}$args --libs {*}$flags] stdout] 0]
# Deduce source code language from command line arguments
proc deduce-language {opts} {
switch -regexp -nocase [lindex $opts [lsearch -glob -not $opts {-*}]] {
{\.c$} {return c}
{\.(cxx|cpp|cc)$} {return cxx}
{\.(f|for|f\d+)$} {return fortran}
default {error {failed to deduce source language from the command line agruments}}
# Deduce compilation command from command line arguments
proc deduce-compiler-proc {opts} {
set lang [deduce-language $opts]
if {[constraint? mpi]} {
switch $lang {
c {return mpicc}
cxx {return mpicxx}
fortran {return mpifc}
} else {
switch $lang {
c {return cc}
cxx {return cxx}
fortran {return fc}
# Deduce compilation flags command from command line arguments
proc deduce-compile-flags-proc {opts} {
switch [deduce-language $opts] {
c {return cflags}
cxx {return cxxflags}
fortran {return fflags}
# C preprocessor command line arguments
proc cppflags {args} {
variable cppflags
try {set cppflags} on error {} {
set cppflags [lsqueeze [env CPPFLAGS]]
if {![constraint? debug]} {lappend cppflags -DNDEBUG}
lappend cppflags {*}$args
# Language-agnostic compilation command line arguments
proc xflags {args} {
variable xflags
try {set xflags} on error {} {
set xflags {}
if {[constraint? openmp]} {lappend xflags -fopenmp}
if {[constraint? thread]} {lappend xflags -pthread}
if {[constraint? debug]} {lappend xflags -Og} else {lappend xflags -O2}
lappend xflags {*}$args
# C-specific compilation command line arguments
proc cflags {args} {
variable cflags
try {set cflags} on error {} {
set cflags [lsqueeze [env CFLAGS]]
lappend cflags {*}$args
# C++-specific compilation command line arguments
proc cxxflags {args} {
variable cxxflags
try {set cxxflags} on error {} {
set cxxflags [lsqueeze [env CXXFLAGS]]
lappend cxxflags {*}$args
# FORTRAN-specific compilation command line arguments
proc fflags {args} {
variable fflags
try {set fflags} on error {} {
set fflags [lsqueeze [env FFLAGS]]
lappend fflags {*}$args
# Linker command line arguments
proc ldflags {args} {
variable ldflags
try {set ldflags} on error {} {
set ldflags [lsqueeze [env LDFLAGS]]
if {[constraint? static]} {lappend ldflags -static}
if {[constraint? openmp]} {lappend ldflags -fopenmp}
if {[constraint? thread]} {lappend ldflags -pthread}
lappend ldflags {*}$args
# Linked libraries command line arguments
proc libs {args} {
variable libs
try {set libs} on error {} {
set libs [lsqueeze [env LIBS]]
if {[constraint? cxx]} {lappend libs -lstdc++}
if {[constraint? fortran]} {lappend libs -lgfortran -lquadmath}
lappend libs {*}$args
# Perform source code compilation into executable
# Returns the executable name
proc build {args} {
set args [lsqueeze $args]
set exe [executable]
system {*}[concat \
[[deduce-compiler-proc $args]] \
-o $exe \
[cppflags] \
[xflags] \
[[deduce-compile-flags-proc $args]] \
$args \
[ldflags] \
[libs] \
return $exe
# Perform running of the specified executable with supplied command line arguments
proc run {args} {
if {[constraint? mpi]} {set runner [mpiexec]} else {set runner {}}
system {*}[list $runner {*}$args]
# Execute command line built from command line arguments
proc system {args} {
variable system-count
incr system-count
set stdout stdout${system-count}
set stderr stderr${system-count}
set args [lsqueeze $args]
set command [join $args]
if {[lsearch [::tcltest::verbose] exec] < 0} {set verbose 0} else {set verbose 1}
if {$verbose} {::puts [::tcltest::outputChannel] "> $command"}
try {
exec -ignorestderr -- {*}$args > $stdout 2> $stderr
set options {}
set status 0
set code ok
} trap CHILDSTATUS {results options} {
set status [lindex [dict get $options -errorcode] 2]
set code error
} finally {
try {
set out [read-file $stdout]
set err [read-file $stderr]
} finally {
file delete -force $stdout $stderr
if {$verbose} {
foreach x $out {::puts [::tcltest::outputChannel] $x}
if {[llength $out] > 0 && [llength $err] > 0} {::puts [::tcltest::outputChannel] ----}
foreach x $err {::puts [::tcltest::outputChannel] $x}
return -code $code [dict create command $command status $status stdout $out stderr $err options $options]
# Construct a scalar type ID from the constraints
proc x {} {
if {[constraint? complex]} {
if {[constraint? double]} {return z}
