blob: 1ccaf457b8abf7d916db02c3d8a6c7ac925919a7 [file] [log] [blame]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2020 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// A class used for digest authentication.
// Implementation
#include "DigestAuthentication.hh"
#include "ourMD5.hh"
#include <strDup.hh>
#include <GroupsockHelper.hh> // for gettimeofday()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
Authenticator::Authenticator() {
assign(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, False);
Authenticator::Authenticator(char const* username, char const* password, Boolean passwordIsMD5) {
assign(NULL, NULL, username, password, passwordIsMD5);
Authenticator::Authenticator(const Authenticator& orig) {
assign(orig.realm(), orig.nonce(), orig.username(), orig.password(), orig.fPasswordIsMD5);
Authenticator& Authenticator::operator=(const Authenticator& rightSide) {
if (&rightSide != this) {
assign(rightSide.realm(), rightSide.nonce(),
rightSide.username(), rightSide.password(), rightSide.fPasswordIsMD5);
return *this;
Boolean Authenticator::operator<(const Authenticator* rightSide) {
// Returns True if "rightSide" is 'newer' than us:
if (rightSide != NULL && rightSide != this &&
(rightSide->realm() != NULL || rightSide->nonce() != NULL ||
username() == NULL || password() == NULL ||
strcmp(rightSide->username(), username()) != 0 ||
strcmp(rightSide->password(), password()) != 0)) {
return True;
return False;
Authenticator::~Authenticator() {
void Authenticator::reset() {
void Authenticator::setRealmAndNonce(char const* realm, char const* nonce) {
assignRealmAndNonce(realm, nonce);
void Authenticator::setRealmAndRandomNonce(char const* realm) {
// Construct data to seed the random nonce:
struct {
struct timeval timestamp;
unsigned counter;
} seedData;
gettimeofday(&seedData.timestamp, NULL);
static unsigned counter = 0;
seedData.counter = ++counter;
// Use MD5 to compute a 'random' nonce from this seed data:
char nonceBuf[33];
our_MD5Data((unsigned char*)(&seedData), sizeof seedData, nonceBuf);
assignRealmAndNonce(realm, nonceBuf);
void Authenticator::setUsernameAndPassword(char const* username,
char const* password,
Boolean passwordIsMD5) {
assignUsernameAndPassword(username, password, passwordIsMD5);
char const* Authenticator::computeDigestResponse(char const* cmd,
char const* url) const {
// The "response" field is computed as:
// md5(md5(<username>:<realm>:<password>):<nonce>:md5(<cmd>:<url>))
// or, if "fPasswordIsMD5" is True:
// md5(<password>:<nonce>:md5(<cmd>:<url>))
char ha1Buf[33];
if (fPasswordIsMD5) {
strncpy(ha1Buf, password(), 32);
ha1Buf[32] = '\0'; // just in case
} else {
unsigned const ha1DataLen = strlen(username()) + 1
+ strlen(realm()) + 1 + strlen(password());
unsigned char* ha1Data = new unsigned char[ha1DataLen+1];
sprintf((char*)ha1Data, "%s:%s:%s", username(), realm(), password());
our_MD5Data(ha1Data, ha1DataLen, ha1Buf);
delete[] ha1Data;
unsigned const ha2DataLen = strlen(cmd) + 1 + strlen(url);
unsigned char* ha2Data = new unsigned char[ha2DataLen+1];
sprintf((char*)ha2Data, "%s:%s", cmd, url);
char ha2Buf[33];
our_MD5Data(ha2Data, ha2DataLen, ha2Buf);
delete[] ha2Data;
unsigned const digestDataLen
= 32 + 1 + strlen(nonce()) + 1 + 32;
unsigned char* digestData = new unsigned char[digestDataLen+1];
sprintf((char*)digestData, "%s:%s:%s",
ha1Buf, nonce(), ha2Buf);
char const* result = our_MD5Data(digestData, digestDataLen, NULL);
delete[] digestData;
return result;
void Authenticator::reclaimDigestResponse(char const* responseStr) const {
void Authenticator::resetRealmAndNonce() {
delete[] fRealm; fRealm = NULL;
delete[] fNonce; fNonce = NULL;
void Authenticator::resetUsernameAndPassword() {
delete[] fUsername; fUsername = NULL;
delete[] fPassword; fPassword = NULL;
fPasswordIsMD5 = False;
void Authenticator::assignRealmAndNonce(char const* realm, char const* nonce) {
fRealm = strDup(realm);
fNonce = strDup(nonce);
void Authenticator::assignUsernameAndPassword(char const* username, char const* password, Boolean passwordIsMD5) {
if (username == NULL) username = "";
if (password == NULL) password = "";
fUsername = strDup(username);
fPassword = strDup(password);
fPasswordIsMD5 = passwordIsMD5;
void Authenticator::assign(char const* realm, char const* nonce,
char const* username, char const* password, Boolean passwordIsMD5) {
assignRealmAndNonce(realm, nonce);
assignUsernameAndPassword(username, password, passwordIsMD5);