blob: cc2340988bf0a7ccdafbdadb92923f5198f19476 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020, Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved
// A program that acts as a proxy for a RTSP stream, converting it into a sequence of
// HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) segments, plus a ".m3u8" file that can be accessed via a web browser.
// main program
#include "liveMedia.hh"
#include "BasicUsageEnvironment.hh"
#define RTSP_CLIENT_VERBOSITY_LEVEL 0 // set to 1 for more verbose output from the "RTSPClient"
#define OUR_HLS_REWIND_DURATION 60 /*seconds: How far back in time a browser can seek*/
UsageEnvironment* env;
char const* programName;
char* username = NULL;
char* password = NULL;
Authenticator* ourAuthenticator = NULL;
Boolean streamUsingTCP = False;
portNumBits tunnelOverHTTPPortNum = 0;
char const* hlsPrefix;
MediaSession* session;
MediaSubsession* subsession;
double duration = 0.0;
Boolean createHandlerServerForREGISTERCommand = False;
portNumBits handlerServerForREGISTERCommandPortNum = 0;
HandlerServerForREGISTERCommand* handlerServerForREGISTERCommand;
char* usernameForREGISTER = NULL;
char* passwordForREGISTER = NULL;
UserAuthenticationDatabase* authDBForREGISTER = NULL;
void usage() {
*env << "usage:\t" << programName << " [-u <username> <password>] [-t|-T <http-port>] <input-RTSP-url> <HLS-prefix>\n";
*env << " or:\t" << programName << " -R [<port-num>] [-U <username-for-REGISTER> <password-for-REGISTER>] <HLS-prefix>\n";
// Forward function definitions:
void continueAfterClientCreation0(RTSPClient* rtspClient, Boolean requestStreamingOverTCP);
void continueAfterClientCreation1(RTSPClient* rtspClient);
void continueAfterDESCRIBE(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Begin by setting up our usage environment:
TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);
// Parse the command line:
programName = argv[0];
while (argc > 1) {
char* const opt = argv[1];
if (opt[0] != '-') {
if (argc <= 3) break; // only the URL + prefix is left
switch (opt[1]) {
case 'u': { // specify a username and password
if (argc < 4) usage(); // there's no argv[3] (for the "password")
username = argv[2];
password = argv[3];
argv+=2; argc-=2;
ourAuthenticator = new Authenticator(username, password);
case 't': { // stream RTP and RTCP over the TCP 'control' connection
streamUsingTCP = True;
case 'T': {
if (argc > 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
// The next argument is the HTTP server port number:
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &tunnelOverHTTPPortNum) == 1
&& tunnelOverHTTPPortNum > 0) {
++argv; --argc;
// If we get here, the option was specified incorrectly:
case 'R': {
// set up a handler server for incoming "REGISTER" commands
createHandlerServerForREGISTERCommand = True;
if (argc > 2 && argv[2][0] != '-') {
// The next argument is the REGISTER handler server port number:
if (sscanf(argv[2], "%hu", &handlerServerForREGISTERCommandPortNum) == 1 && handlerServerForREGISTERCommandPortNum > 0) {
++argv; --argc;
case 'U': { // specify a username and password to be used to authentication an incoming "REGISTER" command (for use with -R)
if (argc < 4) usage(); // there's no argv[3] (for the "password")
usernameForREGISTER = argv[2];
passwordForREGISTER = argv[3];
argv+=2; argc-=2;
if (authDBForREGISTER == NULL) authDBForREGISTER = new UserAuthenticationDatabase;
authDBForREGISTER->addUserRecord(usernameForREGISTER, passwordForREGISTER);
default: {
*env << "Invalid option: " << opt << "\n";
++argv; --argc;
// Create (or arrange to create) our RTSP client object:
if (createHandlerServerForREGISTERCommand) {
if (argc != 2) usage();
hlsPrefix = argv[1];
= HandlerServerForREGISTERCommand::createNew(*env, continueAfterClientCreation0,
handlerServerForREGISTERCommandPortNum, authDBForREGISTER,
if (handlerServerForREGISTERCommand == NULL) {
*env << "Failed to create a server for handling incoming \"REGISTER\" commands: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
} else {
*env << "Awaiting an incoming \"REGISTER\" command on port " << handlerServerForREGISTERCommand->serverPortNum() << "\n";
} else { // Normal case
if (argc != 3) usage();
if (usernameForREGISTER != NULL) {
*env << "The '-U <username-for-REGISTER> <password-for-REGISTER>' option can be used only with -R\n";
char const* rtspURL = argv[1];
hlsPrefix = argv[2];
RTSPClient* rtspClient
= RTSPClient::createNew(*env, rtspURL, RTSP_CLIENT_VERBOSITY_LEVEL, programName, tunnelOverHTTPPortNum);
if (rtspClient == NULL) {
*env << "Failed to create a RTSP client for URL \"" << rtspURL << "\": " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
// All further processing will be done from within the event loop:
env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return
return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning
void continueAfterClientCreation0(RTSPClient* newRTSPClient, Boolean requestStreamingOverTCP) {
if (newRTSPClient == NULL) return;
streamUsingTCP = requestStreamingOverTCP;
// Having handled one "REGISTER" command (giving us a "rtsp://" URL to stream from), we don't handle any more:
Medium::close(handlerServerForREGISTERCommand); handlerServerForREGISTERCommand = NULL;
void continueAfterClientCreation1(RTSPClient* rtspClient) {
// Having created a "RTSPClient" object, send a RTSP "DESCRIBE" command for the URL:
rtspClient->sendDescribeCommand(continueAfterDESCRIBE, ourAuthenticator);
// A function that outputs a string that identifies each stream (for debugging output).