if {[constraint? single]} {return c}
} else {
if {[constraint? double]} {return d}
if {[constraint? single]} {return s}
error {failed to contstruct the scalar type}
# Construct an execution model ID from the constraints
proc y {} {
if {[constraint? mpi]} {return m}
if {[constraint-any? openmp thread]} {return t}
if {[constraint? hybrid]} {return h}
return s
# Construct an build type ID from the constraints
proc z {} {
if {[constraint? debug]} {return g}
return o
# Construct a 3-letter XYZ build code from the constraints
proc xyz {} {
return [x][y][z]
# Construct the test name based on the constraints set
proc name {} {
join [list [file rootname [file tail [info script]]] {*}[constraints]] -
# Construct new unique executable name
proc executable {} {
variable build-count
variable executable
return [set executable [name]-[incr build-count].exe]
# Construct human-readable description of the test according to the contraints set
proc description {} {
set t {}
switch [intersection {c cxx fortran} [constraints]] {
c {lappend t C}
cxx {lappend t C++}
fortran {lappend t FORTRAN}
try {
switch [y] {
s {lappend t sequential}
m {lappend t MPI}
t {lappend t multithreaded}
h {lappend t heterogeneous}
} on error {} {}
try {
switch [x] {
s {lappend t "single precision"}
d {lappend t "double precision"}
c {lappend t "single precision complex"}
z {lappend t "double precision complex"}
} on error {} {}
switch [z] {
o {lappend t optimized}
g {lappend t debugging}
if {[constraint? static]} {lappend t static}
join $t
# Set constraints
proc constraints {args} {
variable constraints
try {set constraints} on error {} {
set constraints {}
lappend constraints {*}[lsqueeze $args]
# Return true if any of specified contraints is set
proc constraint-any? {args} {
foreach ct $args {
if {[constraint? $ct]} {return 1}
return 0
# Return true if all scpecified constraints are set
proc constraint-all? {args} {
foreach ct $args {
if {![constraint? $ct]} {return 0}
return 1
# Return true if specified constraint is set
proc constraint? {ct} {
variable constraints
expr {[lsearch $constraints $ct] >= 0}
# Test failure is triggered by throwing an exception
::tcltest::customMatch exception {return 1; #}
# Main test command
::np::proc test {{name {}} {description {}} {match {exception}} -- cts script} {
foreach v {executable constraints cppflags xflags cflags cxxflags fflags ldflags libs} {variable $v; catch {unset $v}}
set cts [constraints {*}$cts]
if {$name == {}} {set name [name]}
if {$description == {}} {set description "[description] build"}
::tcltest::test $name $description -constraints $cts -body $script -match $match
# Attempt to delete the created executable if any to conserve space in the stage dir
# It's OK for the operation to fail at this point as the executable may still be locked
variable executable; try {file delete -force $executable} on error {} {}
# To be used in {all.tcl}
proc suite {args} {
::tcltest::configure -testdir [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]] {*}$args
# Quick & dirty hack to introduce extra verbosity option(s)
# Override the proc from in tcltest-*.tm
# Original code corresponds to version 2.5.1
proc ::tcltest::AcceptVerbose { level } {
set level [AcceptList $level]
set levelMap {
x exec
l list
p pass
b body
s skip
t start
e error
l line
m msec
u usec
set levelRegexp "^([join [dict values $levelMap] |])\$"
if {[llength $level] == 1} {
if {![regexp $levelRegexp $level]} {
# translate single characters abbreviations to expanded list
set level [string map $levelMap [split $level {}]]
set valid [list]
foreach v $level {
if {[regexp $levelRegexp $v]} {
lappend valid $v
return $valid
# Read text file and return list of lines
proc read-file {file} {
set f [open $file r]
try {
return [split [read -nonewline $f] \n]
} finally {
close $f
# Return a new list from the specified list entries squashing {} values
proc lsqueeze {list} {
set out [list]
foreach x $list {
if {$x != {}} {lappend out $x}
return $out
# Return a new list from the specified arguments squashing {} values
proc collect {args} {
lsqueeze $args
# Return intersection of two lists
proc intersection {a b} {
set x {}
foreach i $a {
if {[lsearch -exact $b $i] != -1} {lappend x $i}
return $x