blob: 82fb90b0771d64c2935ad49851d3b2c765f430b2 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// RTP sink for H.264 video (RFC 3984)
// Implementation
#include "H264VideoRTPSink.hh"
#include "H264VideoStreamFramer.hh"
#include "Base64.hh"
#include "H264VideoRTPSource.hh" // for "parseSPropParameterSets()"
////////// H264VideoRTPSink implementation //////////
::H264VideoRTPSink(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTPgs, unsigned char rtpPayloadFormat,
u_int8_t const* sps, unsigned spsSize, u_int8_t const* pps, unsigned ppsSize)
: H264or5VideoRTPSink(264, env, RTPgs, rtpPayloadFormat,
NULL, 0, sps, spsSize, pps, ppsSize) {
H264VideoRTPSink::~H264VideoRTPSink() {
H264VideoRTPSink* H264VideoRTPSink
::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTPgs, unsigned char rtpPayloadFormat) {
return new H264VideoRTPSink(env, RTPgs, rtpPayloadFormat);
H264VideoRTPSink* H264VideoRTPSink
::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTPgs, unsigned char rtpPayloadFormat,
u_int8_t const* sps, unsigned spsSize, u_int8_t const* pps, unsigned ppsSize) {
return new H264VideoRTPSink(env, RTPgs, rtpPayloadFormat, sps, spsSize, pps, ppsSize);
H264VideoRTPSink* H264VideoRTPSink
::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, Groupsock* RTPgs, unsigned char rtpPayloadFormat,
char const* sPropParameterSetsStr) {
u_int8_t* sps = NULL; unsigned spsSize = 0;
u_int8_t* pps = NULL; unsigned ppsSize = 0;
unsigned numSPropRecords;
SPropRecord* sPropRecords = parseSPropParameterSets(sPropParameterSetsStr, numSPropRecords);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSPropRecords; ++i) {
if (sPropRecords[i].sPropLength == 0) continue; // bad data
u_int8_t nal_unit_type = (sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes[0])&0x1F;
if (nal_unit_type == 7/*SPS*/) {
sps = sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes;
spsSize = sPropRecords[i].sPropLength;
} else if (nal_unit_type == 8/*PPS*/) {
pps = sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes;
ppsSize = sPropRecords[i].sPropLength;
H264VideoRTPSink* result
= new H264VideoRTPSink(env, RTPgs, rtpPayloadFormat, sps, spsSize, pps, ppsSize);
delete[] sPropRecords;
return result;
Boolean H264VideoRTPSink::sourceIsCompatibleWithUs(MediaSource& source) {
// Our source must be an appropriate framer:
return source.isH264VideoStreamFramer();
char const* H264VideoRTPSink::auxSDPLine() {
// Generate a new "a=fmtp:" line each time, using our SPS and PPS (if we have them),
// otherwise parameters from our framer source (in case they've changed since the last time that
// we were called):
H264or5VideoStreamFramer* framerSource = NULL;
u_int8_t* vpsDummy = NULL; unsigned vpsDummySize = 0;
u_int8_t* sps = fSPS; unsigned spsSize = fSPSSize;
u_int8_t* pps = fPPS; unsigned ppsSize = fPPSSize;
if (sps == NULL || pps == NULL) {
// We need to get SPS and PPS from our framer source:
if (fOurFragmenter == NULL) return NULL; // we don't yet have a fragmenter (and therefore not a source)
framerSource = (H264or5VideoStreamFramer*)(fOurFragmenter->inputSource());
if (framerSource == NULL) return NULL; // we don't yet have a source
framerSource->getVPSandSPSandPPS(vpsDummy, vpsDummySize, sps, spsSize, pps, ppsSize);
if (sps == NULL || pps == NULL) return NULL; // our source isn't ready
// Set up the "a=fmtp:" SDP line for this stream:
u_int8_t* spsWEB = new u_int8_t[spsSize]; // "WEB" means "Without Emulation Bytes"
unsigned spsWEBSize = removeH264or5EmulationBytes(spsWEB, spsSize, sps, spsSize);
if (spsWEBSize < 4) { // Bad SPS size => assume our source isn't ready
delete[] spsWEB;
return NULL;
u_int32_t profileLevelId = (spsWEB[1]<<16) | (spsWEB[2]<<8) | spsWEB[3];
delete[] spsWEB;
char* sps_base64 = base64Encode((char*)sps, spsSize);
char* pps_base64 = base64Encode((char*)pps, ppsSize);
char const* fmtpFmt =
"a=fmtp:%d packetization-mode=1"
unsigned fmtpFmtSize = strlen(fmtpFmt)
+ 3 /* max char len */
+ 6 /* 3 bytes in hex */
+ strlen(sps_base64) + strlen(pps_base64);
char* fmtp = new char[fmtpFmtSize];
sprintf(fmtp, fmtpFmt,
sps_base64, pps_base64);
delete[] sps_base64;
delete[] pps_base64;
delete[] fFmtpSDPLine; fFmtpSDPLine = fmtp;
return fFmtpSDPLine;