UsageEnvironment& operator<<(UsageEnvironment& env, const RTSPClient& rtspClient) {
return env << "[URL:\"" << rtspClient.url() << "\"]: ";
// A function that outputs a string that identifies each subsession (for debugging output).
UsageEnvironment& operator<<(UsageEnvironment& env, const MediaSubsession& subsession) {
return env << subsession.mediumName() << "/" << subsession.codecName();
void continueAfterSETUP(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString); // forward
void continueAfterDESCRIBE(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
do {
if (resultCode != 0) {
*env << *rtspClient << "Failed to get a SDP description: " << resultString << "\n";
delete[] resultString;
// Create a media session object from the SDP description.
// Then iterate over it, to look for subsession(s) that we can handle:
session = MediaSession::createNew(*env, resultString);
delete[] resultString;
if (session == NULL) {
*env << *rtspClient << "Failed to create a MediaSession object from the SDP description: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
} else if (!session->hasSubsessions()) {
*env << *rtspClient << "This session has no media subsessions (i.e., no \"m=\" lines)\n";
MediaSubsessionIterator* iter = new MediaSubsessionIterator(*session);
while ((subsession = iter->next()) != NULL) {
if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "video") == 0 &&
strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "H264") == 0) break; // use this subsession
delete iter;
if (subsession == NULL) {
*env << *rtspClient << "This stream has no usable subsessions\n";
if (!subsession->initiate()) {
*env << *rtspClient << "Failed to initiate the \"" << *subsession << "\" subsession: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
} else {
*env << *rtspClient << "Initiated the \"" << *subsession << "\" subsession\n";
// Continue setting up this subsession, by sending a RTSP "SETUP" command:
rtspClient->sendSetupCommand(*subsession, continueAfterSETUP, False, streamUsingTCP,
False, ourAuthenticator);
} while (0);
// An error occurred:
void segmentationCallback(void* clientData, char const* segmentFileName, double segmentDuration); // forward
void afterPlaying(void* clientData); // forward
void continueAfterPLAY(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString); // forward
void continueAfterSETUP(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
do {
if (resultCode != 0) {
*env << *rtspClient << "Failed to set up the \"" << *subsession << "\" subsession: " << resultString << "\n";
delete[] resultString;
*env << *rtspClient << "Set up the \"" << *subsession << "\" subsession\n";
// Having successfully setup the subsession, create a data sink for it, and call "startPlaying()" on it.
// (This will prepare the data sink to receive data; the actual flow of data from the client won't start happening until later,
// after we've sent a RTSP "PLAY" command.)
= HLSSegmenter::createNew(*env, OUR_HLS_SEGMENTATION_DURATION, hlsPrefix, segmentationCallback);
// Create a 'framer' filter for the input source, to put the stream of NAL units into a
// form that's usable in output Transport Streams.
// (Note that we use a *DiscreteFramer*, because the input source is a stream of discrete
// NAL units - i.e., one at a time.)
