blob: 28a00098ce7bf42f8b4339742c2a7917c52e8d76 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
// Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Monty Program Ab
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 MariaDB Corporation Ab
package org.mariadb.jdbc.client.column;
import java.sql.*;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.mariadb.jdbc.Configuration;
import org.mariadb.jdbc.client.ColumnDecoder;
import org.mariadb.jdbc.client.DataType;
import org.mariadb.jdbc.client.ReadableByteBuf;
import org.mariadb.jdbc.message.server.ColumnDefinitionPacket;
/** Column metadata definition */
public class DateColumn extends ColumnDefinitionPacket implements ColumnDecoder {
* Date metadata type decoder
* @param buf buffer
* @param charset charset
* @param length maximum data length
* @param dataType data type. see
* @param decimals decimal length
* @param flags flags. see
* @param stringPos string offset position in buffer
* @param extTypeName extended type name
* @param extTypeFormat extended type format
public DateColumn(
ReadableByteBuf buf,
int charset,
long length,
DataType dataType,
byte decimals,
int flags,
int[] stringPos,
String extTypeName,
String extTypeFormat) {
super(buf, charset, length, dataType, decimals, flags, stringPos, extTypeName, extTypeFormat);
public String defaultClassname(Configuration conf) {
return Date.class.getName();
public int getColumnType(Configuration conf) {
return Types.DATE;
public String getColumnTypeName(Configuration conf) {
return "DATE";
public Object getDefaultText(final Configuration conf, ReadableByteBuf buf, int length)
throws SQLDataException {
return decodeDateText(buf, length, null);
public Object getDefaultBinary(final Configuration conf, ReadableByteBuf buf, int length)
throws SQLDataException {
return decodeDateBinary(buf, length, null);
public boolean decodeBooleanText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(
String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Boolean", dataType));
public boolean decodeBooleanBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(
String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Boolean", dataType));
public byte decodeByteText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Byte", dataType));
public byte decodeByteBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Byte", dataType));
public String decodeStringText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length, Calendar cal)
throws SQLDataException {
return buf.readString(length);
public String decodeStringBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length, Calendar cal)
throws SQLDataException {
if (length == 0) return "0000-00-00";
int dateYear = buf.readUnsignedShort();
int dateMonth = buf.readByte();
int dateDay = buf.readByte();
return LocalDate.of(dateYear, dateMonth, dateDay).toString();
public short decodeShortText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Short", dataType));
public short decodeShortBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Short", dataType));
public int decodeIntText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(
String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Integer", dataType));
public int decodeIntBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(
String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Integer", dataType));
public long decodeLongText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Long", dataType));
public long decodeLongBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Long", dataType));
public float decodeFloatText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Float", dataType));
public float decodeFloatBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Float", dataType));
public double decodeDoubleText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Double", dataType));
public double decodeDoubleBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length) throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Double", dataType));
public Date decodeDateText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length, Calendar cal)
throws SQLDataException {
int year = (int) buf.atoull(4);
int month = (int) buf.atoull(2);
int dayOfMonth = (int) buf.atoull(2);
if (year == 0 && month == 0 && dayOfMonth == 0) return null;
Calendar c = cal == null ? Calendar.getInstance() : cal;
synchronized (c) {
c.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
c.set(Calendar.MONTH, month - 1);
c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonth);
return new Date(c.getTimeInMillis());
public Date decodeDateBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length, Calendar cal)
throws SQLDataException {
if (length == 0) return null;
Calendar c = cal == null ? Calendar.getInstance() : cal;
synchronized (c) {
c.set(Calendar.YEAR, buf.readShort());
c.set(Calendar.MONTH, buf.readByte() - 1);
c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, buf.readByte());
return new Date(c.getTimeInMillis());
public Time decodeTimeText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length, Calendar cal)
throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Time", dataType));
public Time decodeTimeBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length, Calendar cal)
throws SQLDataException {
throw new SQLDataException(String.format("Data type %s cannot be decoded as Time", dataType));
public Timestamp decodeTimestampText(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length, Calendar calParam)
throws SQLDataException {
if (calParam == null || calParam.getTimeZone().equals(TimeZone.getDefault())) {
String s = buf.readAscii(length);
if ("0000-00-00".equals(s)) return null;
return new Timestamp(Date.valueOf(s).getTime());
String[] datePart = buf.readAscii(length).split("-");
synchronized (calParam) {
Integer.parseInt(datePart[1]) - 1,
return new Timestamp(calParam.getTimeInMillis());
public Timestamp decodeTimestampBinary(ReadableByteBuf buf, int length, Calendar calParam)
throws SQLDataException {
if (length == 0) return null;
Calendar cal = calParam == null ? Calendar.getInstance() : calParam;
int year;
int month;
long dayOfMonth;
year = buf.readUnsignedShort();
month = buf.readByte();
dayOfMonth = buf.readByte();
if (year == 0 && month == 0 && dayOfMonth == 0) return null;
Timestamp timestamp;
synchronized (cal) {
cal.set(year, month - 1, (int) dayOfMonth, 0, 0, 0);
timestamp = new Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis());
return timestamp;