H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer* framer
= H264VideoStreamDiscreteFramer::createNew(*env, subsession->readSource(),
// Then create a filter that packs the H.264 video data into a Transport Stream:
MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource* tsFrames = MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource::createNew(*env);
tsFrames->addNewVideoSource(framer, 5/*mpegVersion: H.264*/);
// Start playing the sink object:
*env << "Beginning to read...\n";
subsession->sink->startPlaying(*tsFrames, afterPlaying, NULL);
// Also set up BYE handler//#####@@@@@
// Finally, send a RTSP "PLAY" command to tell the server to start streaming:
if (session->absStartTime() != NULL) {
// Special case: The stream is indexed by 'absolute' time, so send an appropriate "PLAY" command:
rtspClient->sendPlayCommand(*session, continueAfterPLAY, session->absStartTime(), session->absEndTime(), 1.0f, ourAuthenticator);
} else {
duration = session->playEndTime() - session->playStartTime();
rtspClient->sendPlayCommand(*session, continueAfterPLAY, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, ourAuthenticator);
} while (0);
// An error occurred:
// A record that defines a segment that has been written. These records are kept in a list:
class SegmentRecord {
SegmentRecord(char const* segmentFileName, double segmentDuration)
: fNext(NULL), fSegmentFileName(strDup(segmentFileName)), fSegmentDuration(segmentDuration) {
virtual ~SegmentRecord() {
delete[] fSegmentFileName;
delete fNext;
SegmentRecord*& next() { return fNext; }
char const* fileName() const { return fSegmentFileName; }
double duration() const { return fSegmentDuration; }
SegmentRecord* fNext;
char* fSegmentFileName;
double fSegmentDuration;
SegmentRecord* head = NULL;
SegmentRecord* tail = NULL;
double totalDuration = 0.0;
char* ourM3U8FileName = NULL;
void segmentationCallback(void* /*clientData*/,
char const* segmentFileName, double segmentDuration) {
// Begin by updating our list of segments:
SegmentRecord* newSegment = new SegmentRecord(segmentFileName, segmentDuration);
if (tail != NULL) {
tail->next() = newSegment;
} else {
head = newSegment;
tail = newSegment;
totalDuration += segmentDuration;
fprintf(stderr, "Wrote segment \"%s\" (duration: %f seconds) -> %f seconds of data stored\n",
segmentFileName, segmentDuration, totalDuration);
static unsigned firstSegmentCounter = 1;
while (totalDuration > OUR_HLS_REWIND_DURATION) {
// Remove segments from the head of the list:
SegmentRecord* segmentToRemove = head;
if (segmentToRemove == NULL) exit(1); // should not happen
head = segmentToRemove->next();
if (tail == segmentToRemove) { // should not happen
tail = NULL;
segmentToRemove->next() = NULL;
totalDuration -= segmentToRemove->duration();
fprintf(stderr, "\tDeleting segment \"%s\" (duration: %f seconds) -> %f seconds of data stored\n",
segmentToRemove->fileName(), segmentToRemove->duration(), totalDuration);
if (unlink(segmentToRemove->fileName()) != 0) {
*env << "\t\tunlink(\"" << segmentToRemove->fileName() << "\") failed: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
delete segmentToRemove;
// Then, rewrite our ".h3u8" file with the new list of segments:
if (ourM3U8FileName == NULL) {
ourM3U8FileName = new char[strlen(hlsPrefix) + 5/*strlen(".m3u8")*/ + 1];
if (ourM3U8FileName == NULL) exit(1);
sprintf(ourM3U8FileName, "%s.m3u8", hlsPrefix);
// Open our ".m3u8" file for output, and write the prefix:
FILE* ourM3U8Fid = fopen(ourM3U8FileName, "wb");
if (ourM3U8Fid == NULL) {
*env << "Failed to open file \"" << ourM3U8FileName << "\": " << env->getResultMsg();
// Write the list of segments:
for (SegmentRecord* segment = head; segment != NULL; segment = segment->next()) {
// Close our ".m3u8" file:
static Boolean isFirstTime = True;
if (isFirstTime) {
fprintf(stderr, "Wrote index file \"%s\"; the stream can now be played from a URL pointing to this file.\007\n", ourM3U8FileName);
isFirstTime = False;
void afterPlaying(void* /*clientData*/) {
*env << "...Done reading\n";
void continueAfterPLAY(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
do {
if (resultCode != 0) {
*env << *rtspClient << "Failed to start playing session: " << resultString << "\n";
delete[] resultString;
// Set timer based on duration #####@@@@@
*env << *rtspClient << "Started playing session";
if (duration > 0) {
*env << " (for up to " << duration << " seconds)";
*env << "...\n";
} while (0);
// An error occurred: